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Chan POV

I walked back to the cafeteria, really hoping Jiho would have decided to stay away from Changbin.

I remember one year I wanted to help him through it, but we only got into a fight and I earned a broken nose.

I remember how his eyes were shot red with anger, his fists balled up as he screamed at me, telling me to go away because I was only making it worse.

But I understood him, to a certain extent. Even if he had never really told me the cause of Soojin's death, I could see how much it pained him to see my family, still happily together.

He would never come to our house because the sight of my sister Hannah would hurt him so deeply he would start having panic attacks.

And I was incredibly sorry for him. As his best friend, I wanted to help, but I had my hands tied behind my back.

My eyes trailed to the entrance, where I saw Jiho run out of the school with her backpack, almost frantically.

Maybe she's the person he needed. Not me, but some equally kind-hearted girl who he had been crushing on for god knows how long.

- Chris, what are you thinking about? You seem lost. - Felix took my hand into his, caressing my skin and leaning in to cup my cheek.

I smiled in dismissal, really not wanting to talk of anything which had happened that day.

- Nothing to worry, Lix. Do you want to hang out this afternoon? You can come to my house. - My heart warmed once I saw how much his eyes sparkled.

- I would love to! - He hugged me tightly, pecking me on my cheek and making me blush. - Well, see you after school at the front gate? - He asked as the bell rang, starting to walk towards his own class, followed by Seungmin.

- Sure, Lix. - I couldn't help but smile.

Felix really made every day better.


- Hi, Chris! - Felix happily skipped towards me, his bag bouncing on his shoulders.

- Hi, Lixie. - I protectively swung my arm over his shoulder, keeping him close to me as I observed his soft features.

My cheeks would heat up every time I looked at his freckles or his cute smile, wanting to kiss him so bad.

I cleared my throat once I realized it.

I had fallen hard and fast for that little Australian boy.

We kept on walking for about 10 minutes until we reached my house, Felix suddenly starting to act nervous.

- Relax, no one is gonna bite you. - I chuckled. - Not even Berry. -

His eyes lit up as soon as I mentioned my lovely dog.

- Oh my god, I had totally forgotten about her! How is she? - He asked while I opened the door, both of us getting inside.

- Why don't you ask her? - I smiled at his cuteness. - Berry! - I shouted for my dog, and she came after a few seconds, barking a little at the sight of the new stranger.

- Hi cutie, I'm Felix, I'm Chris' friend. - Felix crouched on the floor, Berry immediately going to sniff him, letting him pet her soon after. - You are the cutest dog! - He said in a high-pitched voice, making me giggle a little.

- Hey, Chan, how was your day? - My mom entered the room, smiling brightly once she saw Felix.

I prayed for her not to say anything embarrassing, but it was already too late.

- Hi there! You must be Felix, Chan told me so many things about you! - Felix blushed at her words, bowing before stuttering out a reply.

- R-Really? C-Chris talks about m-me? - He turned towards me, eyes wide, but I was too busy hiding my face and my obvious blush that I couldn't even reply.

- Why do you let him call you Chris? You told us you hated it! - My mom scolded me, only making the situation worse.

- Mom, stop, please! -

She sighed, shaking her head while smiling before offering us some snacks. Felix happily accepted, following my mom to the kitchen while I recollected myself.

- So Felix, Chan told me you're from Australia as well! - My mom happily said.

- Yeah, I'm from Sydney. - Felix smiled brightly, munching on some chips.

- We're from Sydney too! What school did you go to? Maybe we lived close! - My mom spoke, starting to enjoy a little too much asking questions to my poor friend. - Maybe you met each other when you were kids, my little Channie was so cute... -

Before she could say anything else which could be compromising or embarrassing, I grabbed Felix's arm, making him jolt up the chair he was sitting on and dragging him up to my room.

- Stop embarrassing me, mom! - I shouted before closing the door.

Felix looked at me with arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, a judging look on his face.

- She was just being nice! -

- She was being embarrassing! - I argued back, crossing my arms as well.

He rolled his eyes, sighing and turning around to examine my room.

He scanned all kinds of things which were scattered on the desk, my lyrics notebooks and the audio editing app still open in my laptop.

- You write music? - He asked, sitting on the swivel chair as a big grin formed on his face.

- Y-Yeah, I do with Changbin and Jisung. - I explained, scratching the back of my neck while nervously walking towards the desk.

- That's amazing! - His eyes sparkled with admiration. - Can I listen to it? -

I chuckled, nodding while pressing play.

- This is the beginning of a song we've been working on for a while now. - I explained while I nervously listened to the track.

I bit my lip and bounced my leg while I observed Felix's reaction. He kept on widening his eyes, mouth slightly agape, eyes fixed on the screen.

- You guys are amazing, hyung! I didn't think you rapped! You are the best! - Felix complimented, making me blush.

When the short track ended, I walked closer to the laptop to stop it, our cheeks almost brushing against each other.

- H-Hyung? - He whispered, slightly turning towards me.

- Yeah? - I turned as well, our noses touching in the process.

We were so close I could admire his eyes even better, that bright brown color leaving me speechless with its beauty.

His breath got shaky, his gaze going from my eyes to my lips.

- C-Can I? -

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