Everything's Changed

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The night was awkward and confusing. Olga, Igor, Josiah, and I discussed the plan. We wished to meet Papa and Mama again and have a discussion. Josiah was willing to convert over to Lutheran, and so would I. We both came from money and we hoped that would help. Though, I was quite worried about telling them Josiah was Jewish. I was to go over to the Alexander Palace this afternoon, but Josiah was to stay behind. It only seemed proper that I did not throw him at my parents.

Olga's chauffeur pulled up in front of Alexander Palace. For some reason, it felt like a whole new place. It did not feel like my childhood home to me anymore. Too much sadness surrounded the house. Too much death. Maria and Alexei were the key factors of my childhood and they were gone. Even Rasputin was gone, and I had practically known him my whole life. However, the inside of the Alexander Palace had not changed a bit. The butler taking my coat felt new to me too.

"Nastya." Papa said as he and Mama walked up to me. "Welcome home."

"Thank you, Papa." I nodded. I looked at Mama, but she was not even looking at me. I could see that she had tears in her eyes, however. "Mama? Please, say something."

"Shvybzik...we have missed you terribly. I am so happy it took you this long to come visit." Mama claimed, but it was clearly backhanded.

"Mama, I am sorry. But I had much going on at home-"

"This is your home." Mama finally looked up at me. "We are your parents, your siblings are here, and your nieces and nephews. We are your family, not that man you brought to Russia."

It seems as if Olga already told Papa and Mama everything. I wonder if she telephoned them this morning. That seems like the most likely situation.

"Let us speak like adults. That is all I ask. I want to make things right with you all." I sighed.

"I am sorry, Lovey. But I am suddenly feeling a bit faint. I think I should go lie down." Mama whispered to Papa. She looked at me for the last time and gave a wan smile. "You are still very beautiful, Anastasia. What a woman you have become." She then turned and started walking away. I could only watched as she walked around the hall and up the stairs.

"We should go to the Maple Room. I will have tea prepared for us." Papa stated.

We went up to the Maple Room. There were new sofas, I had noticed. We sat in chairs opposite of each other in front of the fireplace. The maid brought cups of peach tea. She the closed the door behind her, and that's when Papa cleared his throat. Papa was ready to begin our deep conversation.

"Olishka told me everything. About how she went to Hollywood two months ago, and that you were engaged to a Jewish man."

My heart dropped. I did not know how this conversation would go.


" you know how his people are, Nastya."

"No, I actually do not know. So tell me what Josiah's people are like." I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

" The Jews killed Jesus Christ. They take, they take, and they take until they cannot take anymore. They are money hungry and are the ones that destroyed Germany. That is why the Kaiser was overthrown."

"No, that's not it! Kaiser Wilhelm was overthrown because he was a poor leader and went against our family during the Great War. I'm sorry, but the Jews had absolutely nothing to do with the fall of the German empire."

"My dear, I love that you try to look for the best at everyone. But Josiah and his people may seem like a dream, but are actually evil deeds hidden in disguise."

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