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Lia wiped her eyes, as tears formed from laughing so hard. She looked around at the others, seeing them sniggering and Tony had a look of disgust on his face. She flipped him off as she stood, pulling her box closer.

'Is it wrong, thst I want to know what's in there?'... Sam says, looking around at the others.

'I don't mind showing you..'.. Lia opens the box, and begins to pull out the items. They were a mix of vibrators, wands and the last one was blue metal balls, that had Caps shield emblem on... 'Thought these were funny when I saw them. Seeing as I called him Captain Blue balls'

Nat picked up a wand, that had her Black Widow symbol on. She smirked at Lia... 'I'm guessing each one is a representation of us?'

'Oh yeah, except Tony. That would've weird'... She placed them all back in the box.

'How can you be an addict, when you're a virgin?'... Tony scoffs, disgusted.

'Well maybe if you'd stop getting in my way of getting laid, I wouldn't need to use so many toys'... She picked up her box, and headed to the elevator... 'No one to disturb me for the rest of the day. I'm product testing'

Bucky coughed, Bruce blushed, and Sam shook his head. Clint was amused by her. She didn't flirt with any of them, but did tease them. He thought she would definitely handle the guys.


Steve walked out of his room, after getting changed to head to the gym. He needed to go a few rounds on a bag. She she had arrived yesterday and already made him want to put his fist through a few bags.

The way she spoke, and acted was a type of behaviour he had never seen with women. Granted, the only ones he'd spent any actual time with since he came out of the ice were Nat, Pepper, Sharon and Agent Hill.

None of them behaved like her. The way she dressed as well, as though she had no respect for herself. Her shorts were extremely short last night, she may as well not have worn any.

Hearing the elevator doors open, he almost crashed into her, as she stepped out. He moved to the side, as she carried the box into her room with a grin. He hesitated, before turning and walking in after her.

'Why are you here?'... He demanded.

Lia turned the box in her arms, emptying the contents on her bed. She heard him, she chose not to acknowledge him. She turned, heading to her bathroom and switching the shower on. She went back in her room, still ignoring him.

'I asked you a question. Answer me'... She went to her closet, pulling out some lace underwear and bra set, tossing them on the bed, next to her new toys.

'Why come here now? You trying to gain access to SHIELD, or to Stark tech?'... Steve stepped forward, trying to get her to answer him. He didn't know why he was so angry, he wanted to grab her and shake her. Make her answer him.

Lia just smiled to herself, as she pulled out an outfit, and moved to put it on her desk, by her bathroom door. She didn't care that he was stood there, with her door open. She pulled her sports shorts down, and her sports bra off. Tossing them to the floor by his feet.

She heard him suck in a breath, and she still didn't look at him, or say anything. Walking into her bathroom, she stepped into her shower. She began to clean herself up, when she hear her bedroom door slam shut.

She laughed, knowing she won that one. Best way to shut a man up, get naked. She cleaned herself up, and switched the shower off. Pulling the shower door open, she grabbed her towel, and wrapped it around her. She wasn't really going to use the toys, she had gotten them as a means to keep up her facade.

Lia was a virgin, yes. But she was completely and irrevocably in love with someone, she could never have, and had been for years. Walking into her room with a sigh, she dried herself off and got dressed. Sweeping the toys off the bed, and back into the box, she closed it up and put it in her closet.

She flopped onto her bed, exhausted. Not bothering to get under her quilt she grabbed both sides, and cocooned herself up, and fell asleep.


Steve didn't hold back, as he laid into the third punching bag he had hung up. He was going so hard, he was breaking them. He was a good person, who was fair, and understanding, but he hated her so much. She came after everything that had happened. Hydra were still out there, and it made him more suspicious of new people.

He had spent a good few hours last night, after he got back from the bar, trying to find out what he could on her, but he came up empty. It was as though, she didn't exist.

'You want to take it easy? Can't afford to keep replacing those'... Steve closed his eyes, dropping his hands. He really didn't want to get into it with Tony right now.

'What do you want Tony?'... He began to unwrap his hands, not looking at him.

'Out of everyone, thought you and Barnes would be understanding. She didn't ask for any of it. And me being my usual self centered self..'.. Tony sighed... 'I pushed her away, and made things worse for her. She should've died as a kid. She was untreatable..'

Steve turned, frowning at Tony... 'She was right. She came back, and I didn't think of how hard it was for her. What my dad did, was inexcusable. She was a child, not an experiment. You chose it, she didn't, neither did Barnes. She never had anyone who gave a shit..'.. Tony runs a hand through his hair.

Tony looks at Steve, who saw the sadness in his face... 'Look, I don't get what your issue is, but I know you tried looking into her. Whatever you want to know, ask her. I have a chance here, to build a relationship with my sister again, but I can't have you causing problems. If it comes down to you or her, I'll choose her..'.. Tony folds his arms, staring at Steve.

'Why now Tony? Why come to you now? We don't know the truth. You've been here the last few years, so how do you know that no one else has gotten to her? That she's not working for anyone?'... Steve walks to the bench, sitting down.

'Because I've always had eyes on her. She doesn't know it, but I've kept the guys away from her for a reason. I looked into them, and not one of them were nice guys. Drugs, debt, violent. They all had some sorta skeleton in their closet. If she knew, she'd be pissed and beat them senseless..'.. Tony rubs a hand over his face... 'I'd rather she hate me, than have to visit her in prison where I can't protect her'

'So why not tell her?'... Steve asks, looking over at his friend.

Tony scoffed... 'You've known her a day, do you really think she'd let it go? The only person that ever showed her any love or care since she came home that day, was Peggy Carter..'.. Steve's eyes went wide... 'Carter would visit her, be there for her. Right up until her health took a turn. Lia paid for Carters care. Made sure to clear any of her debts, so Peggy's family didn't shoulder that burden'

That stunned Steve. Lia didn't seem like the type to care about anyone but herself. He sat for a minute, listening to Tony continue.

'Lia owns a few businesses. And her profits go towards whoever she can help. She made sure, that Peggy was taken care of, and she still makes the time to visit her, at least once a week. You may not like how she is, or the way she talks, but when it comes right down to it Cap, she would fight to protect you too. Try getting to know her, you'll really see the truth then'... Tony turns and leaves the gym, as Steve sat, pondering his words.


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