Family Issues

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Igor and I decided we would go visit my parents, Anastasia, and Alexei on Friday morning. We would have lunch together and then take a walk around Alexander Park. Unfortunately, Dmitri and Tatiana couldn't join because Tatiana has been ill with nausea all morning. Which was fine, but still sad that we couldn't get together like we used to.

"Olenka!" I heard Alexei exclaim once Igor and I walked in. He ran so fast down the fast. Alexei threw his arms around me in a tight hug. He was taller now. He was probably around 5'11" now. Which was surprisingly tall, considering Papa is quite short.

"Oh Baby, I have missed you." I groaned and squeeze him tight. "Have you grown? And why does your voice keep getting deeper?"

Alexei chuckled. "That's because I'm a man now."

"No, you're still a baby to me."

"Go on and keep telling yourself that I'm a baby." He rolled his eyes. Alexei went on and hugged Igor tightly.

"Hey, kiddo." Igor grunted as he hugged Alexei.

"You better be treating my sister well or I will absolutely kick you in the stomach."

Igor laughed. "Oh, I don't doubt that."

"Well, come on you two. Papa, Mama, and Anastasia are waiting in the dining room for all of you."

The three of us walked to the dining room. There was a rather nice meal planned. There was beef stu, bread, salad, and several jellies and butters on the side for us to put on the bread. English lunches were great, I practically grew up eating a lot of English meals. At our home, the chef only knows how to make Russian or French dishes.

"Olenka, how are you staying busy these days?" Mama asked me.

"Well, I have just been settling at home and doing much reading. But I hope to start doing charity work again as soon as possible. Perhaps a food kitchen or something like that."

"Ah, I see. And Igor, what will you do?"

"I will probably stay involved in the military in some way. Or I was thinking...I could do something with animals." Igor started and looked over at Papa. " about I open up a zoo here in Petrograd?"

Papa seemed rather puzzled at that. "A zoo? Why have a zoo when we have dogs, cats, and horses here at Tsarkoye Selo? What about our elephant?"

Igor shook his head. "That is great, but only Romanovs can see that. I think the Russian people should have something fun. If we have a zoo, we could be open in the Spring and Summer. Then in the Autumn and Winter, we'll shut down. I adore animals and it'd fit me well."

Anastasia gasped. "Oh, do you think I could help out! I'd love to work at a zoo!"

Mama scoffed. "Nastya, you cannot work at a zoo. It's quite dirty and I know how you are. You'd ruin every piece of clothing you had."

"Actually, what have you been doing, Anastasia? I know that with all of your sisters out of the home, you must be keeping busy doing something." I looked at her. For just one moment, Anastasia seemed very nervous. She gulped and shrugged.

"I've been helping out at Tatiana's hospital. They allow me to do some office work, at least until Tatiana is able to return. Which, it's actually quite fun."

"Maybe I'll come visit sometime! I liked doing office work-"

" do not have to do that. Olishka, you're always busy. Don't worry about me. Worry about trying to have a baby." Anastasia nodded.

Igor choked on his drink and accidentally spit back into his cup. Alexei and Mama went rather pale and Papa just seemed rather flabbergasted. It was quite inappropriate of Anastasia to say such a thing, especially at the table.

"Oh, I did not mean it like that! I meant it as in I want a niece or nephew terribly. And I just know Tatiana will be a mother who will not allow anyone to hold the baby for more then 20-seconds." Anastasia shrieked.

"Shvybzik, just be quiet for one moment, please. I don't think my heart can take it. Anyway, Olenka, I heard you spoke to Tatiana about a week ago."

I nodded. "Yes, I have. She's rather stressed and I'll tell you about it once the children are away."

Alexei scoffed. "I'm not a child, I'm almost sixteen! We've been over this!"

"Alyosha, calm down. You're still quite young and you shouldn't involve yourself in adult problems. Stay carefree and young as long as possible." Papa said. Alexei just shrugged it off and continued to eat.

The rest of the day was well. Our walk was well. Igor and I walked around hand-in-hand. Papa, Mama, Anastasia, and Alexei walked away somewhere else for one moment. Igor and I went to the lake at Alexander Palace.

"Anastasia will always stay quite the firecracker, won't she?" Igor snickered.

I giggled. "Yes, I believe so. No one can tame her. I hope you were not too offended by her comment."

"Oh, not me! If anyone seemed upset, it was your parents. But Olga, she did have a point. We have all these plans but when exactly do we want to start our family?"

"I thought we were already trying for having a family?"

"I know, but I would really like to focus on that for sometime. I want it to become our main ambition." Igor stopped me and took my hands. He stroked my hair back and weakly smiled.


"No, I want to talk at this moment. Olga, it has been my dream since 1916 to marry you and have children. And I have the first one checked, but I'm so eager for the second one. My darling, do you really think there's a place in this world where I can live without you? Because you'd be very wrong."

I blushed. "And you said you've never had a mistress before we were married. You are very good with your words." We both laughed for a moment. "If I feel anything, I shall let you know. And I would like a child as soon as possible as well."

"You truly mean that?"


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