California Dreaming

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"Cut! Josiah, that was wonderful! The passion, I'm in love!" The director applauded as the scene ended. In this scene, Jeremiah had just broken off the engagement to Catherine after catching him and Wilma together. It was an unbelievably sad yet passionate scene. "We shall take finish up for the day."

"You all did wonderful, great job! Mrs. Eagles, you were stupendous." I smiled at Jeanne Eagles. She hadn't been in many movies, but she was a great actress. Though, she had a bit of a temper. In many ways, she reminded me a bit Olga. Jeanne was a great beauty and was playing Catherine.

"I know I did. Thank you, Ms. Johnson." She faked a smile and walked away from me. I sighed and got off the stage as well. My assistant, Eleanor, ran up to me and gave a small cup of water. I quickly drank it and handed it back to her.

"Ms. Johnson, I have a telegram from Hollywood. They would like an interview from you and to speak with you about the film."

"Shall I be on the cover?"

"I do not know. I did not ask."

"I will only do it if I am on the front cover." I nodded.

"But ma'am, there are other actors that movies coming to the cinema this year and 1927. Lillian Gish, Mary Pickford, Buster Keaton-"

"Listen, I would like to be on the front cover. If I cannot, then I would like to be the first article with a drawing of me. Do you believe we can do that?" I asked.

"Perhaps." Eleanor looked down at some papers she had her in hands. "You also have a photo shoot for Cosmopolitan in two-weeks. And you have to take the train to New York City next month if you still wish to be in that play on Broadway."

"Yes, I do. Oh, there is much to do. Thank you, Eleanor. Go home for the day and we can get together tomorrow morning for breakfast. Is that alright?"

Eleanor gave a wan smile. "Of course, ma'am. I shall see you tomorrow."

After Eleanor left, I started walking to my dressing room. Per usual, I kicked off my heels and picked them. I walked to my dressing room, where Josiah was waiting for me. He was leaning against the door with a smirk on his face. I could not help but smirk back and hand him my shoes.

"What has you smiling like that?" I giggled.

"I received a telephone call from Hollywood Magazine. They wish to do an interview with us in about three-months. I was thinking that perhaps we could announce our engagement." Josiah grabbed my waist.

I frowned. "I cannot. I am leaving for New York in about one-month for this play on Broadway. Wilma is just about to die, so I do not have much filming left."

"So will you not be here for the premiere? I wish you had told me."

"It was before the engagement. It slipped my mind. What if you came with me?"

"I cannot. I have to start filming "My Best Girl" with Mary Pickford in about three-months."

"You cannot come for just a short time? I do not wish to be away from you for such a while. The Broadway play is in April 1927, and we're only doing the play for four-days during the week. I may be able to come back to California for a short while."

Josiah weakly smiled. "We will figure it out. We always figure it out. Come here and kiss me."

I smiled and moved in. I put my hands on his face and passionately kissed him. His arms wrapped around me and I lost myself in the kiss. But then...I heard something that caught me completely off guard. I had not heard a voice like that in so very long. I was in complete and utter shock when I looked over.

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