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- What in the actual fuck? - I whispered to Felix, not averting my eyes from the stage as Chan introduced their song "Heyday".

I couldn't divert my gaze from Changbin's figure. He looked so fierce and intimidating, even if he was wearing all white.

- I know, right? - He was smiling from ear to ear. - Channie was so excited about it. -

- You knew?! - I whisper-yelled as soon as the first few notes of the song started echoing through the gym, jealous of my best friend.

He nodded with the widest smile ever on his face, turning back to look at the stage, while I couldn't hold back my shocked expression.

Minho seemed to be just as shocked as me.

He couldn't take his eyes off of his boyfriend, mouth slightly agape, almost drooling.

A tingling wave of electricity shot through my body when I heard Changbin starting to rap. He really was the best at it.

His voice would get into my ears and send shivers down my spine, my skin dotting with goosebumps.

Our eyes met for a split second, and I could see a smirk make its way on his lips, then he moved to turn towards Chan, whose turn was to sing the chorus.

Felix let out an excited squeak, his eyes glistening with adoration as he observed his boyfriend rap smoothly in his wonderful Australian accent.

Next to us, the Hwang twins, Seungmin and Jeongin were having the time of their lives. They kept on hyping the three of them up, shouting their names and dancing to the beat.

- He told me that he was gonna perform, but I thought he was gonna sing with the school band! - Hyunjin exclaimed with a huge smile on his lips.

Next to him, Seungmin kept on jumping to the rhythm of the song, not caring about anything else than the music.

I turned back toward the stage, my eyes locking with Changbin's once again.

He sent me a flirtatious wink, which I replied to by biting my lip, already giving away what my plans were for the after-party.

He turned away quickly to hide his embarrassment and probably avoid getting a boner in the middle of the stage, focusing instead on Jisung.

The younger was rapping his heart out, Chan hyping him up.

The three of them were really having fun, jumping on the stage and encouraging the whole crowd to do the same, not missing a single beat.

At the end of the song, they were met with a wave of loud cheers arising from the crowd, everybody clapping and shouting from excitement.

They bowed, the principal taking over the stage to compliment the guys.

- I'm gonna go compliment Jisung! - Minho told us, rushing towards the stage, not giving us enough time to tell him they were gonna come to us anyway, so there was no need to go there.

- Everybody, one more applause for 3RACHA! - The principal enthusiastically said, earning another loud wave of cheers from the crowd.

The guys ran down the stage, eager of coming to us to be showered in compliments.

- Next up, we have a dance performance. - The principal continued. - He's gonna perform his own choreography of Day6's "Not Mine". - Chan, Changbin and Jisung finally reached us, but the principal gave us no time to even congratulate them. - Everybody please welcome on the stage Lee Minho! -

- You're kidding, right? - Jisung turned towards Chan with watery eyes. - It has always been his dream to perform his own choreography. -

Chan smiled, positioning himself next to the younger, patting his back.

- I know, that's why I insisted on him doing that. -

I smiled warmly at their exchange, turning all my attention to Changbin as Minho took the stage, positioning himself in the middle.

I threw myself in my boyfriend's arms, showering him in kisses. He giggled, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close to him.

- You were amazing! - I whispered shyly.

- I was so nervous! - He replied truthfully, smiling and pecking my head.

I pecked him back on the lips as the first notes of the song started resonating through the gym, all of our attention moving back to the stage.

We observed Minho intently, loving how his every move matched the lyrics or was perfectly synchronized with the rhythm of the song.

He added body pops and body rolls, making many girls shout, our group chuckling lightly at that.

Eventually, it was Minho's turn to get showered in applause and loud cheers, the principal once again moving to the stage.

- He is Lee Minho, our lead dancer of the dance team! Please, another applause! - Again, the crowd did as it was told.

Not even a minute passed by, and Minho walked to us, making its way in the crowd who kept on stopping him to praise his dance skills, many girls giving him doe eyes.

However, their hopes were quickly shattered once Minho's eyes met Jisung's. The older threw himself in the younger's arms, the both of them squeezing each other's bodies, sharing a deep, passionate kiss soon after.

- You were so good, baby! I almost cried! - Jisung admitted, chuckling at his own emotions.

- You were amazing as well, I'm sorry I couldn't compliment you as soon as you got off the stage! - Minho pecked him on the lips lovingly.

We all cooed at their cuteness, my head unconsciously leaning on Changbin's shoulder, his arm sneaking around my waist to rub that spot gently.

Our gazes met, shy smiles making their way onto both of our lips.

- I love you, Jiho. -

- I love you more, Changbin. -

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now