Shopping In Biarritz

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There was a free to do whatever we liked. Some of the men decided they wanted to go shooting, others decided to take advantage of another beach day. Some wanted to work on studies in the library or practice dancing in the ballroom. However, a small group of us women decided to go incognito and go shopping. OTA, Astrid, Mignon (Maria of Yugoslavia), Ileana Ingrid, and Mary found it the best use of our time. Biarritz was a wealthy and tourist area. There were many shops and restaurants to choose from. We dressed in casual clothing, put on our hats, and grabbed our purses. We fit into two separate cars and made our way to the city.

"My goodness, I have no idea what I wish to see first!" Astrid exclaimed. "I wish to get some photos of the ships on the water."

Anastasia giggled. "Those would be beautiful. I know it sounds childish, but I want a large vanilla ice cream! I hear that the ice cream parlors here in Biarritz put candy on top!"

"Oh yes, I want to try some! I love vanilla ice cream, but I love chocolate more."

"Listen, let's be mature. We all know strawberry is the best." I shook my head. We all laughed together as we rolled into the streets. The cars stopped on the sidewalks and we were allowed out. The chauffeur leaned over to us with a condescending look.

"There are undercover soldiers here who will be keeping an eye on you all. Miladies, you have no need to worry. What time shall I come back to pick you up?"

Mignon cleared her throat. "How about two-hours? That should be plenty of time."

"Very well then." The chauffeur than drove off. The eight of us took off in the streets. The streets of Biarritz were loud. People were shouting and trying to advertise their shops and carts. Children were laughing and tossing a ball around while chasing each other. While listening to people, I heard a mix of the French and Spanish language. Which did not surprise me, since Biarritz was so close to the French-Spanish border. The water was especially blue today and the sun was not-so-hot, as there was a slight warm breeze. I could smell the fresh croissants and music playing from inside pubs.

"I hear there is a large department store here in Biarritz. Should we go?" Ingrid asked.

"I am not sure. I hear it becomes very crowded. We may not have enough time to walk all the way there and come back on time." Mary replied.

Ileana gasped. "We should go shop for some jewelry! Or clothes!"

"Of course, what else would we look for?" Mignon rolled her eyes.

We found a store with jewelry. The eight of us shopped around for nice jewelry to buy ourselves. We bought ourselves new sets of ruby, pearl,,emerald, or sapphire jewelry. I bought myself a set of beautiful ruby jewelry on gold. The eight of us ladies spent nearly all of our money on the jewelry. But we had just enough to buy some ice cream and one piece of clothing.

At the clothing store, I decided to be simple and bought myself a new pair of shoes. They were white-and-red heels. Tatiana and Anastasia to keep it simply and also bought themselves a pair of heels. Mary and Ingrid bought themselves new sun hats while Ileana and Mignon bought themselves a new pair of lace-gloves. After leaving the store, we stopped on a large bridge going over the water to take some photos.

"Ingrid, take a photo of me popping my heels up!" Anastasia shouted as she scurried off. Just like the actress she used to be, she put on a dramatic face and put her hands over her heart as she popped her foot up. We just laughed as Ingrid took the photo.

"It is so beautiful outside. I wish it could be like this forever." I smiled and leaned over the bridge. I watched the small and large boats move under it. We waved at the people on the boats who were waving at us as well.

"Yes, but we have better winters. Petrograd is so beautiful in December." Tatiana nodded.

"Yes, I know. But the west has hotter and more beautiful summers. It's like paradise."

Astrid giggled. "We should take a ladies-holiday to Italy next Summer! Wouldn't that be so much fun?"

"I agree! We should do it!" Anastasia exclaimed and jumped up and down. "I know the perfect swimsuit to wear to the beach."

"I hope it is something that covers your knees." I shot her a condescending look. Anastasia rolled her eyes at me.

"Of course not. That is why I am wearing it." Her and Mignon chuckled together for a moment.

"Should we take a walk on the beach tonight? We could gossip and collect shells." Mary asked us.

Tatiana giggled. "That sounds delightful. I have had much fun with you ladies this summer, and it is only June."

"You're right, dear Tatya. I can only imagine the fun we will have later on. I hear there's a day we can go on have lunch and dance on King George's royal yacht." Anastasia claimed.

Mary nodded. "Yes, that is true. But that will not be until July. Until then, there are many other activities for us to partake in."

"You are so lucky, dear Mary." I sighed. "You get to live in that beautiful castle on the beach. If only I was able to pick it up and move it to Russia."

"It is my parent's castle, not mine. I will not have access to it without their permission. And Russia such beautiful palaces! The Winter Palace is something special."

Ingrid gasped. "Oh yes, I have only been once when I was younger. I would love to go again, if I may."

Tatiana grinned. "Come visit us anytime you ladies want. The Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace is always open."

"I am going to take your offer soon. I like the winters in Russia." Ileana let out a small snicker.

Astrid suddenly looked off from the group. She ran up to a middle-aged man and gave him the sweetest smile. He smiled back and took her camera from her hands. She came back over to us.

"Come on, girls! We are having our photo taken!" Astrid giggled. We all got close together and wrapped our arms around each other. We grinned until we heard the small clicking sound from the camera. Each of us took turns handing the man our cameras so he could get photos of each of us. Soon, each of us had at least one. The man handed it back to Astrid and went on in his day. "I wish to remember this day even when I am old and frail."

"Me as well," Anastasia smirked. "Come on. Let's go get ice cream."

We went to the local ice cream parlor. Ingrid, Ileana, and I chose strawberry ice cream, Anastasia, Mignon, and Tatiana chose vanilla, and Mary and Astrid chose chocolate. It was refreshing feel the cold and delicious taste on such a humid day. The eight of us sat outside at a table while we ate the ice cream together.

"It has been too long since I have had ice cream," I laughed. "I feel like a little child visiting Paris on hot day again."

Tatiana laughed too. "I remember that. Alexei completely devoured his bowl of ice cream! He begged for more, but Mama wouldn't allow it."

"He did not need that much sugar." Anastasia shook her head. "Mignon and Ileana, I am sure you are used to summers being this humid and sunny."

Ileana shrugged. "It is nothing out of the ordinary, no. Though, I do feel a bit homesick. I miss my fiancé." Ileana was betrothed to Archduke Anton of Austria. He was quite wealthy still, but his title nearly seemed meaningless now. However,,they made each other happy and that was all that mattered.

"Disgusting. I dislike people who are in love and happy." Anastasia laughed.

"Anastasia, that was rude. Watch your mouth." I scolded her quickly. All I got from her was an eye-roll and no response. I supposed she was nearly twenty-nine and I could not tell her what to do or say anymore. But I did not care. Anastasia was going to listen to me no matter what.

Ingrid checked her watch. "Oh, how disappointing. It has already been nearly two-hours. It has not felt that long." She frowned. Mignon stood up with a slight smile.

"It is alright, Ingrid. We can make one more day to come and shop. For now, we must return. Let's go." Mignon waved us on. And like ants, we followed her together as we finished up our ice creams.

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