A Promising Proposal

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After the ball and returning home to Alexander Palace, nothing really seemed the same. Tatiana stopped spending as much time with me and dedicated all of her time to Dmitri. Anastasia and Rebecca were only growing closer and closer, even after last week's unfortunate happenings. Papa and Mama gave Anastasia a strong scolding, but have seemed to give up on trying to discipline her. And as for Maria...I honestly did not know what Maria was up to anymore. Probably just being typical Maria. Alexei was playing with his toy soldiers in his room and often shunned all of us out.

One night, I had finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" earlier than I thought I would. If I was going to have a book to read at breakfast tomorrow morning, I would probably have to get it tonight. I groaned and stretched standing up from my bed. I wrapped myself up in my robe and exited my bedroom. I continue downstairs and around the halls until I got the Papa's Maple Room. But when I entered, I found Papa and Mama in a very heated argument. They looked over at me, almost in shock.

"I'm sorry. I wanted a book for tomorrow." I muttered. Papa groaned and nodded.
"Go ahead, Olenka."
Mama looked at me and put her hand up at me to come over to them. "Actually Olga, you can your father and I settle this debate."
I walked over to Mama's side and looked at both of them. Papa put his hands on his head in frustration and Mama faked a smile at me.
"What is it, Mama?"
"Your father has given Dmitri permission to ask Tatiana to marry him."
Dmitri was going to propose to Tatiana? I honestly could've seen it a mile away, but now? I needed Tatiana by my side still. What was I to do without her companionship?
"What's wrong with Dmitri proposing to Tatiana?" I asked.
Mama gave a disgusted look. "Oh, let's not pretend the rumors we have heard about Dmitri! Him and Felix Yusupov-"
"Those are false accusations, Alix!" Papa shouted.
"So I suppose you were there, Nicky? I suppose you were there while Dmitri and Felix were having their relations and then told you it wasn't what it looked like!"
I furrowed my eyebrows and exchanged look with both of them. Dmitri and Felix were the best of friends. But what in the world were my parents talking about?

"What are you two talking about?" I asked. Papa groaned out loud again.
"Sunny, I love you to death! But you have got to stop believing the lies that go around in this family! Dmitri is not bisexual!"
I gasped. "What the hell? Dmitri is bisexual?" I asked. Mama looked at me and pointed her finger at me.
"Do not use that word like that, Olga Nikolaevna. And Nicholas, even if Dmitri wasn't bisexual, he is still a womanizer and the male version of a flapper! Tatiana is religious and elegant. It would not be a good match."
"But I believe Tatiana can ground Dmitri. I believe she can put him in his place and make him a devoted husband and father."
"Well, I do not." Mama nodded. "Olga, you tell your Papa."
I bit my lip and cleared my throat. I did not want to come in between their argument. It truly was not my place to say who Tatiana should and should not marry.

"I am sorry, Mama. But I agree with Papa. Dmitri and Tatiana admire each other very much. I mean, she is 'The Governess' after all. Tatiana can keep him grounded."
Mama scoffed and looked at both of us with an angry look on her face. "Fine. But when Dmitri takes on his mistresses and could care less who his children, do no come crying to me. Because both of you know damn well that I am right."
Mama stormed out of the Maple Room. Papa sighed and plopped down into the chair. He took the bottle of whiskey and poured it into one of the glasses.
"Olga, do you wish to drink with me?"
"After all of that, I think I could use a drink."

Papa told me earlier in the night to meet Dmitri at 20:00 in the sitting room by his bedroom. I had no idea why, but he claimed that it was a surprise. So, I took no hesitation to spray myself with jasmine perfume and then to the sitting room I went. I wait by the fireplace, which was going and simply stared at the miniature clock on the sill. Soon, I heard the door to the sitting room open. I turned around and watched Dmitri enter.

"Hello Dima." I weakly smiled at him. He smiled too and closed the sitting room door. He slowly walked over to the fireplace to be in front of me.
"The fire is so beautiful this evening."
"I agree. I think the fire is so warm." I smiled. He chuckled and stared at me. I looked at him too and started to giggle. "I am sorry, Dmitri. But why did you want or meet in here tonight?"
Dmitri deeply inhaled and exhaled. He then came closer and took my hands. His hands were slightly sweaty. What could make him so nervous?
"Dmitri, you are frightening me a bit."
"I am sorry, I just don't know how to start this. Tatiana Nikolaevna, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I remember thinking how beautiful you were even when we were children. So, I must ask you a very serious question."
"Go on, ask it." I whispered. Dmitri lowered himself on to one knee, to which I unintentionally gasped. My heart started to pound and a wide smile came across my face.
"Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova...will you marry me?" Dmitri stumbled. I had never seen him so nervous. I pursed my lips, trying to stop a goofy grin from appearing on my face. I laughed a bit.

I nodded at him rapidly. "Yes, my dearest Dmitri. I will marry you." I giggled. Dmitri and chuckled and immediately stood up. He pulled a ring out of his pocket. There was a large diamond and the ring was silver.
"This was my mother's wedding ring. I now give it to you, my love." Dmitri slipped the finger on to my ring finger. "Does it fit?"
"Like a glove." I smiled. Dmitri stood up and cupped my face in his hands. We exchanged large grins with each other.
"Do I have permission to kiss you?" Dmitri muttered.
"Yes, you do." I replied. Dmitri quickly leaned in and touched his lips against mine. This was the first time a man has ever kissed me. Oh, it was such a beautiful feeling. Dmitri's hands stayed on my face as I moved my hands to his waist. I have never been so overjoyed in my whole life. This was a beautiful moment. I would be with Dmitri for the rest of my life. I would love and cherish him forever and nothing would ever change that.

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