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His lips were soft and sweet, almost addicting. I could taste my salty tears in the kiss, creating a mix which felt like heaven.

His hand trailed from my cheek to my waist, holding me closer and deepening the kiss.

All my limbs were on fire just like every other time, heart pounding crazily, but this time it was different. It wasn't lust driving our actions, it was pure care and affection.

We let go of each other, catching our breaths, foreheads touching and eyes closed.

- Shit... - He whispered, a wide smile on his face.

I giggled, looking up to meet his eyes. He reciprocated the gaze softly, his eyes still glistening and red due to the previous crying.

- I'm sorry I did it today, I know I could have chosen another day, but... -

He interrupted me, brushing my cheek with his thumb.

- It was perfect. - He pecked me on the lips, hugging me tightly. - Thank you. -

He held my hand while with the other he still held onto the rose, taking me to the car.

- Should we go to my house? School's gonna be over in a hour anyway... -

I nodded, smiling while getting inside.


We entered the house with held-back smiles and holding hands. His mother was in the kitchen, working on some kind of cake, probably a chocolate one, according to the smell.

- Hey mom! - Changbin called out as soon as we set foot inside.

- Binnie! How come you are home so early? - She came out of the kitchen, rushing to us.

When she saw me, her legs froze in place, confusion making its way on her face.

- We were at Soojin's spot. Jiho brought her flowers... - He looked down at the rose in his hand, smiling faintly.

I showcased an insecure smile, staring right into her deep brown eyes.

I had never met Soojin, but I felt as if it was my duty to honor her memory just as if I was her sister or best friend. I felt her close to me, and therefore I had the need to bring her those few flowers.

His mother's eyes welled up, a single, choked sob escaping her lips. She rushed to hug me tightly, leaving me shook at the sudden gesture. I lightly hugged back, but soon the woman took a step back, wiping her tears.

- It means a lot to me, Jiho, thank you. - She smiled.

- It means a lot to us. - Changbin was quick in adding in a whisper, his hand caressing my back.

- I understand the pain... - I started, talking directly to Changbin's mother. - ...and I know how tough it is to live in between the need to move on and the fear of forgetting. - I faintly smiled, staring at the floor. - It's the minimum I could do for you. -

I turned to Changbin, who was bitterly smiling.

- Thank you, Jiho. -

- I'm gonna go to the bathroom to fix my make up. - His mother announced, rushing down the hallway.

Changbin chuckled, taking my hand and taking me to the kitchen. He placed the rose in a small vase, carefully filling it up with water before putting it on the table in the living room.

He came back, suddenly lifting me by the waist and making me sit on the counter.

I giggled, trying to slap his hands away.

- What? You are cute like that. - He said, turning to open the fridge. - Are you hungry? - He asked, scanning the different foods the refrigerator had in it.

I was very hungry. I hadn't eaten since the last time I was with Changbin, and I was starting to feel the need to fill up my stomach or else I could have fainted.

But no, I couldn't keep on stealing Changbin's food. I needed to find some other solution, I couldn't keep on being a parasite.

So I lied.

- No, thanks, I'm good. - I smiled, hoping I could mask my lies better.

But my stomach had other plans. It growled loudly, making me cover my belly with my hands in embarrassment.

- I-I'm sorry. - I whispered just as Changbin turned, a deadly look on his face.

- Why did you lie, Jiho? - He growled, walking towards me and resting his hands on the counter next to my thighs.

- I don't want to be a burden, Changbin, and you're already doing too much... - I whispered softly, caressing his hair.

He sighed, shaking his head and going back to the fridge, not saying a word in response to my truthful confession.

- We're gonna have lunch anyway in a few minutes, and you better eat. -

He closed the fridge while glaring at me, a cola in his hands. He placed the can on the counter next to me, his hands resting on my thighs and rubbing them gently.

Since I was sitting on the counter, I was slightly taller than him, meaning he had to look up to meet my eyes. And I was not complaining.

Seeing his beautiful eyes open so wide to meet my gaze sent a tingling sensation down my spine, my heart beating faster.

I could not explain how or when I had started to feel like that, but Changbin was... different. Maybe it was the connection we had because of our losses, or maybe because we had opened up to each other so abruptly and deeply that we were bound to be tied.

Whatever it was, I loved it.

I combed his black hair, earning a cute smile in return. He was just like a puppy, leaning into my touch and enjoying my warmth.

- Guys, lunch is going to be ready in a couple of minutes and I need to use the kitchen. - Changbin's mother came in, giggling and walking to the stove.

- Yeah, sorry mom, we're gonna go... - Changbin started, motioning to lift me off the counter, but I stopped him.

- No, we're gonna help! - I said excitedly, jumping off the counter and walking next to the woman with a wide smile.

I turned to Changbin with puppy eyes, pleading him to make me stay.

- Please, I miss cooking with my mom... - He sighed, smiling entertained and nodding.

- I'm gonna set the table, then... - He walked out of the room, glancing back at us with a soft smile.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now