The Breaking Point (Season 5 Finale)

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I sat in my new sitting room at the Anichkov Palace. I was reading "The Three Musketeers" next to the fireplace while Paul played with some blocks. Him and I become quite content living with the Dowager Empress. She was better company than I could have ever thought. She doted over Paul immensely.

The Dowager Empress entered the room and smiled widely. "Hello, dear Georgie. I am looking for Nicky. Where is he?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Nicky?"

"Oh, do not let Olga get too close to the fire! That would be no good. I do not wish to scold you."

"Ma'am, are you alright?" I stood up and walked over to her. "Your Majesty-"

That's when her face completely changed. She seemed scared and looked around as if someone were chasing her. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but she immediately removed it.

"How did I get into this room?! I was just in the library! Vladimir, how did I get here?!"

"It is alright, Babushka. It is alright. We should get you to bed." I weakly smiled and nodded. I walked over to pickup Paul and back over to the Dowager Empress. The three of us walked together to get to her bedroom. She seemed very shaken and sad. As if she was a shamed at what was happening to her. I sat her down on her bed with Paul. I got on my knees and helped her take off her shoes.

"I am so very sorry, Prince Paley." She mumbled.

"Don't be, please. It comes with age. You have nothing to be a shamed of. Do you need help laying back?" I asked her. The Dowager Empress nodded at me. I stood up from my knees. I put my hand on her back and gently laid her back on to her bed. I pulled the covers over her and kept my smile. "Try and have a nap. Perhaps you are rather tired today."

"Vladimir, it will only become worse. Eventually, I shall not remember anyone in this family. You mustn't let me become a burden. If you wish to move back in with the Tsar-"

"No, ma'am. We are family. Family helps each other. I will stay here with you the whole time." I shook my head. A wan smile appeared on her face as she took my hand.

"I am sorry that I misjudged you. You are a good character, dear one. May God always watch over you and Paul."

I smiled at her again and let go of her hand. I picked Paul up from the bed and scurried out of the room. She was terrified. She needed someone to stay by her side as she dealt with dementia. And I was willing to put that kindness in for her. The same way she did for me.

"Dmitri." I said as I came into the tearoom. Dmitri had woken up late and so he had tea rather late in the afternoon. He sat with Beth in his lap. Baby Irina and Little Dmitri had been in the library all day with the Russian Sign Language tutor. She was now teaching Baby Irina the language too. Our children used it quite a bit, even more than their own words.

"What is it, Tanya?" Dmitri asked.

"A telephone cal from my parents. They have invited us for dinner tonight."

"Just us?"

I shook my head. "No, they invited Olga and Igor as well. Vladimir shall be there too."

"Alright. It might be fun."

I sat down at the table with Dmitri. "Dima...we need to speak about something."

"Can it wait? I have to meet with a government official in a moment. It's a meeting for conservatives." He chuckled, standing up and handing Beth to me. As Dmitri was walking out, I blurted it out. Something in me just needed to.

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