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- I want to see what's behind the curtain. -

Ever since I had set foot inside that house, I had grown even more curious at how he could have something dark hiding in his life. His house was neat and warm, his mother was welcoming, and he was probably rich, living in one of the richest neighborhoods of the city.

- No. - He growled, his tone immediately changing from soft to harsh.

- I showed you my shadows, you show me yours. - I glared at him, but he didn't even bother turning to face me.

- No. - He repeated with the same tone as the previous time.

I smirked, an idea suddenly popping in my mind. I stood up, the sound of bedsheet slightly ruffling and the taps of my steps making Changbin turn slightly in his chair towards me.

I grabbed the armrests, inching my face closer, but he didn't seem to muster much of a reaction.

- You'll have to work harder than that to force some words out of me. - He smirked, wanting to turn back to his desk, but my arms held his chair in place.

I smirked back, this time even more mischievously, knowing he couldn't have resisted my next move.

I climbed onto his lap, sitting on his thighs and dangerously brushing against his crotch area, still staring right into his eyes.

His face flushed red, his hands desperately trying to push me away, but the more he would push, the more I would get closer.

- W-What are you doing? - He was flustered now, stumbling over his own words.

- Will you show me what you've been hiding to me? - I asked in a whisper, getting close to his ear, almost touching the earlobe in the process.

I could see a wave of arousal washing over him, shivers going down his spine and covering his skin in little bumps.

He nodded his head aggressively.

- Y-Yes, but now get off of me. - He whimpered, trying to move his face away from mine.

I felt his bulge growing and pressing against one of my thighs, his breath becoming heavier by the second.

- You promise me you'll never hit Felix or any of my friends again? - My hand trailed from his jaw to the base of his neck, leaving soft touches on his skin close to his collarbone.

- F-Fuck, Jiho, get off of me. - He groaned, swinging his head back and trying to push me away, but I only straddled him with more strength.

- Promise me. - I repeated more sternly, my hand slowly trailing down his chest and torso to his abs, threatening of going even further down.

His face flushed even redder, his breaths becoming nervous pantings as he whimpered, nodding.

- Good. - I said with a big, fat, mischievous smirk on my face as I retreated from him, going back to sit on the bed.

He cleared his throat, shifting on the chair before going back to facing the desk, probably wanting to hide his blush.

- You might want to fix your little problem over there. - I said, giggling amused.

Who knew Changbin could be so easily aroused?

- Fuck you, Jiho. - He growled, adjusting his bulge in his pants so that it would show less.

- I know you would like to. - I replied, getting a sudden wave of confidence.

He turned, his eyes bulging and staring at me as if I had a death wish.

- Listen here, Jiho. - He suddenly shot up from his seat, walking towards me and trapping me between his arms, his figure hovering over me.

His eyes glistened with revenge and mischief as he licked his lips, hiding a grin which was slowly forming.

- You don't come into my house, threaten me and get me into this situation, then act all bitchy and as if nothing happened. -

He suddenly ground his bulge on my thigh, making me whimper and turn my face away, eyes closed shut.

He leaned in, his mouth getting closer to my ear as he whispered.

- If you wanted to fuck you could have just told me... - His tongue started playing with and sucking my earlobe, his hot, heavy breaths hitting my skin repeatedly.

Thankfully, there were a few knocks on the door.

He jolted back to his chair, while I shot back up, sitting straight and fixing my clothes.

- Yes? - Changbin said as he cleared his throat.

His mother entered the room with a small tray in her hands, full of hot tea and cookies. My mouth salivated at the sight as she gently rested it on the side of the desk, a little smile on her lips.

We both thanked her, Changbin wanting her to leave as soon as possible before she could notice the flustered state he was in.

Just before she could close the door and walk away, she spoke.

- Remember, no sex. -

Once the door was shut, I let out an embarrassed laugh, while Changbin groaned, facepalming and going back to face the desk, where the homework was still untouched.

I kept on eyeing the cookies on the tray, salivating and almost drooling. They looked so tasty and chewy, not to talk of the amount of chocolate chips they had in them.

Changbin seemed to notice my hunger.

- You can have them, they're here for you. - He pointed at them with his pencil, and it took me nothing else to dig in.

- Thank you, Changbin. - I said as I stuffed my mouth.

He sighed, putting down the pencil on the table and looking at me.

- Let me guess, you haven't eaten today. - He said with an unamused expression.

I nodded, stuffing another cookie in my mouth.

He let out another groan, massaging his forehead before he spoke again.

- You can't keep on living like this, Jiho. -

- I've survived five months already, I think I can go on until the end of the year. - I replied, not even looking at him, too focused on the food. - Then I'll go to college, and hopefully everything will be better. -

He nodded, gesturing me to get closer to him.

I complied, even if hesitantly, and suddenly he pulled me on his lap, making me face a blank sheet of paper, ready to be used to solve tons of math exercises.

- Now let's do your homework. - He handed me a pen, opened the book at the right page and observed me scribble down equation after equation for the rest of the evening.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now