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- You go first. - He said, still not changing his defiant position.

- My father. He threw a bottle at me last night. -

I could see an even darker frown make his way onto his face, his fists balling up in anger while his arms muscles threatened of ripping the t-shirt open.

- Your turn. Why are you doing this? Why do you care, all of a sudden? - I glared at him as hatefully as I could.

- I miss having you as my competitor in academics. It's not fun anymore. - He said, leaving me completely shocked.

- That's it? Academics? That's all you care for? - Tears threatened of falling down my cheeks as my eyes became watery, my vision blurry. - What about all the fucking comments you said to me? All the hate you threw at me? Are you even sorry for all of that, Changbin? -

I bit my lip to avoid it from quivering, but it was already too late.

I slammed the door on his face, running to my room and throwing myself on my bed, crying never-ending tears, letting them stain my bedsheet.

Many minutes passed, probably almost a hour, and I finally decided to stand up and dress myself to do some useful things in the house. Namely, picking up all my father's trash and throwing it away.

I started collecting all the bottles and cans from the floor, the smell making me want to puke.

I finally managed to gather all of them in a single bag, throwing the pizza carton as well inside it.

When I opened the door, to my surprise and annoyance, Changbin was still there.

- Let me explain further. - He pleaded with a serious tone and expression.

- I think I've already told you, Changbin. I don't want you in my life. Not now, not ever. - I walked past him, carrying the big, heavy trash bag on my shoulder.

Its weight suddenly disappeared, and when I turned to see the reason why, surely enough Changbin was there, carrying the bag from the bottom.

- Curiosity. - He suddenly said. - That's what truly motivates me. - He took the bag out of my hands, carrying it out of my apartment building to the trash can. - Felix said I don't know what's going on behind the curtain... - He made his way back to me, stopping a little too close with his arms crossed. - ...and I hate not knowing. -

I looked up to meet his eyes, a questioning look on my face.

- Is that your way of asking to get to know me better? - I raised one eyebrow, scoffing.

He shrugged his shoulders, leading me back inside my apartment by grabbing my hand. He slammed the door close, making threatening steps towards me.

I walked backwards, feeling scared, until my knees hit the couch, forcing me to sit on it as he made his way closer. His arms held onto che couch, trapping my head between them as his face got closer.

For some reason, my body heated up, a wave of warmth washing over me as his face stopped only a few inches from mine.

- Will you let me? - He asked.

I gulped, my face heating up even more.

- L-Let you do what? - I closed my eyes shut, not wanting to look at him in the eyes.

- See what's behind the curtain. - His face got even closer, if possible, and I had to turn mine away so that our noses wouldn't touch.

I nodded, whimpering in fear.

- Y-Yes, just stop whatever you're doing right now. - I pushed him away with all of my strength, not wanting to have him that close for one more second.

He chuckled, retreating from me, a wide smirk on his face.

- I didn't know you were that easy to get flustered. -

All panic left my face, the desire to slap him growing by the second. Instead, I opted for the next best thing. I kicked him in the stomach, standing up and rushing to my room.

He groaned in pain, contorting and clutching onto his lower abdomen with a pained expression.

- Why the fuck did you do that?! - He shouted from the living room, pain still lingering in his voice.

- Because you deserved it! - I shouted back from my room, where by now I was changing.

He tried to open the door, but I had obviously locked it.

- Let me in, or I'm gonna tear it down. - He growled from the other side, keeping in trying to turn the doorknob, making me chuckle.

- You sound a lot like my father, Changbin. -

All his movements halted, his hand retreating from the doorknob, the other stopping to bang on the hardwood.

When I opened the door, I was met with a frowning Changbin, his arms extended next to his standing figure, all of his muscles relaxed.

- I was changing, dickhead. Now let's go. - I flicked him on the forehead, making him flinch, thinking I was going to hit his stomach once again.

I chuckled, hearing his rushing steps make his way towards me.

- School's gonna be over in a hour and a half, what's the point of going now? - He asked with an expressionless face, hands in his pockets.

- I didn't say we were going to school. - I smirked bitterly, knowing where I was gonna take him.

- So where are we going? - He asked as he opened the car door for me, trying to hide his polite gesture with indifference.

- You'll see. -

He groaned, sitting in the driver's seat and starting the car.

- Why so mysterious? Are you secretly a killer and you are taking me to a place where you can murder me? - He questioned with a playful smile, making me chuckle.

I shook my head, staring at my hands, which were resting on my lap, the same bitter smile from before making his way on my lips again.

- I want you to meet my mom. -

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα