A Hatred So Strong

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It was a quiet Tuesday with not much going on. Some of the adults were at the beach, others having tea, and others were playing games in the billiard room. I was walking around the halls while reading a book. I needed to make physical activity entertaining somehow. Sir Greystone had been out of my sight all day and spending time with David instead. I was minding my own business until I heard the cries of a child running down the hallway.

"Mama!" Little Dmitri screamed and sobbed and ran down the hall. I immediately closed my book and bent down. I grabbed his arm as he was running and pulled him.

"Dmitri, Dmitri! What happened?" I asked. I had little knowledge over Russian Sign Language so I hoped he was able to read my lips well.

"King C-Carol!" Little Dmitri said with a thick lisp. Even though my dear nephew was getting more confident in his speech, he spoke with a lisp. It was a bit difficult to sometimes understand.

"What did he do?"

"Look! He struck me!" Little Dmitri rolled up his sleeve so I could see his hand. There was a small amount of blood, perhaps from a belt. I felt a rise of anger in me. "I need to tell Mama!" He tried to get past me, but I lightly pushed him back.

"No! I will take care of it. Why did he do it?"

"I do not know. I was in the sitting room when he grabbed my hand and hit me! It hurt!" He wrapped his little arms around me tightly. I hugged him back for a moment as he sobbed. I would never lay a hand on Michael, no matter what he did. I pulled away from Little Dmitri and wiped his tears.

"Do not tell your mother or father. Aunt Nastya will take care of it. Do not tell your parents. Do you understand?"

He responded by shaking his head.

I let him go and marched down the hall. I opened the door to Vladimir's sitting room. He was smoking a cigarette in his tank top. He had his little glasses on as he typed on the typewriter. The radio had piano music playing in the background. I slammed the door shut to his room.

"Christ! You scared me." Vladimir jumped. I walked over and sat down on the desk. "Anastasia, I love you, but I am not in the mood. I need to finish this poem."

"Carol hit Little Dmitri."

Vladimir looked up at me with a shocked expression. "What? Did you tell Tatiana?"

"No, of course not. Tatiana will not doing anything about it. She is too scared of upsetting a king."

"Alright, so what are you going to do?"

I smirked and took the cigarette out of his mouth. I puffed on it and then exhaled. "Do you want to help me? I think we need to put Carol in his place."

"You do understand that he is a king, correct? We could have murdered for attempting to kill a king."

"Christ, I am not some monster! I am not that evil, Vlad. I also know how deeply you believe in peace and love. However, would be willing to go against your morals for your sweet little nephew? And your favorite sister-in-law?" I grinned. Vladimir seemed hesitant at first. His expression then changed and he threw his head back.

"What is the plan?"

The next night, Vladimir and I met up in the sitting room. It was just us in there. We planned on making this quick before revenge took place. I reached into my purse and handed him the small pill.

"Sneak this into his Carol will be out like a light."

Vladimir twirled the between his fingers. "What in the world is it? Will it kill him? I will not do anything against the law."

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