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We started walking to the studio, talking a little bit about random topics every once in a while, the walk overall being silent.

We opened the door of the big room, and once again I was met with the smell of paint and coffee, a mix which I had grown accustomed to, since I had been spending my afternoons there a lot, just admiring Hyunjin working his magic on the canvases.

I would stare at him for hours, loving how his brush strokes made his muscles flex slightly, his eyes fixed and focused on the colors. He would often wear headphones to isolate himself from his surroundings, but would turn to me every once in a while to flash a cute smile to remind me that he was not forgetting that I was there.

- Seungmin, are you there? - Hyunjin chuckled, waving his hand in front of me to snap me out of my trance.

- Y-Yeah, sorry. - I chuckled embarrassed for having zoned out in front of him.

He walked towards me trying to fight back a smirk, wrapping his hands around my waist and dragging me closer to him, our bodies exchanging their warmth.

He stared into my eyes fondly, both of us smiling at each other like idiots.

- What were you thinking of, Min? - He asked, brushing a few strands of hair from out of my face, the gesture making me blush.

- Nothing much. - I shrugged my shoulders. - I was just remembering that afternoon I came here and you surprised me with cupcakes. - I smiled shyly, my cheeks tinting of a light hue of red.

He smiled as his mind brought him back to that afternoon, leaning in to peck me on my forehead.

- I have always wanted to surprise you with cupcakes, Min. - He ruffled my hair, going to sit on a corner of the room, where we had stacked a few big, fluffy cushions so that I could be comfortable whenever I would come here to observe him paint or to do my homework.

I joined him, sitting next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder as my hands went to play with his fingers to fight the awkward silence between us.

- Min? -

I hummed, not breaking my gaze from his fingers, too focused on analyzing them and the rings he wore.

His arm sneaked around my waist, dragging me closer to him.

- Are you comfortable? - He asked, my head moving upwards to meet his eyes.

Before I could answer, he patted his lap, his eyes asking me if I wanted to sit there.

I gulped nervously, staring at his hand which rested on his thigh expectantly, but soon he started to overthink his actions, panicking.

- I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable... - Hyunjin mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear.

- N-No, I mean... it's okay, I guess. - I said as I made my way to straddle his lap, my hands resting on his shoulders. - I trust you, Hyunjin. - I said, my gaze warning him not to abuse of that trust.

He smiled faintly, reassuring me.

My body suddenly warmed up once I realized how suggestive the position we were in was. I decided to hide my flustered expression and flushed cheeks by hiding my face in the crook of his neck, taking in his sweet scent.

- Can I stay like this, Hyunjin? - I asked, melting into his warm touch. - I like being like this. - I mumbled, closing my eyes.

- Y-You can do anything you want, Seungminnie. I'm all yours. - He breathed out seductively, making me part from his neck to stare at him in the eyes.

I admired all of his features, my gaze lingering on his lips.

The air remained stuck in his throat when my face unconsciously inched closer to his, our noses almost brushing against each other.

- H-Hyunjin... - To say that I was terrified would be an understatement.

I wanted to go further, but I couldn't bring myself to. All the thoughts about that girl came back to my mind, the fear of my inability to stop him once things would have escalated paralyzed me.

Hyunjin seemed to notice my uneasiness, his hands slowly going up to brush against my arms, the heat of his skin comforting me.

- Don't worry... I'm not pushing you to do anything you don't want, Minnie. - He cupped my cheek, grazing my reddened skin with his thumb.

- I-I'm scared, Hyunjin... - I managed to confess, my voice coming out in a whispered whimper.

He slightly tilted his head, offering me a kind, warm and reassuring smile.

- I understand, Min. That's why I want you to be in charge, so that you are free to stop whenever you want. - His other hand got ahold of my right one, squeezing it gently.

I let out a nervous, shaky breath, closing my eyes to try to ease the tension building up inside me.

His thumb on my cheek and his soft hold on my hand reminded me of his presence, warmth spreading through my body.

- Remember to breathe, Min. - He whispered.

Following his words, I inhaled deeply, slowly opening my eyes to meet his gaze.

His brown irises reminded me once again of how madly in love he was with me, and how he had respected my boundaries every since I had agreed to go out with him.

He had comforted me when I had my first breakdown in front of him because of that one girl, and he had not stopped apologizing for that ever since, even though I had reminded him countless times that he wasn't at fault since he didn't know about it.

His lips unconsciously parted ever so slightly, their pinkish hue, added to their softness, seemed to call me in a chant.

I couldn't resist him anymore.

I slowly leaned in, our lips meeting in a tender kiss full of love.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now