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Chan POV

- Lix, wanna go? - I managed to whisper out, nervously rocking back and forth as I stared at the freckled guy.

God, his freckles are pure art. And his eyes... they sparkle every time, and he is so small and soft... it makes me want to hold him all the time, to protect him from everything and everybody.

He looks so cute, his smile warms my heart. But why does he look so nervous right now? Am I that intimidating? Maybe I shouldn't have dyed my hair black, I should have kept it bleached white like I had it a few years ago...

Wait, why am I overthinking like this about him?

I have barely even talked to him, I know nothing about him, how can I even think of something like that?

I kept on looking at the younger as he muttered out some excuses which I didn't hear, probably mentioning Jeongin, but I'm not sure.

Finally, he stood up and took my hand into his, electricity running through my limbs. His hand was so cute and small compared to mine, I wanted to coo.

We walked out of the shop, his hand still nervously holding onto mine.

- Where do you want to go? - I asked, turning to him.

- I-I don't know, do y-you have a place in mind? - His eyes darted all over the place, scanning his busy surroundings.

I shrugged my shoulders, releasing his hand and patting his back to somehow comfort him.

- We can just walk around if you want. -

- T-That works. - He whimpered out, forcing a smile.

I started walking, making sure he was going to follow me rather than running away. His body was stiff, eyes open wide and eyebrows furrowed, as if he was scared.

He remained frozen on the spot, gulping nervously.

- Come on, Lix, I don't bite. - I giggled, taking his hand into mine and forcing him to start walking.

We wandered around next to the school, ending up at the nearby park.

- How old were you when you came to Korea? - I asked him, badly wanting to start a conversation.

For the past ten minutes he had been silent, sweating and stiff, barely replying to my questions.

However, I still got to know something about him. He had a sister, was a junior and did taekwondo. His voice was low and scary, but in fact he was a very cute and fluffy person.

- I came here when I started middle school. - By now, his body had begun relaxing, and a shy smile was appearing on his lips. - How about you? -

- I came here during elementary school. - He nodded. - Have you been back to Australia lately? -

He shook his head.

- No, I haven't been in three years. My dad is still there with my sister, I'm here with my mother. - He explained.

- Are they divorced? - Really, Chan? Is that really a question to ask? I mentally slapped myself.

He simply nodded, changing the subject.

We started walking through the park, where a few ducks were waddling around, some kids bravely teasing them or throwing crumbs of bread at them.

- Is the band going to do a concert anytime soon? - He questioned, looking fondly at the kids.

- Well, I don't know yet, but the principal put me in charge of organizing the whole show of the end of the year, so I'm pretty sure the band is gonna play there. - He nodded in understanding.

- Have you been singing for a long time? -

- Not really, I started singing during freshman year. - I turned to him, and his head jolted to look away the split second out gazes met. Cute. - Your voice sounds very intriguing actually, have you ever thought about singing? - I suggested, a dark red blush covering his freckles.

- Oh, wow, thanks... - He hid his face in his hands from embarrassment, only making me want to smother him in kisses.

Wait, Chan. This is not normal, you've been talking to him for not even a hour, you can't be thinking things like these. Calm down, Chan.

We decided to sit on a bench next to the lake, admiring the little turtles and ducks swimming peacefully.

- Do you have any pets? - I asked.

- No, but I've always wanted a dog. -

- I have a dog! Her name is Berry. She's the fluffiest, cutest and most playful dog you're ever going to meet. - I giggled, thinking of my beloved pet.

- Oh my God, yes, please, I want to meet her! - I chuckled at the sparks in his eyes as soon as I mentioned my dog.

- You will. - I ruffled his hair, making him blush once again and clear his throat.

- What's your English name? - He asked. His confidence had visibly grown since we had left the shop, his true happy personality starting to bloom.

- Chris. -

- Chris as in Christian? -

- Chris as in Christopher. - I giggled, his mouth releasing a few chuckles.

- It's hot. -

- I think it's actually pretty cold right now... I mean, it's almost October... - He bursted out laughing, leaving me questioning my whole existence.

- I meant your name. - He said, his laugh dying down but not fully stopping.

- O-Oh... - I blushed, trying to hide my face by looking away from him. - T-Thanks, I guess? -

I giggled nervously. This time, it was my turn to get flustered.

- I mean, everything about you is hot, so... - He stated all of a sudden, my cheeks burning red.

- Where did all this sudden confidence come from, Felix? - I said, playfully pushing him and giggling.

He pushed me in return, almost making me fall off the bench. Luckily, he was quick in grabbing my coat, preventing my body from smashing on the cold pavement.

Our faces were a bit too close, both of us blushing. Our eyes were fluttering, struggling to remain open as we both stared at each other's features.

- You have really nice lips, hyung... - He whispered softly.

And that was the last thing he said before he kissed me.

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