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Lia stilled at his words, watching him. He didn't love her, she didn't believe him. This was just him saying it, because of what he read. She could feel herself start to panic, and used her power to get away from him. She kept him bound on the bed, as she quickly dressed and stuffed things into her bag.

'Lia? Lia stop, and let me up..'.. She ignored him, and quickly grabbed what she needed... 'Damn it Lia, let me go, now'

She didn't turn to look at him, as tears began to run down her face. Focusing, she opened a portal to her bar, and stepped through. She could hear him calling her, but she still didn't look back, as the portal closed. She held it together, as she created another portal, and stepped into it. Once that one closed, she heard a sigh behind her... 'Welcome back my dear, come sit and we shall talk..'


Steve had fought against the rope she had wrapped him in. He saw the panic in her eyes, the second he told her. He tried so desperately to break free and stop her, but she just opened some sort of ring to another place and left. She had left him, and he knew, she wasn't coming back.

The second the ring disappeared, the rope did too. He jumped out of bed, looking around... 'Friday, scan for Lias head signature. Is she still in the compound?'

'Heat signature not found, I'm afraid Miss Lia is no longer here Captain..'...

Steve sat on the edge of her bed, dropping his head in his hands. How was he going to explain this to Tony, that he was the reason she had disappeared. He let out a defeated breath, and gathered his clothes. Once he was dressed, he headed out of her room, and down the hall to the main area.

'Friday, is anyone still awake, and un occupied?'... He asked, moving to the table that still held some drinks.

'Boss is down in his lab, Captain..'..

Steve grabbed the bottle of whiskey, and headed down to see Tony. Steve just hoped that Tony wouldn't kill him.


Tony was lost in his thoughts, in his lab. He had tried, but couldn't sleep. He was too worried about Lia. She admitted that she was depressed and again, she had been though so much in just a few months.

He kept tinkering with one of his old suits, just to keep himself busy. He wanted her to stay, but he had promised her that he would try to stop controlling her life. She was a grown woman, to make her own choices, he was still hoping she would change her mind before she would leave in the morning.

'Can't sleep either?'... Tony sighed putting his tools down, hearing the voice behind him.

'No, I just..'.. Tony pushed his stool back and spun to Steve... 'I want her to stay, but I'm worried that she'll still go. What can I do Rogers?'

Steve felt a little nervous, about telling Tony. He walked over to his little cabinet in the corner and pulled down 2 glasses, pouring them both a drink. He moved over to Tony, giving him a glass, before leaning against the edge of his desk.

'I uh, I already tried talking with her, about staying..'.. Steve drank from his glass, not daring to look at Tony.

Tony watched Steve, seeing how he was, and it took a moment for it to click in his head... 'You slept with her?..'.. Tony stood up, angry... 'Did you talk before or after you slept with her?'

Steve's head came up, seeing the rage in Tony, as he stood there glaring... 'Uh, I-it was after..'

Tony put a hand to his face. Cap may be a good man, but he was so fucking stupid. He had just completely broken Lia... 'Rogers, I'm going out on a limb here, but you told her how you felt?..'.. He watched Steve blush and nod... 'After you slept with her?..'.. Steve nodded again.

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