Working Late

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It was around 22:00. I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Stephanie and I made sure to tuck the boys into bed. I did some reading and was going to go to sleep. However, Igor had still not come to bed. I did not like going to bed until Igor went to bed with me. I stood up out of the bed, put my robe on, and slipped on my slippers.

I peeked into Igor's study. He was hard at work and typing on his typewriter. A cigarette hung out of his mouth as he wore his wire-rimmed glasses. He looked so incredibly handsome. I opened the door wider with a smirk on my face.

"Olishka, I will come to bed soon. I must finish up these documents." Igor said. I walked over to the desk and around it. I slid my arm on the leather of the chair. Igor looked up and grinned at me. He moved the chair back, allowing me to sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing his cheek and neck.

"You are making it very difficult for me to work." Igor chuckled.

"You should be in bed. It is getting late and we are going to my parents' home tomorrow."

"I forgot. I'm sorry."

"My dear, what is on your mind? You seem stressed." I straightened my back. Igor wrapped his arm around my waist. He sighed and leaned his head back.

"The zoo prices will have to increase. There are too many customers a day for the prices we have."

"By how much?" I asked.

"That is what I am trying to figure out." Igor claimed. "I was going to have an accountant come tomorrow and help me find out how much the prices must increase. But if we have to go to the Tsar's residence-"

"Darling, do not worry about it. I will go with the boys in the morning. You can have an accountant over and follow that afternoon. Or you can have an accountant come to the Alexander Palace. It will be fine."

"Alright." Igor muttered. He leaned forward and kissed me. "I am worried, however. I opened the zoo for the Russian commoners. What happens if it becomes too expensive? What shall I do? I do now wish to disappoint the people."

"And you will not. You have this under control. We will find a way. We always find a way." I put my hand on his face. He stared at me blankly and shook his head.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked me.

"I am still trying to figure that out."

Igor snickered. "Ah, now that my Olishka. Always finding a witty comment. I suppose I won't tell you the surprise I have for you."

I gasped. "A surprise? What is it?" I giggled. I had not been expecting any gifts. My birthday was not until November and our anniversary had already passed. Igor was an excellent gift-giver. Every year for my birthday, he managed to buy me some jewelry and a Fabergé egg. I'm sure one this year will have all four of our boys' photos on them. I would enjoy that very much

"I bought a house." Igor smirked. I was puzzled. We never had two residences. Nor was there any need for us to have two residences.

"What do you mean? Where? When?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Igor laughed again.

"It is a vacation home that we can spend at least two-weeks at every Summer. But would you like to have a mansion in Havana, Cuba?"

"Why Cuba? Where even is that?"

"It's south of Florida, which is south in America. It has slowly been on the rise in popularity for the wealthy. Hollywood actors and singers are starting to holiday there."

"I am not sure, Igor. Hasn't there been some uprisings and what not?"

"Well yes, but it is slowly becoming better. I was reading in a magazine by 1935, Cuba will be a holiday spot for the wealthy."

I groaned. "I just do not understand why we simply cannot by a home in Ukraine. In the Crimea. That is a nice and warm area."

"I am tired of only traveling around Russia, to Ukraine, and to Finland. I want more, my dear. You would love the United States."

"I have been once. It was not truly my cup of tea." I shook my head. I could see the disappointment in Igor's face. I knew he meant well and wished to surprise me, but it was not my best gift. Still, I wanted to make him happy and proud. I put my hand on his face.

"Igor, I am just worried about our safety. Think about the children. I would love to buy a Summer home, but not Cuba. Please. But maybe some place still in Europe. That way we can travel with the boys...and even without the boys. For when you and I need a break from it all. Igor and Olga time is my favorite time." I kissed his cheek a few times. Though, he still seemed a little disappointed. But a sudden grin popped on his face and he looked up at me.

"You are right. Maybe Cuba is not the best place for a Summer home. We can think about it later. But let's think about right now. Can we have Igor and Olga time now?" Igor smirked at me. I smirked back. We started kissing and then we stood up together. "Last one to the bedroom is a rotten egg."

I giggled. "How old are we, twelve?"

"You are the rotten egg then."

"No! You have to turn off your study lamp first!" I laughed.

"Dammit!" Igor snickered and turned around to turn his lamp off. I laughed as I ran down the halls and back to our bedroom. Igor's loud running quickly followed behind me. Once we were together in our room, we laughed. We then held each other and kissed as I quietly shut the door.

Everything would be alright. I had to hope everything would be alright. The zoo was going to work out fine and we could cooperate on a Summer home. Our family was going to make so many memories at these places. I wanted them to, as they deserved it. My boys were everything to me.

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