The Empire is Falling

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We couldn't have it anymore. Papa wasn't telling us anything of what happened in Paris and it was time he did. Olga called him into the Mauve room to have a private discussion with her, but the entire OTMAA would be there instead. It wasn't ideal, but he had left us no other choice.

Papa stood in shock as he went into the Mauve room to find all of us.
"Children, whatever is the matter?" Papa asked.
Maria sighed. "Papa, you know what is that matter."
But Papa still seemed a bit confused.
Alexei threw his arms up in frustration. "The Treaty of Versailles! You haven't told us what was in that treaty. It is time we and the Russian people knew."
Papa looked defeated and sat down on one of the chairs. He rubbed his forehead, preparing himself for the news.

"I...I am not longer the King of Poland." Papa sighed. But that didn't make any sense. Russia was apart of the Russian Empire. So how was Poland no longer apart of the empire?
"I'm afraid I do not understand. What do you mean you are no longer the King of Poland?" Tatiana asked.
"Well, the Germans lost their territory over Poland. And then the Polish people have been uprising for independence and we've been trying to condemn them, but it hasn't been working. After having a discussion, I decided to protect my power as Tsar, I must renounce my right to King of Poland so they will become an independent country."
I exchanged looks with all of my siblings. Well, this was a shocker. What would happen to our residences and belongings in Poland? First we lost Finland, and now Poland. What was next?
"Papa, why didn't you tell us?" Olga furrowed her eyes brows. Papa had formed tears in his eyes.
"Because I am ashamed! I am supposed to be a good example of rule and peace for Alexei when he becomes Tsar! And I am losing land."
Alexei approached our father and took his hands. Papa stood up, then Alexei just wrapped his arms out him.

"You could be Tsar or you could be farmer. I would not care. I am more full of gratitude that you are my father. I am your devoted son and servant." Alexei said. Papa weakly smiled and pulled Alexei closer. It was a sweet moment.
"Oh, my dearest boy. My girls, please join in. A hug from all of my children is what is needed as of now." Papa opened his arms wider. The four of us did not hesitate to step forward and into the arms of our Papa. It was nice to know what had happened. Now finally, we can put this behind us and look at our future.

The next afternoon, I returned to the bar with Rebecca. The problem was that I couldn't find anyone to bring with me like we promised. Rebecca brought Maria Rasputina surprisingly. Maria Rasputina was hoping to get out of her parents' house for awhile. But for the sake of her identity, she would be known as Maria Petrovna. Svetlana brought her younger sister, Ludmilla with her. We were meeting in the basement of the bar.
"Thank you all for meeting me here. I greatly appreciate it." I smiled up at them.
Svetlana smiled back. "We are happy to be here, Anastasia. But how come you didn't bring a friend with you?"
"I couldn't find anyone. But that's alright, I at least have Rebecca and Maria Ras-Maria Petrovna here." I nodded. The basement was cold and dusty. The floor was old wood and rats hid in the corners. It was nothing like the Alexander Palace but did not seem to bother the others so much.

"The first order of business, how many of you can read?" I asked. Rebecca, Maria Rasputina, and Svetlana raised their hands. Ludmilla looked disappointed.
"Will it be a problem that I cannot read or write?" Ludmilla asked.
"Of course not. You are apart of our team now. So do not fret." I replied. She just gave a wan smile and looked back down at her feet.
"But anyway, I think we should meet here every Wednesday between 15:30-16:30. We can discuss politics and different women in society."
"Oh, let's skip all of that. When are we going to protest?" Svetlana asked.
"I'm tired of men telling me my place is in that kitchen. I want to have opinions and be able to have a higher-education without being judged."
"I understand that-"
"I also want to be able to take part in government in the Duma or something like that! It'd be so interesting."
"Of course, and we can think about that later. But protesting would not be a good idea. It might get us arrested!" I shrieked.
Svetlana scoffed. "Then so be it."

I tried to avoid any conflict and just continued to speak. Svetlana's ideas were probably a bit too radical for what I could do. I hoped that I would be able to stop her from doing anything crazy.
"We should clean this basement up. We can organize the alcohol. We need to dust, sweep, and wipe down surfaces. From magazines, we could glue feminist posters on to the walls and news articles on to the walls as well! Ladies, our time is now."
Maria Rasputina smirked. "You speak such powerful and inspiring words, Anastasia."
"Let's run Petrograd." Rebecca smirked.

I exchanged smirks with all of them. It was most likely a dangerous game we were playing. But I was too far in now. I was a Grand Duchess one day, and a feminist-liberal the next.

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