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While we were waiting at an intersection, he suddenly pulled out a packet of chips, handing it to me.

- Eat. -

I looked at him confused at why he would forcefully get me into his car only to order me to eat.

- Why? -

- Will you fucking stop asking why for a fucking second, Jiho? - He shouted all of a sudden, punching the steering wheel and making me flinch. - Do you think I didn't notice how you fucking stumbled through the corridor into the nurse's office this morning or how you have lost half your weight compared to last year? Now do me a favor and eat. - He growled, still not averting his eyes from the road.

To say I was shocked would be reductive.

I looked at the little packet of chips in my hands. Ever since when did Seo Changbin start caring about others' wellbeing?

I analyzed the object in my hands carefully, as if it meant much more. Why was Changbin acting like that all of a sudden?

- Why do you care? - A tear trailed down my cheek. - You never did. - My mind started recalling all the comments, all the names and insults he would throw at me for skipping school last year, or how he would turn so evil due to our competitiveness in academics before my mother died.

Before it all happened, I used to be one of the best at school, always finding myself competing against Changbin for a better mark. The thing that pissed me off the most was that he wouldn't even study, he was just talented like that, while I had to study for hours to see any result.

This is the reason why the second I stopped having time due to work, I started failing classes. I was not gifted like him, and it made me jealous.

- I said to stop asking why, Jiho. - Another low growl.

I held onto that packet of chips for the rest of the trip, staring at it in silence.

- We're here. - He announced as he parked his car in front of the shop.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, Changbin staring at me while I stared at the packet of chips.

- If you don't want to eat it now, bring it home and eat it when you feel hungry. - His tone was now softer, his voice lower in intensity, almost a whisper.

I faintly smiled, putting it inside my backpack before turning to him to speak.

- I know you don't want me to ask you why, so I won't, but just know that my question still remains. - I sighed, mentally preparing myself to say something I would have never thought I would have said to him. - Thank you, Changbin. -

He didn't reply nor smile, but just observed me get out of his car and enter into the shop to start my shift.


I sighed, cleaning up the counter before closing the shop. It was 10pm. My boss had insisted for me to remain a couple hours more to cover one of my coworker's shift, since she had suddenly fallen ill.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling quite tired as I made my way out the door.

I halted my steps as I saw one specific car parked in the now empty parking lot.

Changbin was scrolling through social media, sitting in the driver's seat, yawning every once in a while.

I approached his car, knocking on the window. He jumped, startled, before rolling it down.

- What are you doing here? - I asked, trying to fake an uninterested tone.

- Get in. - He simply ordered, barely looking at me.

This time, he didn't have to threaten me for me to comply. I made my way to the passenger seat, sitting comfortably and finally relaxing my legs.

- Weren't you supposed to finish at 8pm? - He asked to break the awkward silence.

- Yes, but my boss asked me to stay a couple of hours more. - I stared into the dark road ahead of us, the lampposts barely making any light. - Have you been waiting since 8pm? -

I turned to him, seeing him slightly nod.

- I brought you something. - He gestured to the backseat, not daring to look at me as I turned, curious to see what Seo Changbin had gifted me.

My eyes widened when I saw a carton of pizza.

- It has cooled down, but if you want you can eat it. - He said, still not meeting my eyes as I smelled the pizza. - Same thing as for the chips. If you want to eat it now, do it, if you don't, bring it home. -

I was at a loss for words that I didn't even thank him, immediately digging into the first slice.

I was too caught up in the tasting that I barely noticed that we were entering my neighborhood.

- Wait... - I said confused, Changbin's mouth morphing into a smirk, already knowing what I was going to ask. - How the fuck do you know where I live? -

He chuckled, parking the car right in front of my apartment complex.

- I might have threatened Felix... - He said, smiling unapologetically.

My facial expressions suddenly dropped, turning into a frown instead.

- What did you do to him? - I growled, ready to throw punches. Nobody could hurt my Felix.

- I didn't hurt him, don't worry. - He giggled softly, staring back at me. - I just threatened him by saying he wouldn't have seen Chan anymore. -

- You are a dick, Seo Changbin. - For the first time in a while, I found myself smiling unconsciously.

I offered him some of the pizza he had bought, and we soon started chatting as if we had known each other for much longer than we actually did.

It felt weird, knowing that just a few week prior he was the one bullying me.

Eventually, I bid him goodbye, thanking him for the food, carrying the leftover pizza in my hands as I made my way inside my apartment.

Behind the Curtain [Seo Changbin ff]Where stories live. Discover now