The Cold and The Clock (Part 1)

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Maria had gone so unexpectedly into labor around 18:30. But it was unexpected. Maria was one-month too early. We were all concerned at first until Doctor Gedroits told us that someone women went into labor early and it was typically nothing to worry about. We had Mashka moved into another bedroom and got her all ready.

"Do you need more blankets?" I asked Doctor Gedroits.

"Yes, we need several blankets. Maria Nikolaevna, are you comfortable?"

Maria nodded. "Yes, the contractions aren't awful."

"That's good. You should distract yourself for awhile by reading or something. If the pain starts to get uncomfortable, I recommend you take a small walk. Light exercise can help."

"Thank you, Doctor Gedroits." Maria weakly smiled and then looked up at me. "Olenka, can you get Vladimir for me?"

"Of course. He has been worrying about you. Do you want an iced water?" I stroked Maria's face.

"Iced water sounds lovely."

I went to go fetch some blankets for Maria and then asked Chef Kharitonov for a glass of water. Papa, Mama, and everyone else were waiting in the Mauve Room together to gradually hear news about Maria if any. As I was about to come back to Mashka's room, I peeked in and saw Vladimir sitting next to her on the bed.

"I am so excited, Lilas. My heart cannot take it." Vladimir chuckled. Maria put her hand up to Vladimir's face and began to stroke it.

"Volodya, you must know how happy you have made me."

"No, you must know how happy you have made me. I am nothing without you. My Lilas, you complete me."

Maria sighed. "But Vladimir, do not let me be your only source of happiness. I want you to find other things in this life that make you happy."

"You are everything I want. You and our little girl or boy. I am a published poet and we have a beautiful house in the countryside of France. I can die happy now."

"I love you for as long as life endures, my husband."

"And I love you too. But I want you to get as much rest as possible. Sleep tight, Lilas."

We all retired and went to sleep around 21:00. We wanted to get up bright and early to be with Maria. I woke around 07:00, which Maria was twelve-hours into labor. She was having regular contractions and pains. I tried getting a cold washcloth and patting her head, making it as comfortable for her as possible.

"Oh, my God." Maria grunted.

I dabbed her head with the washcloth. "I am sorry, dear Maria. But everyone woman goes through it. You shall be alright."

"W-who all is awake?" Maria groaned and started deeply inhaling and exhaling.

"Tatiana, Papa, and I. Doctor Botkin and Doctor Gedroits have been woken up and will be back up here shortly to check on you."

"I-I want Papa, please. I just want to hold his hand."

I grinned. "Of course. Would you like me to wake Vladimir too?"

"No." Maria shook her head. "Let him sleep. I am guessing he was up late already. Writing to all of his relatives and what not."

"Very well. And Papa is sending for Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich. So he shall be here in the next few hours."

"Hm...Olishka, do you remember Romania? I have no idea why, but I remember the casino and spending the day there. Let's go back. It was so warm...and sunny." Maria sighed.

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