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- Good morning, Jiho, welcome back! - My teacher, Mrs. Jung, said from behind her desk.

I only nodded and faintly smiled in return, going to sit in the last row on the very back of class.

It was early in the morning of the first day of senior year of high school. Class would have started in 20 minutes, but I needed some quiet alone time before I could get through a whole, loud, full day of school.

I sighed, throwing the hood over my head and resting my head on my desk, silent tears trailing down my cheeks.

Even if three months had passed already, I missed my mom as if it was the first day without her.

I was lost.

No one was there for me anymore. My father had fallen into the very dangerous spiral of alcoholism, but he refused to acknowledge it and seek help.

That left me alone.

I wiped my tears, taking out some books and resting them on the desk.

Before the rest of the people could come into the class, Mrs. Jung was quick in speaking.

- Jiho, this year I expect you to do better than the end of last year. If you need help remember there is the tutoring service you can sign up for. - She smiled at me, ending her sentence just as Felix and Seungmin walked into our class.

My only two lights left.

They smiled at me, immediately rushing to my desk to take a seat right next to me.

- How are you? How was your break? - Felix's smile immediately lifted my mood, and he was very well aware of that.

He was the most careful whenever he was around me, never even mentioning sensitive topics and always displaying a wide grin.

I was infinitely grateful for that.

Seungmin on the other side was more of a silent one, but sometimes he would comment on some things, so unexpectedly and in such savage way I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

And I loved laughing because of his jokes.

I forced a smile before inhaling deeply.

- It went well. My father became an alcoholic, but he's rarely home, so I don't really mind. -

It was a lie.

I did mind. A lot, in fact.

Ever since he had fallen into that horrible habit, he had started to spend all our money for the alcohol, leaving me to eat food scraps and work two jobs only to see my paycheck reduced to the basic minimum needed to pay rent and bills.

- Oh... - Felix smile dropped for a second before it made its reappearance. - You can stay at my house if you want! You are welcome anytime, you already know that! - He hugged me tightly, making me flinch in response.

Seungmin nodded in approval, basically saying the same went for him, but before he could even speak, more students entered the classroom.

- Welcome back, losers, I bet you missed me! -

Seo Changbin. The most hated yet loved senior in our high school.

He was troublesome student, but never in his life he had gotten a grade lower than an A. He was a gifted kid, and all teachers praised him for that. He was also a gym rat, constantly bodyshaming those who didn't seem to comply to his standard.

- Welcome back, Changbin! - The teacher smiled fondly at the student, gesturing with her hand for him to take a seat.

He chose one at the very front of class as he always did, but he was quick in turning towards the three of us.

- What's up? - His defiant tone, the one I hated the most. - Jiho, I see you lost some weight. It was about time! - He snickered, earning a giggle from one of his friends who would always tag along.

Lee Minho, the most talented dancer in our school. He had won over 20 prizes for his choreographies over the previous two years, and always left everybody in awe with his movements.

A true talent, but also a true bitch.

On his lap sat his boyfriend, Han Jisung, the school's soccer star, and the only openly gay one. In fact, the two of them were the only openly gay couple at school, meaning they either got hated and failed by the teachers, or they were loved and admired, probably by the many closeted people.

Next to them sat Bang Chan, a talented musician who often got solos in choir and who was always lead guitarist in band. Not a trouble maker, most people loved him for his kind heart. Yet, he still hung out with those people who saw themselves as gods.

The rest of the students took a seat, making sure to leave an empty desk next to Changbin's group, already knowing what was about to happen.

Just as the bell rang, the door swung open, revealing a panting, tall junior with short blonde-dyed hair and pink, plump lips.

- I'm sorry I'm late! - He said as he rushed to his designated desk, the teacher not really minding him, already used to this kind of behavior.

Hwang Hyunjin, an artist so talented that already in his sophomore year he had gotten a scholarship to study at the most prestigious art academy of Korea after high school. Everybody always pleaded him to become a model for his paintings, hoping to discover his secret or simply to fuck him.

Because yes, Hyunjin was so handsome and captivating that had such an effect on most of the school. Even some teachers, which were later fired, had tried to make their way to him, but he had always seemed uninterested.

And with him taking the last seat, class finally begun.

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