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I had a chair set next to baby Oleg's crib. Oleg was still a bit red from being a new baby with small brown-hairs that would become blond as he got older, even as a newborn, we definitely tell he looked very much like Igor. Though, Igor insists that our son is the spitting image of his older brother, Oleg. However, I do not really see it.

Oleg's nanny, Stephanie, recently put him down for a nap. Stephanie was from The Netherlands, but often mistaken for a German so she had trouble finding a job. I felt great pity for her, so I hired her. She still couldn't speak Russian, so Igor and I were communicating with her in English.

"Olga?" I heard a voice and door crack open. Igor peeked his head in. I brought my finger to my lips and shushed him. Igor quietly continue to walk in the room. He stood over me as we both looked at our son.

"He's my greatest gift from God. I shall protect him with my life." I replied and brought my finger to Oleg's cheek. I carefully stroked, trying to be so gentle to not wake him up.

"He truly is. We should get Baby Irina and Oleg together so they can play together, don't you think?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, I'm scared Baby Irina will be too rough with him. Even for being only eight-months, my niece looks exactly like her father in looks and in personality."

"That's fair enough. Let's leave him to sleep. I would like to tell you something anyway."

Igor and I quietly left the room and closed the door behind us. We went further down the hallway all the way to Igor's study. His study was smaller with a desk, several bookshelves, and a painting of him, Oleg, and I that we had done just a couple weeks after Oleg's birth.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked him. A wide smile spread across Igor's face to which he picked up swiftly and spun around the room. I giggled. "Igor! What is it?"

Igor set me down and then cupped my face in my hands. "You shall never believe it. But after asking more people across the world, they agreed to send some animals to contribute to my zoo. India shall send two peacocks, America will send some farm animals, and South Africa has agreed to send a couple lions, zebras, and monkeys. I'm working to try and get tigers and elephants still, but that's it! Olga, we shall have a zoo right here in Petrograd!"

I laughed. "So we're really going to do it? We're really going to open a zoo?"

"Yes, of course! And it won't be for just the upper-class, I'd like for it to be something the rich and the poor can both enjoy. That is why prices will be reasonable."

"Igor, that's amazing. How'd I marry someone with such a large heart?" I awed and put my hand on his face. Igor just chuckled and gave a small shrug.

"I do not have a large heart. You've just rubbed off on me."

"Now, where exactly is this zoo?"

"Just on the edge of Petrograd at the Northeast side. It's close to the water so we can use a lot of land for each animal. Listen, I am going to invest my money into this properly. I'm thinking of calling it "The Konstantinovich Zoo" or "The Zoo of Petrograd".

"Both sound nice. And who would the workers be?"

Igor shrugged. "Just anyone who likes to learn about animals. Tomorrow, there will be announcement to tell people about the opening of the zoo. Then, I shall put out an application for different people and think of some reasonable wages."

"You have a lot of work to do, Mr. Romanov. Is there anything I can do to help you relax a little bit?" I smirked at him, slightly biting my lip. Igor blushed and just softy laughed. He then put his hands on my shoulders and started to guide me to the doors.

"A great way for you to help me is by leaving me be with my work." Igor groaned and pushed me out the door. I looked at him through the doors as he slowly started to shut them.

"Really? You really do not want me to help you?" I asked him.

"No, I want this to be something I do. I'm sorry, dear. I love you." Igor shut the door in my face. Most women would have been upset or angry, but it was honestly funnier than anything to me. I believed Igor didn't need my help at all to set up the zoo. I think he could do it all on his own. And I would be in his corner until the day I die.

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