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The end of the week was approaching. Josiah and I were supposed to leave on Sunday afternoon, but we have yet to get a response from my parents. It was now Saturday night, and we were running out of time. I was wanting to sit down with Papa and Mama in the Maple Room to discuss the situation with them and Josiah. It was time to find out what they had decided.

After dinner, the four of us walked to the Maple Room. We sat at one of the tables in the room. The fire was going and the room had that crisp old-book smell. I always loved that smell growing up. Papa interlocked his hands and set them on the table. Mama looked away and stared away at the fire. She seemed more tired than usual. Josiah was nervous, I could tell. He was bouncing his leg and deeply breathing.

"Papa, you have gotten to know Josiah for the last week. You have seen our relationship."

"Yes, I know."

"Well, we are leaving America tomorrow afternoon. We need an answer from you, please. May Josiah and I get married?"

Papa deeply exhaled. "I am very sorry, Nastya and Mr. Henry, but. I do not give you my blessing."

My heart sank. Josiah had been nothing but a perfect gentleman the entire week. He was kind and joked. What else was there? That is when Rebecca Brown's conversation with me came back to me. "I do not believe Their Majesties have any intention of letting you marry Mr. Josiah Henry." Had she been correct this entire time? Had I been deceived?

"I am sorry, Your Majesty. I do not understand. How come we cannot get married?" Josiah furrowed his eyebrows at Papa.

"You both know why. You come from different worlds and different cultures. Mr. Henry, can you speak a lick of Russian?" Papa questioned. Josiah hung his head low and did not respond to him. "Exactly. You both will marry and realize how unhappy you both are. I do have give you my blessing."

I scoffed. "I cannot believe this. Josiah has been absolutely perfect, an angel! And it is still not good enough for you, either of you!"

"Shvybzik, please understand where your father and I are coming from." Mama quietly said. I stood up. Anger and sadness was filling my heart. I should have seen it coming. I should have known Rebecca was right. How could I have been so blind? I felt like such a fool in the moment.

"Y-You never had any intention of letting Josiah and I marry, did you? Someone told me that you two never wanted him and I to marry, and I ignored them. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt."

"You have no chance of being happy together. He's Jewish and you're Russian Orthodox. He is America and you are Russian. He is a wealthy actor and you are a Grand Duchess. Don't you see how different you both are?" Papa stood up as well. Josiah followed next.

"I can take care of Anastasia. We are willing to convert religions and I will study Russian. Sir, I would truly like to marry your daughter."

"I am sure you do."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you have caused trouble since the moment you walked into this palace. I know how troublesome you people are."

Josiah groaned. "I will fight for my woman, but I will not stand here and be insulted. Anastasia, we are leaving tonight."

"I second that." I sneered. The both of us walked out of the room with Papa and Mama following us. They were trying to explain more to us. But I was so utterly heartbroken. I deeply wished for my parent's approval of my happiness. But their pride and reputation meant more to them at the end of the day. That is the exact reason why Great Uncle Paul and Uncle Mimi were punished for their actions.

I rapidly started packing my things with Josiah. The commotion of our bickering attracted Mama's ladies-in-waiting and my siblings. Olga, Tatiana, and Vladimir came to my room with genuine concern on their faces.

"Dear, what is going on?" Tatiana asked.

"We are leaving." I stated, shutting my suitcase.

"Already? But you were not supposed to leave until tomorrow afternoon?"

"There has been a change of plans. Oh, and Josiah and I are getting married."

Papa grunted. "There is no possible way you would get married without my blessing, Nastenka! That would be immoral. You would be forcing me to strip you of your title."

"Go ahead! I am done being a Grand Duchess anyway." I shouted. Olga and Tatiana gasped. Vladimir stayed calm and approached me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Cousin Anastasia," Vladimir said in his gentle voice. "I understand you both are upset. I can tell. But you should not think to hastily. You may regret it in the future. Let us take a deep breath and think about this."

"Prince Paley, thank you for your kindness. But we must leave now." Josiah nodded at him.

"Of course, Mr. Henry. However, I do not support you both leaving like this. Anastasia, you should sleep here tonight. That way, you can have one more night with your sisters and I. Who knows when the next time we can visit each other will be?"

Vladimir made a good point. I had not spent too much time with Olga or Tatiana in the time I had been here. If I could have one more night, then that would be nice. A night to remember.

"You may stay, Stasia. But I cannot sleep another night in this palace." Josiah claimed.

"There is a hotel about forty-five minutes away from here. It is nice and has great service." Olga gave a weak smile at him. "I would be happy to call the chauffeur for you."

"Thank you, Olga Nikolaevna."

"I want him to be escorted by the Okhrana. I want to be sure he gets the hotel safe and quietly." I crossed my arms.

"I can call two Okhrana officers to escort him. I do understand how late it is and what not. Mr. Henry, I am sorry we could not have parted on good terms." Papa shook his head. Josiah held his head up high, full of pride. He slammed his suitcase shut and walked past everyone to get to the hallway. We all exchanged looks with each other before exiting the room with him.

I said goodbye to him in the main hallway. We kissed and hugged and said goodbye. I agreed to meet him at the hotel in the afternoon before heading to the docks. Josiah stroked my hair and kissed my forehead for the last time before exiting out of the palace. Until tomorrow.

The night had taken a turn for the worse. Anastasia and Vladimir had gone to play cards in his sitting room while Tatiana had gone to ask for a glass of water. Mama had decided to go sit in the Mauve Room with her ladies-in-waiting. However, Papa had decided to coop himself up in his office. Perhaps he needed someone to talk to.

I knocked on the door to his office. I heard him say: "come in!" I entered the room and shut the door behind me. As I got closer to Papa, I could how pale he was. He had his face buried into his hands. If one did not know any better, you would think that he was on the verge of sobbing.

"Papa? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"No, Olishka. Everything is not alright."

"Is it because of Anastasia? She will get over it, I promise." I reassured. Papa shook his head at me.

"Olga, nothing can ever be fine again. Because Anastasia will never forgive me." Papa gulped. I could see the fear in his eyes. It was the kind of fear that you would see in people when they get trapped. My goodness, what could Papa have possible done?

"What did you do?" I asked quietly, almost afraid someone would hear me. Papa looked up at me wit his wide and terrified eyes.

"Josiah Henry is dead."

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