Another Wedding (Season 3 Premiere)

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July 1920

It was officially a new decade. The 1920s were surely going to be different then the last decade. Anastasia won't shut her mouth about how women are officially allowed to vote in the USA and that women are starting to cure their hair to their ears. I thought it was rather strange, honestly. What was next: women wearing dresses above the knee?

I took my morning walk with Papa around Alexander Park. We had our arms linked. The sun was awfully hot and Papa walked with his cane.
"I cannot believe. Tomorrow, you and Igor shall finally be married."
I weakly smiled. "I know. I know. I'm the bride and yet, I believe Igor is more excited than I am."
"As he should be. He's a very lucky man to marry someone as amazing as my daughter."
"Oh, stop it."
Papa sighed. "I shall officially have three children out of the house. Tatiana and Dmitri are living in Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace, and Tatiana is pregnant. Maria and Vladimir have moved to some mansion in the countryside of France. Oh, what am I to do?"
I chuckled. "You just need to try and find the right man for Anastasia. I believe cousin George, Duke of Kent would be a good match."
"I'm not sure about him. Maybe Bertie would be better or Prince Frederick of Denmark."
"I am not sure." Papa sighed. "If I am being honest, I'm not sure Anastasia will ever marry. She's too...modern for men who still have Victorian morals."

I sat with Mama, Anna Vyrubova, Anastasia, and Alexei in the Mauve Room later that day. Maria had written to me that day about her life in France. She seemed genuinely happy.

Dear Olga,
I have taken an interest in gardening. Vladimir and I are learning how to plant roses and vegetables together. I know it seems odd to you, but it is so delightful to be in the garden in the hot sun with your true love. Vladimir's book of poems have made quite the profit over in France. England has taken an interest and hopes to translate Volodya's book into English. He was so joyed upon hearing it, he bought an expensive champagne that we drank it all in one night! I can hear Tatiana now scolding me for it. Oh, and I know you're curious, but the answer is no. I am still not with child. But I am working hard to get you a beautiful nephew or niece to spoil. I can promise that, dear Olenka.

Your devoted sister,

"What does Maria say?" Mama asked as she knitted her sweater. I set the letter on the coffee table and leaned back.
"Well, she's still not pregnant, unfortunately." I sighed.
"Oh, I feel sorry for her. She might never get pregnant at this rate. It's already been eight-months since the wedding already. I got pregnant with you just two-months later."
"Let's hold on to hope, Mama. It's different for every woman. It might just take Maria longer to get pregnant."
"I understand that, Olenka. I just...I'm scared she'll be disappointed." Mama put her knitting stuff down and sighed. I guess it would be difficult trying to comfort a couple who couldn't have children. I know Mama mentioned before that Aunt Ella(before she was a nun) and my Uncle Sergei never had children, even thought Aunt Ella seemed to have wanted them. But Uncle Sergei seemed anything but interested.
"I'm also sorry that Mashka won't be able to make it. You know she wanted to, but she's terribly busy." Mama nodded. I scoffed.
"Busy giving painting classes to teenage girls, you mean?"
"I dislike that she's missing your wedding, but Maria has her own life now. She's promised to visit for Christmas though, and isn't that nice?"
"I guess it is."
Maria was missing my wedding. It wasn't a party or sporting event, but my wedding. I personally thought it was incredibly selfish of her to miss such date. I was on time for her wedding and I've been to every event she has ever held.

That night, I sat in my room and brushing my hair. After tomorrow, my entire life would be different. I would no longer be the same Olga I was before. I'd be a wife. Someone completely new. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door.
"Come in." I said. Little Alexei opened the door and grinned. It was still hard to believe that he'd be sixteen next month. Alexei still had auburn-hair and large blue-eyes. But he stood at 5'10" and hovered over all of us. Him and Tatiana were close to the same height.
"Yes, Alyosha?"
"Olishka, I just wanted to say something to you." Alexei said and shut the bedroom door. He approached me and handed me a book.
I chuckled. "What is this?"
"'It's our English copy of "Sleeping Beauty". You can look at it and think of me."
"I will always think of you, my boy."
Alexei sighed. "Yes...but it will be different. It seems that everyone is leaving except for me. Soon enough, Anastasia will be gone and I'll just be here."
"You'll get married too."
"I doubt it. Between you and me, I believe everyone has an hourglass. And mine, Olga, is just about out of time."
"Oh, don't talk such rubbish! You shall live a full life like that rest of us! Father Grigori will heal you and you can-"
Alexei suddenly wrapped his arms around me. I didn't exactly know how to respond in that moment. It was a deep and tight hug.
"Just promise me you'll write, ok? I think I'd be very sad if you didn't ever write to me." Alexei muttered in my ear.
"Yes, of course. Write to me whenever you feel like it."
Alexei leaned up and kept his grin. "Goodnight."

The next morning was finally the day of the wedding. We were all moving like crazy. I took a bath and then slowly started moving into my dress. It was a beautiful white dress that flowed to the floor. My hair was pinned up with finger waves and sorts of white-flowers in my hair. Finally, the veil was on top. I had never seen myself look so...beautiful.
"Igor is going to gasp at how you look." Anya Demidova smiled.
"I cannot believe it! Let's go back to when all of you were little children." Mama giggled. I smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"Mama...ladies, I'm getting married!" I exclaimed. Everyone helping me change laughed with me. They helped me move down the stairs and outside. There was a large white and gold carriage. The door was opened for me by a footman. I hopped into the carriage and looked over. Igor was in complete awe.

"My truly are an angel." Igor sighed. I blushed and took his hand.
"Oh, you're trying to flatter me. My darling, we have fifty-years of marriage for you to tell me things like that."
Igor leaned in. "You're awfully flirty this morning."
"I could say the same for you." I leaned in closer. Igor kissed me passionately. I pulled away with a large smile on my face.
"Shouldn't we save that part for later tonight?" I asked.
"Yes, but I had to do it one more time before we were married."
"That's fair enough." I shrugged and leaned in to kiss him again. The carriage started to move and Alexander Palace fell out of our sights.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. Igor and I walked in together with our candles ready. We were blessed and stood at the alter.  The crowns were moved over our heads too. The Peter and Paul Chapel was stunning in the morning, especially with over two-hundred people in the room. After about two-hours, the ceremony was officially over. And just like that, I was officially a married woman.

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