Returning To Work

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Irina was an eight-month old baby, which meant she was just about old enough to be left with her nanny. Dmitri would be out for awhile as he was going to the Yusupov Palace or meet Felix Yusupov for lunch. But today, I would finally be able to return to the hospital. I was overjoyed at finally being able to return to the work I loved.

I had left my nursing uniform in the hospital, just until I got back. Another thing, I had not yet Doctor Ivanov's son who was now running the hospital. Doctor Ivanov and I had only sent a couple letters, and he told me he was slowly losing his hearing and vision in his left-eye. He also said his wife was not doing too well neither, apparently she had cancer. So I sent him a basket of fruits and muffins, but I never got a letter back.

"Hello, Tatiana Nikolaevna. I see you are back." Rebecca approached me with a weak smile.

"Yes, it feels nice to be back. By the way, do you know where Doctor Ivanov's son is?"

"He is in his office. I'm sure you know where that is."

"I do, thank you. By the way, has Anastasia been helpful at all?" I asked.

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "Anastasia has literally never stepped...I mean, she has been great help. Doctor Ivanov loved having her around. She gets her dutifulness from her sister."

I grinned. "Don't flatter me, Rebecca. Well, I shall go. But keep up the great work."

I walked through the halls and past different rooms. Some patients noticed me and made sure to come say hello to me. I eventually go far enough down the hall to see a sign that said Dr. Anton Ivanov on the door. I knocked a few times.

"Come in!" I heard a husky voice shout. I opened the door and shut it behind me. His appearance caught me completely off guard. He was very muscular, unlike a lot of other Russian commoners. Anton had dark-brown hair that was in a comb-over. He also had light-green eyes. Unlike other Russian men too, Anton didn't have facial hair.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Anton said, not even looking up at me and just continuing to write.

"You must not know who I am. I am Tatiana Nikolaevna. Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna." I said. That's when Anton looked up with wide eyes. He quickly stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. He bowed at me.

"My Lord, I am so sorry. Forgive my rudeness, your imperial highness."

"Please, there's no need to bow. And there's no need to address me as such. Just call me Tatiana Nikolaevna, please."

"Are you sure? I don't wish to be informal or offensive."

"No please, call me Tatiana Nikolaevna. I'd be more offended if you didn't."

Anton chuckled. "Alright, I'm sorry. Please, take a seat." Anton walked about around to his chair and I sat down in the chair in front of the desk. He cleared his throat and pulled out his drawer. He opened it and then pulled out a tan-file. Anton opened it and started to read off of it.

"So, Tatiana Nikolaevna. I see you went to England and studied Nursing in Autumn 1919. Is that true?"

"Yes, it was some of the best months of my life. I would've stayed longer, but I was engaged and my wedding was in January."

"Ah, I see. And I know my father adored you when he was still director of the hospital."

"Oh, I adore your father immensely. The sweetest old man I have ever met. How is he? And how's your mother?"

"My mother...she passed sometime ago," Anton sighed. "And as for my father, he's well and trying to cope with my mother's death the best he can. He lives with me now and just sleeps during the day."

"Please, Doctor Ivanov. You must let me pay for a nurse to watch him. He could fall."

"No, don't worry about. We have enough money for a nurse...but my father would rather have a nice funeral and an actual grave with a stone on it. He wants that instead."

"Fine then, I shall send a gift for your father to keep him busy during the day. How about a music box? He could wind it up whenever he wanted." I weakly smiled. Anton did too, but he just shook his head again.

"I don't think so. But it is very kind of you to think of us. I appreciate it. If you want to help, you can send my father some blankets. He's always cold these days."

I nodded. "Absolutely. I shall even send some pillows  as well."

"Very well then. My father will love that. So...why did you come back to the hospital. You're married and you just had a daughter, congratulations on that."

I exhaled and shrugged. "I'd like to come work here again. I do not wish to keep sitting at home. I love being at the hospital. It's like my home away from home."

Anton just leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. He was looking at me, probably trying to see if I would laugh. But I stayed serious, and he sat up.

"Alright, come back tomorrow morning and we can get you started again. By the way, that friend of yours, Rebecca Brown admires you. She tells everyone you two know each other personally.

"Oh, she is more friends with Anastasia Nikolaevna. But yes, Rebecca is a sweet thing. Thank you for your time." I stood up and held out my hand. Anton was reluctant at first, but eventually shook my hand. As I walked out of his office and even out of the hospital, I had a permanent grin on my face. I was finally going to do what I love again.

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