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Matins at the local Cathedral went from midnight to 2AM. We immediately went to sleep once we got home, but awoke at 08:30. I was very happy to have been able to sleep in much later. But when I awoke, I was excited to have a large Christmas dinner and to open gifts. Olga and I changed into a pair of our nicer dresses and walked out. We went to Papa's Maple Room where we had the Christmas tree set up. Papa, Mama, Alexei, the Little Pair, and the young men that were staying with us were already in there.

"Oh, thank you God! We have been waiting for forty-minutes!" Anastasia groaned and threw her hands up in the air.
"You should've woken us up earlier." Olga said.
"Ah, it's Christmas time today. Your Mama and I thought it would be best to let you all sleep." Papa said and then took four boxes from off the table. "Now, it's time for my girls to open their gifts."
We were each handed a small box. The four of us gasped with delight and started to rip the wrapping paper off of it. Papa and Mama got us each a new bracelet. Olga got a garnet one, I got an amethyst one, Maria got a pearl bracelet, and Anastasia got a sapphire bracelet. I stood up and gave my parents both very tight hugs.
"Oh, thank you! I shall treasure it forever." I smiled. Mama giggled and put her hand on my face.
"I know you will, dearest Tatya."
Us girls sat back down and watched Alexei open his present. He received a new faberge egg. It was blue and gold and had a clock on the outside.

"Here my children, I have gifts for each of you from your Babushka. Unfortunately, she has decided to spend Christmas with Aunt Xenia and Uncle Sandro this year. But she sends her love to each and everyone of you." Papa grinned and handed us each a wrapped up present. Olga and I received two brown-fur coats from her. Maria was given a new emerald-butterfly clip to put in her hair. Anastasia was given a new music box.
"A music box? But Babushka already gave me one when I was ten." Anastasia gave a puzzled look.
Igor smiled. "Well, then you get to add more to your collection. Besides, that one right there is widely different. It's gold, green, and pink. The other one is just silver."
Anastasia didn't reply and opened the music box. It was a beautiful woman in a traditional Russian court dress and Kokoshnik. The little woman had light-red hair and bangs, much like Nastya. Nastya winded up the music box, and the girl started to spin around and "Für Elise" by Beethoven played.

"Your Babushka had that made especially for you. She felt absolutely awful because she couldn't come to your 17th birthday party because she was in Denmark and wouldn't be able to get back in time for your birthday. But she loves you very much."
Anastasia simply gave a weak smile and stared at her music box. Now, Anastasia was not Babushka's favorite or anything. But Babushka truly did feel bad when it came to birthdays and she did not get a nice enough gift or couldn't be there.
"I shall give her a call letter. If I'm still allowed to do that." Anastasia glared. Papa sighed and leaned back in his chair. Dmitri quickly stood and handed each one of us gifts, all except for Vladimir.
He gave Olga a new perfume, he gave me a new pearl and diamond necklace, Maria a new jewelry box, and Anastasia a new pair of boots. Igor was given an American magazine. To which Igor opened it, gave a small chuckle and then closed it.
"What's on the inside?" I asked Igor. He looked at me with a smirk and just shrugged.
"Nothing, just American celebrities. Mary Pickford for example." Igor closed the magazine, but kept the cheeky grin on his face. The day went on and we continued to receive more presents such as clothes, jewelry, faberge eggs, and some books. We shared lots of laughs and jokes that Christmas. It was one to never forget.

Vladimir stood up and walked out of the room without another word. None of us questioned it. Maria, five minutes later, also left the room. Nobody looked up to care enough about the situation, but I felt that I needed to see what was happening. I stood and went to the doors of the Maple Room, opened them, and slowly crept out. Around the corner of the hall, I found Vladimir and Maria with each other.
"I hope it's not too weird, but I bought you a gift." Vladimir said, holding a book in his hand.
"Truly? What is it?" Maria replied. He put it in her hands and she smiled.
"It's called 'She's All The World To Me' by Hall Caine. It was only published in America, but I was able to get a copy because I know you like romance."
"I never told you I like romance though."
"You did not have to tell me. I already knew."
"And what else do you know about me?"
Vladimir stopped for a moment and shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not quite sure. I'm honestly not sure I even want to find out."
"That's fair enough." Maria giggled. Vladimir placed his hand on her face, to which she seemed taken aback.
"You look so beautiful this morning. Have you thought anymore about what I told you?"
Maria nodded. "Yes, I have. Vladimir-"
"Maria!" I exclaimed and walked to her, interrupting them. I took her arm, but they both looked at me very confused and ashamed, as if they were hiding something.
"Oh Mashka, why are you and Vladimir hiding from us? It's Christmas! We must spend the day together! Come along now. We should go back inside." I grinned, trying to hide the fact I was eavesdropping on them. Maria and Vladimir walked silently with me back inside to the Maple Room. Anastasia was twirling around the room and Olga and Dmitri were speaking with each other.

"Oh, you all missed it!" Mama smiled brightly. Papa stood up and cleared his throat.
"We missed what?" I asked them. Papa took a step closer to us.

"My dearest children, there will be a ball at the Catherine Palace."

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