Only You, Forever

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One-week after Anastasia's advice to me, I had truly reflected on it. Tonight was the last ball before we returned in two-weeks. I got dressed in my traditional royal uniform and wore my medals from the Great War. I sat at the end of the bed in Anastasia's room while reading a magazine. She was down the hall in the bathroom fixing her hair up.

"Christ, this Hitler man is insane. Someone needs to throw him in an asylum." I muttered to myself. The door to Anastasia's room opened. She came in wearing a low-cut white dress and the satin dress fell to the floor. Her white heels slightly showed.

"What do you think? Is it too much?" She asked me and looked down. I stood up and smiled at her.

"My dear sister, you look absolutely beautiful, per usual. Come, let us get this night out of the way." I held my arm out. We linked arms and walked out of the room. But just down the hall, I saw Eudoxia standing in the hallway. She wore a beautiful blue-gown with her short-hair tightly curled. Eudoxia and I made eye contact. I gulped and stopped walking.

Anastasia leaned into my ear. "I am going to go down. I will meet you in the ballroom." She glided her hand on my shoulder as she walked away. Anastasia and Eudoxia made eye contact as she walked away. Then it was her and I looking at each other again. I slowly approached Eudoxia. As we stood in front of each other, we stared into each other's eyes. I did not know who wished to speak first.


"Vladimir-" we both said each other's names at the same time. I softly chuckled. We were silent again for a moment.

"Eudoxia, I am sorry for the other day."

Eudoxia gave a wan smile. "Do not be. I have been doing some thinking, and perhaps this is a good thing. I do not wish to die a lonely woman. And he is a wealthy man with Bulgarian heritage. It will all be alright."

"Do not marry him." I shook my head at her. Eudoxia frowned and a sad expression appeared on her face.

"Why not?" She said softly. Without thinking, I cupped her face in my hands. I leaned in and kissed her passionately for a what felt like forever. As we parted, I looked into her beautiful gray-eyes.

"Because I have also been doing some thinking. I do not wish to die alone. I want to sleep next to someone, to dance with someone at parties, and someone to kiss at Christmas time. I want Paul to know a mother's love. I want that person to be you. I will beg His Majesty Tsar Boris to marry you. I just...I do not want anyone else in this whole world. Only you, forever."

Tears flooded Eudoxia's eyes. We passionately kissed again. I needed Eudoxia in my life. I fell in love with her over the past months. I was ready to to do what it took to be with her.

The ball was incredibly boring. I was so nervous that Guy told everyone my secret. God, I knew I had had too many glasses of wine that night. My heart pounded the whole time and I felt as if everyone's eyes were on me. So what did I do? I drank some more. I drank three martinis, two glasses of whiskey, and one shot of vodka. And let's say, I was very drunk. Drunk enough to not comprehend everything.

After drinking so much, I hovered over the table with all of the snacks. I stuffed so much chocolate into my mouth and the chocolate-covered strawberries as well. I did not know I was not chewing it either. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Anastasia Nikolaevna, may we speak?" Guy spoke softly. Food stuffed both of my cheeks like squirrels and the room felt dizzy. I quickly chewed very fast, swallowing all of it. I took Guy's hand and followed him out of the room into the sitting room down the hall. He shut the door. We moved into front of the fireplace with Guy's hands on my shoulders.

"W-What Guy? I am t-trying to have fun." I slurred my speech and rolled my eyes at him.

"Please, listen to me. I have been thinking...I want to be a stepfather. I will happily be a father to your little girl. Christ, are you alright?" Guy furrowed his eyebrows. The room was becoming hot and I was sweating terribly. I hurled over and vomited all over Guy's shoes.

"God! These are designer! Fuck!" Guy shouted and waved his hands around in panic.

"I-I am sorry." I then started sobbing uncontrollably. I fell to my knees.

"Oh, dear, it is alright. Oh dear, you are sitting in your own vomit. Let me get a maid." He tried to hurry off. But for some reason, I grabbed his leg tightly.

"I am sorry! I love you, Sir Greystone." I sobbed. Guy stopped trying to pull away. He just stared down at me. "I love you and I am sorry for vomiting on your shoes! I would never do anything to intentionally hurt someone I love!" I started sobbing even harder.

"Darling, let me go so I can go get a maid. You are very strong. I am surprised." He tugged again.

"Maria was the strong one. I was just the red-headed one. She was prettier, but I always had a better sense of humor. Oh Maria!" I cried out and wiped my snot on his pants.

"Oh, you are too drunk for this. This was a horrible idea. Give me leg, now." Guy asserted. From there, the night was a blur. I woke up at 10:00. I was in my nightgown and my hair was very messy. Luckily, I did not have a migraine. I was just quite exhausted and my stomach burned a little. Guy was asleep in the chair next and to my bed. I sat up. I picked up one of the pillow off of my bed and chucked it at him.

"Ow!" Guy shot up. "What was that for?"

"What are you doing in my room? I do not want you to see me when I look like this! My hair is not even done!" I yelled at him.

Guy stood up and came over to the edge of the bed. "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"A bit...just give me a moment to wake up." I thought for a moment. I remembered vomiting all over his shoes. And then I remembered his words before that. My eyes widened and I looked up at him. His brown-eyes looked so full of love. Did he always look at me so lovingly? I never noticed until now.

"Sir Greystone-"

"I never got to finish my speech so I am going to say it now. Anastasia Nikolaevna, I love you. I love you more than the sun loves the moon. I do not care about your past as long I get to be your future. I want to be a father to Charolette. If you allow me, I would love to show the both of you unconditional love. Please, come to England. We can become a family."

I grinned at him. Guy tried to lean in and kiss me, but I put my fingers on his lips and pushed him away.

"I would let you kiss me, but my lips will taste like alcohol and vomit." I laughed. Guy laughed too. He took my hand and kissed my cheek instead. As he moved away, he looked at me lovingly. Guy stroked my hair back.

"You owe me new shoes."

I gasped. "You do not confess your love for a lady and then tell her to give you money! We are not married."

"Yet." Guy smirked. I laughed again and shook my head at him. I have not felt this way in a very long time. This was love. Unconditional, pure love.

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