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We were eating, the three of us sat at the table and getting to know each other better.

- So what do your parents do? - Changbin's mother asked.

Both Changbin's and my eyes shot up, uncomfortably looking at each other while trying to communicate on who was gonna tell her.

- Wrong question, mom... - He lifted his gaze, looking at her with wide eyes, warning her not to question further.

- O-Oh, I'm sorry, Jiho. - She embarrassedly went back to eating.

- N-No, I mean, it's okay... it's not like I can't talk about it... - I looked at the two of them, smiling faintly.

Changbin reciprocated the weak smile, holding my hand and squeezing it as a form of reassurance.

- My mom died in May due to brain tumor. - A lump formed in the back of my throat.

Even if multiple months had passed, it was still difficult for me to talk about her death. I really, really missed her.

- I'm sorry to hear that... - Changbin's mother spoke in a sweet and pitiful tone.

I shook my head, smiling, hoping I could wash away that wave of sadness which had overtaken the room, even if it was impossible.

- It's okay, really. - I felt Changbin squeeze my hand again, asking me to continue. - And then there's my father... - I sighed, lowering my head, staring at my lap. - Ever since her death he has fallen into alcoholism. -

I lifted my eyes, which were now a little teary, meeting those of Changbin right in front of me.

- This is horrible! You must report him! - His mom observed, almost shouting.

She was the second person to tell me that, the school nurse being the first.

Maybe that meant she was right... should have I reported him? But he was my father, I couldn't just do that to him... after all he did for me...

- But I can't just do it... He's my father, he raised me and loved me... I can't do that to him... - I replied feebly, going back to stare at my lap.

She reached for my hand, holding it gently and warmly before speaking.

- Listen, Jiho, this is illegal and overall wrong. You must act before things get violent. You can't let him hurt you, okay? - She held onto my hand more tightly, her eyes looking at me worriedly.

- He already did. - Changbin growled lowly, but loudly enough for her to hear.

- What?! - She shot up from her seat, shook.

Her eyes welled up, suddenly rushing towards me and cupping both my cheeks and staring at me in the eyes.

- Tomorrow we're going to the police. - She stated protectively, her warm hands not leaving my cheeks.

I shook my head while looking back at her, feebly speaking.

- I can't... - My eyes got teary as well as I kept on shaking my head.

Changbin stood up from his seat on the other side of the table, walking in front of me, his mother moving aside to make space for him. He kneeled down in front of me, taking my hands into his.

- Ji, listen. - He whispered softly, looking at me with a soft gaze. - We already failed at protecting Soojin. Don't let us fail twice. - His lips quivered, his voice breaking at the last word.

His eyes were teary, but no tears came out until he said one last sentence.

- I can't lose you too. -

He hid his face in my lap, while his mother left the room, probably wanting to give us some privacy.

I combed his hair, gently tracing his cheek and jaw with my hand.

- You won't. - I whispered softly as his head slowly raised to meet my eyes. - Tomorrow I'll go to the police. -

A smile creeped up his face while his eyes lit up.

- Thank you. - He pecked me on my lips before standing up and offering me a hand to do it as well.


The two of us were slumped on the bed, watching a movie on his laptop, but really paying no attention to it, too focused on each other. 

My leg was swung over his, while his left arm kept me close to his body.

- Bin, what happened to your father? - I asked, my eyes going to meet his.

His body froze for a second, but soon relaxed.

- He's in prison now. -

I nodded in understanding, questioning him a little bit further.

- And what's your stepfather's job? -

- He's an engineer. He's been working on a project in Japan for a while now. He hasn't come home in a couple of month, but he's gonna come back in a week I think. - He replied, meeting my gaze.

- Does he leave often? -

He shook his head.

- Not really, this was kind of an exception. He doesn't usually leave Korea. -

I nodded again, looking back at the screen, both of us remaining in silence for the rest of the movie.

As he closed his laptop and put it on his desk, I felt my eyelids grow heavier, my body tired.

- Bin, come here... - I mumbled, half-asleep.

He chuckled, making his way under the covers and snuggling into me.

- Ji... - He called me, making me struggle to open my eyes.

- Yes? -

- Whatever happens, just know that I'll always stay with you. - He smiled, brushing some hair out of my face.

I blushed at his words, going to hide my face in his chest.

- I love you, Bin. - My voice was muffled, but he still could hear me clearly.

He caressed my back, holding me closer before pecking my head.

- I love you too, Ji. -

Our first "I love you"s.

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