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The following Monday, we gathered around the same table at lunch, all of the guys' eyes on Changbin.

Yeji was there as well, sitting on Jeongin's lap and playing with his baby pink locks.

- Hyung. - Jisung caught Changbin's attention, who was trying to avoid with all of his might our eyes.

Jisung was glaring at the older, a warning and protective gaze fixed on him.

- You need to tell us everything. - Minho, Hyunjin and the rest of the guys stared at him with the same intensity.

Changbin sighed deeply, looking away and bouncing his leg nervously.

- Guys, stop it. It's a sensitive topic, you shouldn't pressure him. - Chan said sternly, glaring particularly at Jisung.

- He lied to us for years! God only knows what other fucked up shit he is hiding to us! - Jisung protested, almost shouting and earning questioning looks from other students in the cafeteria.

- Keep your voice down. - Chan seethed between his teeth, his voice coming out in a low, warning growl.

- I will keep my voice down, but only if Changbin fucking speaks. - Jisung replied in an equally low growl, squinting his eyes at Chan, his fists balling up.

- Jisung, you should shut your mouth... - Chan said, his hands becoming fists in response to the younger's attitude.

- Both of you, stop it! - Changbin interrupted, shouting exasperated.

We all turned to him.

His cheeks were red, a single tear trailing down his cheek. He was biting his lip to avoid bursting out crying, his fists balled on the table as well.

- Changbin... - Chan started, but was soon cut off from my boyfriend.

- No, Chan. Jisung's right. - He said sternly, wiping away that tear with his thumb.

Changbin glared at every single person sitting at that table, warning all of us not to say a single word.

- I have a lots of things to say, so all of you are coming to my house after school. - He pointed his finger at us.

We all nodded, everybody avoiding his piercing gaze, either staring at the floor or looking away.

- Right now I just want to say that I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier. You are right, Jisung. - He paused, both boys' eyes meeting, the younger's emanating guilt. - I hid a lot of things for many years. There are things that none of you know about me... well, almost everyone. - He said, turning towards me.

We both sighed at the same time, my hand going to rest on his, squeezing it warmly.

- So you told her but not us? - Jisung threw his hands in the air, a dumbfounded look on his face. - You are the worst friend I have ever had, Changbin. Fuck you. - Jisung motioned to stand up and leave, but Changbin's voice stopped him.

- Sit. The fuck. Down. - He growled.

Jisung scoffed, sitting back at the table, glaring at him challengingly.

- I told her some things. She didn't know I used to do drugs. -

- I see no difference. - Jisung commented, his gaze still accusing.

- Cut the attitude, Jisung. This is exactly the reason why I didn't tell you. You judge people before even knowing about them. - He turned to the rest of the people at the table to speak to the rest of them. - Now, please, let's drop the topic until we get to my house. -

Jisung eyed his hyung up and down before standing up, taking his bag and leaving to walk towards class in silence.

Almost everybody else followed suit, leaving Changbin and I alone at the table.

He groaned and sighed, burying his head in his hands.

- Jisung's right. I'm the worst friend ever. -

I looked at him pitiful eyes, my hand squeezing his while my other caressed his back in comfort.

- You're not, Binnie, you know that. There's no shame in not wanting to talk about certain things or in having secrets. Those secrets are not harmful to them, so there is no must for you to tell them. -

He shook his head, not even looking at me before standing up and leaving to go to class.

It was a clear sign that he needed to be left alone.


We were silently standing in front of Changbin's house, waiting for everybody.

Chan parked his car right across the street, Felix and Jeongin emerging from it as well. Not long after, Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin arrived.

We all entered the house, Changbin's mom immediately greeting us with a warm smile, which dropped as soon as she saw our faces.

- Hey kids... is everything okay? - She asked worriedly.

Nobody dared to speak, only Changbin.

- I'm gonna tell them about Soojin. - He said as he led the way to his room upstairs.

- Oh... - Was all she managed to muster out before walking back to the sofa, staring into the distance.

- Sit wherever you want. - Changbin said as he threw his bag under the desk, sitting on his swivel chair soon after.

He observed all of us taking a seat, mostly on the floor.

All eyes were on him.

The tension was palpable, a thick silence coating the room.

- For anybody wondering, Soojin was my sister. -

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now