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Steve headed back to the main room, and found the others there. Considering the bright early morning light shinging through the windows, they had both slept a good while.

'Morning Cap. Hope she didn't interrupt anything?'... Steve shook his head at Tony, and went to grab a plate of food from the breakfast bar.

'No, we didn't even get a chance to talk. Lia wanted to apologise, but she's got nothing to be sorry for. All that matters is she's back..'.. He looked at the foods, wondering as to what would be best for her. He didn't know what she could or couldn't eat while pregnant.

He turned, his eyes catching on Clint.. 'Uh, what can she eat while pregnant? Anything she has to avoid?'..

Clint chuckled, standing up to come over to Steve... 'She'll need plenty of foods with iron and vitamins. No raw meats or fish. Avoid raw eggs too. Her appetite can change and foods that she's eaten before, she may not want now..'

Steve frowned at him, trying to take it all in... 'Uh, when Laura was pregnant with Lila, she couldn't eat any meat. She did before, and pretty much ate burgers and steaks a whole month after she was born..'... Clint chuckled at the memory.

'Just pile it up with bacon and pickles, and you'll be fine..'.. They turned, seeing Lia and Pepper enter the room.

'I'm not sorry Steve...'.. Pepper gave him a look. Lia sniggered and walked over to him. He could see she was nervous, and he smiled at her.

'Do I even want to know?'... Tony hands Pepper her tea, kissing the side of her head.

'I burst in as he kissed her, and dragged him away, throwing him to the side..'.. Pepper sips her drink, and heads to the table to sit. Tony shook his head, looking at Steve.

'I did warn you. Just be thankful you didn't look the door, that would've pissed her off more..'... The others chuckled, eating breakfast.

Steve looked back at Lias seeing the worry in her eyes... 'Hey, it's ok. No one is angry or upset with you. Trust me, they're just glad you're home..'.. He leaned in, kissing her, not caring of their audience.

'Uh Cap, as much as I'm ok that you're with my sister and you knocked her up, I really don't want to see you to mauling each other...'... The two of them parted and sighed.

'Fuck off Tony..'.. They both said at the same time. Lia clapped her hands to her mouth, hearing him swear again. She couldn't help it, but burst out laughing, it consumed her, that tears began to run down her face.

'Give me a minute..'.. Steve watched her run from the room, giggling. He looked around at the others, wondering if he should follow.

'Pregnancy bladder..'.. Steve turned to Clint... 'Sneezing, laughing, crying. Everything will set her off. She'll be running back and fore the bathroom a lot..'

Steve realised that he had so much to learn. He sighed, feeling as though he was doing it wrong already....'Tony, can you help me? I need to know all this stuff..'

'I don't know it either. Honestly, I've just been getting it through day by day..'.. She came back in, taking his hand... 'We'll learn together. Right now I just want bacon and pickles..'

Steve gave her a plateful of bacon, and headed to the cupboards in search of pickles... 'Any particular ones?'... He turns to ask her, seeing her with a mouthful of bacon and a guilty look on her face. He couldn't help but chuckle at her.

Lia quickly ate what was in her mouth to answer him... 'Not fussed, I just need pickles..'... She watched as he pulled a jar from the cupboard, and she started crying.

Steve began to panic, he didn't know what to do, he rushed over to her, putting the jar down, and hugging her... 'Sorry, I'm just happy you found pickles..'

Steve looked around at bemused expressions on the others. And Loki shook his head... 'As much as adore you little one, I'm thankful to not have to conjure anyone of those disgusting things..'

Lia laughed into Steve's chest, happy that he was holding her. She held her hand out to the jar, and it moved towards her. She focused and the lid popped off. She reached into the jar, and began to eat them, one straight after the other.

Steve was fighting a laugh, seeing how fast she was eating them. It didn't take long for her to empty the jar.

'Friday, order 10 cases of pickles. Express delivery. I want them here by the end of the day..'.. Lia sat up and looked over to Tony who just shrugged at her... 'I'm fearing for our lives. Who knows how you'll be if there's none here for you to eat..'

She shook her head at him, and wrapped her arms around Steve. She smiled up at him... 'I'm still tired, and wouldn't mind a shower. Can we stay in bed and watch a movie?'

He rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head... 'Whatever you want sweetheart..'

She got up off the stool, and took her time to hug everyone.... 'Where are the others?'

'On a mission. They're happy you're back, but they'll be home in a few days'... Tony tells her.

'Ok. Right now I just need to rest..'... She looks to Thor and Loki... 'You're not leaving yet are you?'

'Not unless you wish us to..'.. loki kisses her cheek. Lia grins at the two of them.

'Absolutely not. I still need help with my magic. I want to try shape shifting again. Oh, and conjuring, and cryokinesis..'.. She bounces on her feet... 'I want to be a dragon. That would be awesome'

Wanda coughed on her water... 'You can turn into a dragon?'... She choked out.

'Not yet, but I want to. Being a dove is too small. Any animal could eat me. Besides, wouldn't it be cool to flying into a fight as a dragon? I'd win that hands down, or claws down..'.. She turned to the two gods... 'What do you call it, hands or claws? Never mind, its cool either way'

Steve just watched her, seeing her come back to her old self. They did need to talk, but for now he'd wait. She needed this, time with them all. She came back over to him, taking his hands in hers.

Lia turned her head to the others... 'Don't come knocking unless it's important. I need rest..'.. With that, she teleported her and Steve back to her room. She watched him stumble slightly and she winced... 'Sorry, I should have warned you'

Steve flopped onto the edge of the bed, his arms snaking around her waist, pulling her close... 'Do you need a hand in that shower?'... He grinned up at her.

Lia licked her lips, and stepped back, pulling her top off. He sucked in a breath, seeing her body. Her breasts were so full and round, and her stomach was showing a perfect bump. Steve stood and matched her, stripping his top off... 'Keep going sweetheart, I'm waiting for you..'


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