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- Hey, Jiho, how does it feel to betray your family? - Hongjoong asked, taking a seat right next to Felix, a wide, evil smirk on his face.

- Don't you even dare talk to her. - My friend growled, standing up and ready to throw hands at the senior.

- What are you defending her for? - He asked, glaring back at the younger. - She jailed her own father. -

- You open your mouth again, and I assure you that you won't wake up tomorrow. - Changbin suddenly spoke, appearing from nowhere.

He rested his balled-up fists on Hongjoong's desk, the latter flinching for a second.

- What are you, her bodyguard? - He spat back, earning only an even darker glare.

- I'm her boyfriend, and this is your last warning, Hongjoong. -

- Uuuh, someone finally managed to get a boyfriend! - Hongjoong teased, turning towards me while laughing, not caring one bit about the fact that Changbin had just threatened him.

- Shut up before I make you. - It was Changbin's last warning, coming out in a husky voice.

- You don't scare me, Changbin, and neither do your friends. So fuck off. - Hongjoong narrowed his eyes, staring challengingly at the senior who still stood fiercely in front of him.

I have never seen a more evil smile make its way on my boyfriend's face. His eyes glistened with revenge, a little held-back laugh making him sound as if he had gone mad.

- You'll change your mind, Hongjoong. - Was the last thing he said before walking to my desk, his gaze suddenly turning soft and loving.

He pecked me on my forehead, patting my waist to make me stand before sliding on the chair under me, having me sit on his lap.

- Are you sure Mrs. Jung won't say anything? - I asked, referring to us sitting in such position and the lesson about to start.

- Not until I keep on turning in perfect homework and nail every test. - He said amusedly, looking at the teacher, who was starting to teach the lesson, truly not caring one bit about me sitting on Changbin's lap.

- Hyunjin never does that to me... - Seungmin mumbled in complaint while looking at the position we were sitting in, a disappointed pout on his face.

Changbin giggled, taking out his phone and typing something in before shutting it off.

- There you are, Seungminnie! - Hyunjin made his entrance in the cafeteria, happily skipping to our table.

- Hi, Hyunjinnie. - Seungmin replied softly, a little embarrassment for the nickname tinting his cheeks pink.

- Why don't we all sit at the same table? - Hyunjin suggested, glancing at the table where Minho, Jisung, Chan and Changbin were sitting.

We all nodded happily, standing up to make our way to the other guys' table. Only thing, the seats were 8, and we were 9.

We all took a seat, Seungmin and I staring at the last empty seat, trying to communicate with our eyes on who would have taken it.

Without even saying a word and in the blink of an eye, Changbin took me on his lap, Hyunjin doing the same with Seungmin.

The younger blushed crazily, burying his head in his arms on the table. He was too worried fighting his blush to notice Changbin and Hyunjin high-fiving.

- What? I thought you liked it! - Hyunjin teased Seungmin, his hands gently and teasingly caressing the younger's waist.

Seungmin cleared his throat, inhaling deeply before speaking.

- I-I do, t-that's the thing. -

We all laughed amusedly, eventually starting to eat while chatting happily.

Changbin pushed his tray of food in front of me, expecting me to eat as he stared at me lovingly, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face.

I ate half of his food, thanking him before sliding his tray back in front of him.

- I'm so in love with you, I swear... - He kept on admiring my features, his chin resting on his palm.

- Stop, it, you're gonna make me blush! - I said, playfully hitting him before turning away, hiding my cheeks.

He chuckled as he started to eat, having a conversation with Jisung and Minho which I listened to, even though the topic wasn't of much interest to me.


We walked outside of school towards the parking lot, still hand in hand and chatting about the homework. He was excited about the upcoming test, starting to playfully bet on who would have done better between the two of us.

I giggled, but soon I halted my steps and laugh when I saw Hongjoong being surrounded by four scary men, all dressed up in black and staring at him as if he was their prey.

I tugged at Changbin's arm, pointing to that secluded corner of the parking lot.

- Changbin, we must do something! - I pleaded him, worrying about Hongjoong being hurt. Even if he had hurt me with his words, he didn't deserve to be beaten.

Changbin smirked evilly, an amused chuckle leaving his face, eyes glistening with revenge.

- I told him he was going to change his mind. -

- You sent them?! - I was in complete shock, not expecting Changbin to be so evil to send four grown men to beat a poor high schooler.

He turned to me, furrowing his eyebrows and staring at me confusedly.

- Yeah, he hurt you. - He said as a matter of fact.

- But he doesn't deserve to be beaten up! - I angrily shouted at him, crossing my arms.

He sighed, rubbing his temples for a second before taking out his phone and dialing a number.

- Don't hit him, just scare him to death. - Was all he said before hanging up, taking my hand and leading me away from that spot to somewhere where I couldn't see Hongjoong anymore.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now