The Actress

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"Jeremiah, I cannot love you! It would be wrong, especially when you have a fiancée." I cried out.

He took my hand. "But, my Wilma, you are my one and only love. I do not love Catherine like I love you."

"Oh, Jeremiah-"

"If you really love me, then you will come meet me at the docks tomorrow morning. Come with me to London."

"It would be so dangerous and scandalous, my darling."

He took me in his arms. "It would be worth it for you, my love." He then kissed me. We embraced for what seemed like forever. It was love, was these two had. It was bittersweet.

"And cut! That was perfect Josiah and Anastasia!" The director clapped and stood up. Filming this new film had been absolutely fun! I loved my co-stars and the crew. Josiah, the protagonist of this story, was incredibly fun to be around.

"Thank you, sir." I giggled. Josiah blushed and wiped his mouth. "Are we taking a break?"

"Yes, for about two-hours. The next scene is when Jeremiah comes home and Catherine catches him sneaking late. So Anastasia, go ahead and go home. We will continue filming tomorrow morning."

"Alright, goodbye everyone!" I waved and smiled at the cast and crew as I walked off the stage. Once I was backstage, I kicked off my heels and walked to my dressing room.

Moving to the United States was the best move I made. It was difficult coming to the county, but I had my Visa already which made it easier. California really was as hot as everyone said it was. I thought summers in Russia were hot, but they were nothing compared to California. And getting an audition to become a movie star was also difficult. However, I did it. With my movie "Torrent" being popular, I was now being featured in magazines. My new name was Anastasia Johnson, and I was the daughter of a Count and Countess from Russia. But that was all people knew.

I sat at my vanity, taking off my makeup. I was wearing it almost everyday now. I liked eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick a lot. It was a new look and I felt like such a modern woman. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Josiah opened the door and came in.


"You have a lot of nerve coming in here." I rolled my eyes.

"Me? I saw how you were looking at me out there. I figured you'd want me to follow you in here."

"Please, you smell like feet and cheese. Why would I want you to follow me in here?" I turned to look at him. After a moment, we burst into laughter. Josiah walked over to me and bent down to kiss me. He then walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh, I loved kissing you in front of people. Stasia, you looked so beautiful on that stage." Josiah kissed my cheek.

"Thank you. And you don't really smell like feet and cheese, I was only joking."

He snickered. "Well, I'm happy about that. As long as you still want me, then I'm alright. By the way, there was a letter sitting outside your door so I picked it up." Josiah leaned up and pulled his arms away. He reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a small white envelope. He handed it to me, which I quickly opened and began to read.

"Stasia, I don't know Russian. What does the letter say?"

"It's from my mother. She's begging me to come home. Oh, I wished she wouldn't do that to me. I don't wish to feel guilty."

"Just go for one visit. What's the harm?"

I slammed the letter of the vanity. "Josiah, my parents are the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia. If I go home, they'll never let me leave again. I cannot be trapped in Alexander Palace for the rest of my life. They'd keep me at home until one of my cousins finally wants to marry me."

Josiah lifted me from my chair and set me on the vanity. I looked into deep-brown eyes. He had tan skin and silky black-hair. Josiah was an absolute beauty of a man.

"At least write to them. We are engaged, after all. Are you simply going to marry without telling them? They deserve to know."

"I know," I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "But you have no idea how much stress I'm under. Olga and Tatiana won't stop writing either, also begging me to come home and that I'm abandoning my Russian heritage."

Josiah smirked. "No, you're just scared of your family meeting me. Is it because I'm American?"

"No, because you're Jewish. And you're American, so that does play a factor. But who cares what they thinks about you? I love you and that's all that matters."

"Stasia, you know why I'm engaged to you, right?"

"Why?" I gave a wan smile.

"For your money."

"Ass." I pushed him away and laughed. Josiah laughed too and then came back over to me. He wrapped his arms around me too.

"No, because I love you for you. You don't act like some prissy and egotistical princess like everyone thinks princesses are. You are just Anastasia. You're funny, witty, and lively. You are a charmer, my love. And that is why I love you."

"You always say that right thing. So do you think I should write back?" I stroked his hair back.

Josiah nodded. "You may be frustrated with them, but they're still your family. They still love you at the end of the day. Write back and say you do not wish to come home. California is your home now."

"I know. Come on, let me get dressed and then we can go get a muffin and some coffee at the local café." I jumped down from the vanity. But Josiah grabbed my face and started passionately kissing me. I met Josiah just a few weeks into my arrival in the United States. He proposed to me back in March. I was even considering converting over to Judaism. But I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure if I was able to abandon Russian Orthodoxy. All I knew what that I wanted to be with Josiah forever. He was the one.

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