We'll Go From There

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I sat on the stairs by the main hall anxiously. I tapped my foot on the stair and deeply inhaled and exhaled. What if Papa made a fuss when Josiah walked in? What if Josiah embarrasses himself? What if my family is completely rude to him? No, they cannot be. Papa has not even met him yet. And he was at least willing to meet my fiancé, that was enough.

The doors to the Alexander Palace opened up. I looked over and Josiah walked in with his suitcases. I smiled and leaped up from the stairs and ran over to him. We chuckled as we embraced each other.

"I hope the ride over here was easy. I missed you so." I groaned as I hugged him so tightly.

Josiah softly laughed. "Yes, it was. Your sister and brother-in-law are very kind. They treated me so kindly."

"Good. I told Olga to behave herself so I'm happy everything worked out completely fine." I pulled away from him. "Come on, my dear. Let me show you to your room."

"You aren't going to snow out guest his room without introducing us first, right Anastasia?" I heard someone say. I turned around. Papa and Mama were slowly approaching us. My heart slowly started pounding. I stepped to Josiah's side and stared down at my feet. Josiah dropped his suitcases and bowed.

"Your imperial majesties. It is a pleasure to meet you and be in your palace." Josiah claimed and stood up.

Papa clearly faked a smile. "Welcome to our home, Mr. Henry. Anastasia was right. You are a very handsome man."

All of us laughed together. Papa turned and asked a footman to take Josiah's bags and him to his room. I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief. However, Mama still seemed unimpressed with the man I brought home. Almost as if I had brought home a cockroach that needed to be squished immediately.

"I told you both how handsome he was. He's considered a 'Latin Lover' in Hollywood, even though he is not from Latin America at all." I smirked.

"Yes, you were right." Pap replied.

"He is handsome, Shvybzik. I am happy to see you so happy." Mama said quietly. I weakly smiled at her. "Come Nicky, we have an appointment with the masseuse now. Shvybzik, we will see you around supper."

"Of course. Enjoy your massages."

Papa and Mama walked away together. I sighed to myself, feeling lost at what to do. I wished for Josiah to settle in for a moment and my parents could not be disturbed. That's when Rebecca Brown popped out of nowhere. I gasped as she hugged and tightly and laughed. It had been too long since I'd seen her.

"I missed you, Anastasia Nikolaevna." Rebecca hugged me.

"I've missed you as well. How has everything been?" I smiled. She let go of me and frowned. Rebecca checked our surroundings and pulled my arm. We went all the way to the closest sitting room. I was terribly confused as to why she pulled us away so quickly. It had to have been important. Rebecca closed the door behind us and looked at me with sad eyes. She crossed her arms.

"I must tell you because you are my friend. Anastasia...I do not believe Their Majesties have any intention of letting you marry Mr. Josiah Henry."

That did not make sense. Papa was so willing to meet him. He even invited Josiah to the palace. If he did not have any intention of letting me marry him, then why meet him? None of the pieces were properly coming together.

"Rebecca, I do not understand." I shook my head at her.

"The Tsarina was speaking to Anna Vyrubova last night. She was telling Anna how unhappy she was about Josiah coming to the palace and how disappointed she was in your choices and-"

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