Dancing In The Rain

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Igor and I stayed up late that night. We were chatting, listening to music on our radio in our room, or reading a book. We wished to stay up late to midnight and we were doing everything we could to stay up. Him and I were drinking coffee and pacing around the room. Someone mind wonder why we were doing something so idiotic: it was our ten-year anniversary. Igor and I had officially spent a decade of our lives together.

"Olishka, what time is it?" Igor asked sitting on the bed, sipping his coffee. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand.

"23:45 (11:45 PM)."

Igor groaned. "Oh, it is almost time. I am so utterly exhausted."

"Well, you are not allowed to fall asleep. We have already made it this far."

"I know, I know. I remember our wedding like it was yesterday."

I looked over at him with a grin. I moved in closer to him and wrapped his arm around me. I rested my head on Igor's chest and laid my arm across his torso.

"Oh yes? Tell me all about it." I giggled.



"Alright, then. It was a hot day in July. The sky was so blue and the trees were as green as ever. I was tidied up and put in a carriage to meet my bride. I was so very nervous for my wedding day. But when I saw my bride in that dress with the veil on her head, I knew it was all worth it. And I have loved my wife for every moment of of everyday."

"Aw, you are such a good flirt, my Igor. To think that there was not a woman before me."

"I mean it. You are the only woman I have ever truly wanted."

"Really? What about Maria?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, do not be ridiculous! That was such a long time ago, darling! You cannot be upset about a childhood crush."

"Do you still believe she was prettier than I?"

"No one can be prettier than you. I promise you that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

"I better be. Name another woman who has cared for you the way I have."

"My mother." Igor grinned. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Your mother never did like me much. She thought I was too opinionated to be a good wife." I propped myself up on my elbow. "Did I ever grow on her?"

Igor snickered. "Unfortunately, no. She will always be disappointed I did not marry Tatiana Nikolaevna. But that is fine with me because no one knows you better than I do."

"And that is-" I began. But a loud strike of lightning struck with a roar of thunder. It was raining hard. I laughed and hopped up from bed immediately. "Igor, let's go outside!"

Igor had a puzzled face and looked over to the window. "Darling, it is raining outside."

"Oh, it is fine! Come on!" I went over to him and helped him up from the bed. I gave him his cane and we slowly walked out of our bedroom and down the halls. The trickiest part was helping Igor down the stairs, as he had to hold on to the railing. He needed to take his time doing so. But once we were down the stairs, we were jogging outside as fast as possible. We went out the front doors of the castle into the pouring ran. I leaned my head back and smiled as the rain poured over me.

"Olga, this is idiotic! It is cold and wet!" Igor shouted over the loudness of the rain.

"Oh, stop your whining! Dance with me!"

"I will slip and fall!"

"I would never let you slip and fall! If you did, I would laugh and then help you up." I softly chuckled.

"And that is why we're married. Alright, I am coming." Igor walked closer to me. He slowly set his cane down. His hand slid on my waist and his other hand to mine. I set my hand gently on his shoulder as we carefully moved. We could not waltz, as it would be too difficult for him. So we stayed like this and moved around his a small circle. The rain was aggressive yet somewhat peaceful at the same time. I had a feeling I would never have another moment like this again. I was going to cherish this forever.

Igor and I quietly danced with no words spoken. Our eyes and hands did all the work. I leaned in and kissed him, to which he kissed me back and set his hand on my face. I bent down and picked up his cane, handing it to him. I took his other hand and guided him inside the castle. We went upstairs to the bedroom and shut the door behind us. Igor and I were kissing as we slid our shoes off. He dropped his cane. We fell back on the bed with Igor on top of me. He looked at me for a moment and stroked my hair.

"It is past midnight, which means you and I have been married for officially one-decade. Olenka, you are not only my wife, but my greatest friend. You told me you felt as if our marriage was no longer passionate and dull, but you could not be more wrong. My love for you only grows by the day. When you are away from me, I count down the hours, the minutes, and the seconds until you are back in my arms. Our children are so very grateful for a woman like you as their mother. You tell me you feel ugly and undesirable, but my desire for you is as strong as it was on our wedding night. My lust for you, and only you, will always remain. So you see, I love you more than words or actions could ever describe. You are my heart."

I had tears in my eyes and stroked his hair. "Oh, I did not know we were doing speeches. I have no idea what to say." Him and I laughed. "Igor, I am not a woman of many words. But I never thought I would find someone willing to put up with my rambunctiousness and hot-temper. You always stayed by my side, even when I was angry with you. I love you so very much and I cannot wait to grow old with you."

Igor and I went back to kissing again. As his hand reached the hem of my nightgown, I made sure to lean up and turn the lamp off.

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