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It was almost the end of November, and I had started sleeping at Changbin's more frequently. Whenever he could, he would ask me to sleep over if either Chan, Hyunjin, Minho and Jisung weren't already sleeping there.

I would rarely see his parents, since I would always finish quite late at work, and I felt incredibly sorry for that. I slept at his house, ate his food and have him drive me everywhere I needed to, and I had nothing to give him in return.

And the more time passed, the more I felt growing attached to the boy. He was caring and lovely towards me, he would always make sure I was feeling fine and that I was healthy. It felt nice, and my heart had started doing little backflips every time he was around me.

- That's Changbin's shirt. - Chan observed.

Just like the other days, Changbin had run away as soon as he saw my friends walk towards me, rushing out of the school, leaving only the six of us at the entrance.

I nodded, holding back a smile.

- Y-Yeah, yesterday I was at his house. -

- Oh, God, don't tell me you fucked. - Seungmin looked at me with a worried frown, which soon softened once I shook my head no.

- No, we just cuddled. - I partially lied, Chan eyeing me with suspicion. Changbin and I had been having these weird moments during which we would kiss and cuddle, but never go further, and Chan probably knew. I glared at Seungmin, Hyunjin giggling a little.

They all had weird, questioning looks on their faces, not really knowing how to take the news of me getting this close to Changbin. After all, he had bullied me harshly ever since the end of last year, but none of them knew what had led us to get so close to each other.

None of them but Chan.

I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he probably knew much more about Changbin than I thought.

He was his best friend, he probably knew everything.

We all went to class, each of us going to sit with our respective groups.

- So how's it going with Chan and Hyunjin? - I whispered to Felix and Seungmin so that the two guys topic of the conversation wouldn't hear.

Their faces lit up, Seungmin's cheeks blushing.

- We kissed! - Felix whispered excitedly.

My eyes widened, a huge smile appearing on my face.

- No way! But wait, didn't Chan said you were taking it slow? -

Felix started stuttering, embarrassedly scratching the back of his neck.

- I-I mean, I couldn't resist him... -

I laughed happily. Typical Felix behavior.

- How about you, Seungmin? - His cheeks flushed even redder as he held back a smile.

- He's sweet, very sweet. And he doesn't push me to do things I don't want to. - He met my gaze, his eyes sparkling. - He's not like others portray him. -

We all turned to the door, Hyunjin walking in. The two exchange a few gazes, making them both blush profusely and look away.

'If these two don't end up together I'm gonna cry', I thought, a smile creeping up my face.

Class was about to start, and Changbin still was nowhere to be seen. This was extremely unusual.

My eyes darted around the room, hoping I could spot him before the bell could ring, but he never entered the class.

Second period passed, and at lunchtime he wasn't sitting at the table with the rest of his friends.

Only then I started to truly worry.

I took out of my pocket the piece of paper I had been carrying around ever since he had given it to me, nervously typing in his number and sending him a message.

Hey Changbin it's Jiho.
Are you okay? I didn't see you today in class.

He saw it immediately, but he never replied.

That only made me worry even more.

I stood up from the table abruptly, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin flinching, their eyes following me to the other group's table.

- Chan, where's Changbin? -

- Not even a good morning? - Minho raised his eyebrows, eyeing me up and down with disgust.

- Good morning. - I saw annoyedly, putting up a fake smile, then immediately turning to the older of them. - Is he okay? -

- Why are you so interested? - Minho spoke again, making me fuming with anger.

- Nobody is talking to you, Minho. - I growled, turning once again towards Chan.

He signaled me to follow him out of the cafeteria, and I did immediately.

We stopped in a hallway which was rarely used, since only one class was there, the rest of the rooms being mainly empty offices.

He looked around to check if anybody was too close to hear, then sighed, whispering lowly.

- Today marks seven years that Soojin died. -

My eyes watered, my mind imagining how low he must have felt that day. In spite of it, he still had taken me to school and had made sure I was safe.

- Do you think he's at the river? - I asked with a shaky voice.

He nodded, looking around us one last time.

- He usually wants to stay alone in days like these. - He stated, warning me.

But could I leave him like that? Broken and crying alone on the day of his sister's death.

I bounced my leg nervously, thinking of what to do.

My mind kept on replaying the memories of him crying desperately in the dark, his cheeks red and wet, face buried in his hands.

My heart ached with each and every thought of him.

I couldn't leave him alone.

Chan started walking back to the cafeteria, leaving me in front of a tough choice.

To ignore or not ignore Chan's warning?

I inhaled deeply, my feet walking to the cafeteria to grab my stuff, wearing my coat and swinging my bag on my bag before rushing out of the door.

I could not leave him alone.

I stopped in front of a flower shop, opening my wallet and staring at the last few won I had.

I sighed, handing them to the old woman, picking out the flowers I wanted to bring for Soojin.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now