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Tony and Steve stood, watching as Pietro helped Wanda up and into the seat next to the bed. The way she had screamed, leaving Lias mind, had them both worried. Tony stepped closer, on the other side of the bed, as Steve leaned on the end of it.

'Wanda, are you ok?'... Steve asks the young girl, as she takes a few deep breaths, composing herself. She looked at her brother, as he held onto her, rubbing her back. Steve didn't understand the words they just spoke with each other, but she nodded at Pietro.

Wanda didn't look at the two standing as she spoke... 'She's still in there, but she's trapped in a nightmare. Her fears are stopping her from waking up..'

Tony could hear her voice trembling as she spoke... 'What did you see?'... He was afraid of the answer, but he had to know.

'I-I can show you, both of you..'.. Tony watched as she looked between him and Steve.

'Why me?'... Steve asks, frowning at her.

Wanda took a breath, holding her brothers hand tight... 'Because you're a part of her fears too..'

'I want to see. I need to know. Do you think she'll wake up, if the nightmares go away?'... Tony asks Wanda.

'I don't know. She has to fight it, I think. If she had something to fight for, maybe..'.. Wanda shakes her head, and stands. She wobbles slightly, and Pietro wraps his arm around her.

'Can you do this?'... He asks, as he guides her over to Tony and Steve.

'I can, it's just what I saw, it shook me..'.. She nods at her brother. Tony came to stand with Steve, as Wanda reaches them... 'Don't hold on to me, but stay close..'.. She tells Pietro, he nods at her, and lets go, taking a step back from the three of them.

Wanda looks at the two in front of her, taking a breath... 'What you will see, is just her deepest fears, her nightmares. Do not think that is how she sees you..'

Tony swallowed, guilt eating at him, to know that he was a part of her nightmares and fears. Wanda reaches up, placing a hand to one side of both of their heads... 'Take a breath, close your eyes. Clear your mind, and don't resist me..'

Both of them do as they're told, and Wanda enters their minds, showing them both what she saw.

Pietro didn't know what they were seeing, but the pain on both of their faces, told him it wasn't good. He had met Lia and even though their encounters were not good, she still saved everyone. The others had assured him and his sister, that Lia wouldn't actually hurt them, she was just angry, and they would see that, when she woke up.

Both men cried out in pain, as Wanda left their minds. Tony staggered back, crashing into the table behind him, as Steve dropped, bracing himself on his knees. Both of them had tears running down their faces, over what they saw.

Steve felt pain ache within him, over seeing his part in her nightmares. He had read her book, and everything in it, seeing that she was completely in love with him, and had been for years. How could she ever think she wasn't good enough, she was perfect just as she is, but thinking back over how he had treated her, he could understand why she thought the way she did.

From their first meeting, he had been completely horrible towards her and yet, she would still tease and play him. She saved his life so many times, taking everything he gave her, with a smile on her face.

He thought back to her last entry, before Ultron had taken her. They way she spoke of him, accepting how he was, because she hoped that one day, he would treat her like an equal.

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