Being a Woman

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For the last four-months, I have been writing and receiving letters from Alice Paul and Ida B. Wells. Now if Papa and Mama knew about this even after they told me to stop writing the letters, they would be so very angry with me. And I went against Alice Paul's advice of starting a feminist group here in Russia. Not because I did not want to, but because I don't know how. I would have to do it without my father finding out, which was a large fear for me and seemed inevitable. It was stressful to think about, so I just avoided the thought as much as possible. I was determined to make Summer 1919 my best.

I ran along the yard with a kite in my hand. I laughed and watched as the kite started to pick up and fly. Alexei was following in the back with me, trying his best to keep up.
"Come on, Alyosha! Hurry up!" I laughed.
Alexei laughed and stumbled as he ran behind me. "I'm trying, Nastya! Slow down!"
"I cannot! The kite will fall if I slow down. Just run faster, you slow-poke!"
We continued to run for what seemed like forever. Eventually, we did not need to run anymore. The kite was gliding in the car and was caught with the wind. Alexei and I sat down on the cold grass together as we watched the kite. It was very hot outside, unusually hotter than usual. My hat shielded the sun from my face, but not enough to stop me from panting and sweating.

"Do you think the kite should have a name?" Alexei asked.
"Why would the kite have a name? That sounds dumb."
"It's not dumb! How about Boris?"
"Hm, I don't think so. How about...Sandy?"
Alexei furrowed his eyebrows. "Sandy? What an odd name. But sure, I can live with that. Sandy."
From the distance, I could see someone getting closer. Anna Vyrubova marched over to me while fanning herself at the same time. I handed the kite over to Alexei.
"Anastasia Nikolaevna!" She shouted and got closer. Anna panted once she finally stopped. "Y-you have a visitor. Father Grigori's assistant, R-Rebecca.
I beamed and jumped up from the ground. I laughed and clasped my hands together.
"Rebecca is back from Moscow? She wasn't supposed to be back for a couple weeks?"
"Well, she's here now."
"Is Father Grigori with her?"
"Yes, he is with your mother right now. Your imperial highness, you should go see Father Grigori now. Anastasia Nikolaevna, Rebecca is waiting on the sitting room by your bedroom."

I ran inside and kicked off my shoes. I ran up the stairs and down the halls. Once I got to the sitting room, I threw open the doors and saw Rebecca sitting on the couch. I slammed the doors shut and charged at her. I wrapped my arms around her and knocked her off the couch.
"Oh Rebecca, I have missed you so! My dearest friend, you must tell me everything!" I cried out. Rebecca laughed and groaned.
"I will, but you must get off me first."
I got off of her immediately and we both stood up. Rebecca and I sat down on the couch again. She cleared her throat and started to sip tea from her cup.
"So Rebushka, how were your travels in Moscow with Father Grigori?"
"It was fine."
"Oh, you must love being an assistant."
Rebecca chuckled and sipped her tea again. "It's not my first choice of an occupation, but I make a decent amount of money and that's enough for me."
I frowned. "You must miss England immensely."
"I do, yes. But I like Russia and Father Grigori takes care of me. But enough about me, how about you? Have you been receiving my letters alright?"

I cleared my throat and picked up and extra cup. I carefully poured the hot tea into my cup.
"Yes, I have been receiving. But Rebecca, I do not know how I can start a women's group here in Russia without my father knowing. He will have my head." I sighed. Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows and it looked like she was starting to think.
"Well, maybe you just can't have family members in it. Maybe you should go incognito." She said. The only problem was I did not know the last word meant. My English was excellent because of Mama, but there were some words that I still struggled with.
"Incognito? Dammit, what does incognito mean?"
"Incognito means to go in disguise or in secret. You should dress up as a peasant woman and start a women's group that way. No one will know you're the youngest Grand Duchess." Rebecca smirked.
I chuckled at it. Honestly, it was quite genius. But how exactly would I go "incognito"? Would I have to change my clothes or something? It required a lot of thinking.

Three-days later, Papa returned from Paris on July 1, 1919. Mama and all of us waited on the stairs of the Alexander Palace until the car started to pull up in the front.
"Papa! Papa!" Us children cheered and started to run out to the car. Igor, Dmitri, and Mama just smiled at each other and waited on the stairs. The chauffeur had to stop the car before he was able to get the car to stairs because we were surrounding the car.
"Children, let me get to the stairs." Papa laughed.
"No Papa! We've missed you too much!" Alexei cried out. Papa laughed again and groaned as he opened the car door himself and got out of the car. It was untraditional and should've had a footman open it for him, but we were too demanding. Papa and all of us started to walk to stairs together.
"How did it go? What was said at the meeting?" Olga asked.
"Did you see King George? What about King Ferdinand of Romania?" Tatiana then asked.
Maria gasped. "Oh! What did they say about the German Empire and Prussia?"
Papa stayed silent and walked up the stairs to Mama. They gave weak smiles at each other and kissed each other's cheeks. Papa then moved on and shook hands with both Dmitri and Igor.
"Children, I shall answer all of your questions later. However, I have some serious things to discuss with your mother. Why don't you all go play together?"
I stomped my foot. "But Papa-"
"Nastya, please. Just go play."
Dmitri stepped down the stairs and formed a large grin. "Come on, we should play tag. Last one there is a rotten egg!" Dmitri laughed. All of us, even Igor, started to pounce and take off running. I did the same, but I looked back for one second. I'm not sure, but I think I saw Mama throw her hands over her mouth and Papa stare down at his feet.

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