The Yusupov Palace

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Well, it was officially happening. The Konstantinovich Zoo was opening and the moving of the animals was happening now. Igor was meeting with some business people to talk about the finances and setting of prices. I had been invited to the Yusupov Palace to have tea with my cousin, Irina and her husband, Felix. And even though I could not stand Felix, I was willing to tolerate him just to see Irina.

"Olga!" Irina exclaimed as I entered the Yusupov Palace. We laughed and hugged each other tightly.

"Hello Irina."

Irina pulled away from and looked me up and down. "You look absolutely great! It took me awhile to lose the pregnancy weight. But you look absolutely amazing!"

"I was surprised to have dropped the weight rather quickly. I left Oleg with his nanny at home, but I can bring him by next time so Bébé can meet him."

"She would like that. Please, take her coat." Irina looked over at her footman. The footman took my coat from me and took it away. Irina grabbed my hand and lead me into the tea room. Felix was sitting at the table already with Bébé on his lap. He looked up at me with a dirty look.

"Olga Nikolaevna. How are you?" Felix sneered.

"Felix Yusupov. I'm fine. How are you?"

"Just peachy. Please, take a seat."

Irina and I sat down at the table. Little Bébé came over and kissed my cheek. Then, her governess came for her and escorted her out of the tea room. The three of us were left on our own to talk and gossip.

"So, Olga, how is little Oleg doing?" Irina giggled.

I grinned. "Oh, he's well. He's a very serious little thing. It's hard, even now, to get him to smile or anything. But he loves to be held and loves wrapping his little hand around my finger."

"How precious! I remember when Bébé was that age. Don't you remember, honey?" Irina looked at Felix. He just gave a weak smile and a nod.

"How could I not? Our daughter was absolute darling baby."

"We could have another one."

"Eh, I think one child is already a lot of stress. Why would we build on to that?" Felix raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his tea. Irina sighed and looked away from him. Their marriage always seemed rather happy, but as people say, all marriages have a few bumps in the road.

"I think Oleg looks just like his daddy. But Igor is convinced that Oleg looks just like his deceased Uncle Oleg."

Irina exhaled again and shook his head. "I remember Oleg Konstantinovich's funeral. How sad and terrible it was. I remember how Igor cried and sobbed at his brother's funeral. I have never seen such grief in all of my life."

Felix nodded. "I, too, have lost a brother. There is no pain greater than losing your parents or siblings."

"Yes, I agree. It is quite a scary situation to think about." I cleared my throat.

"Let's change the subject." Felix groaned. "Olga Nikolaevna, is it true that Prince Igor Konstantinovich wants to open a zoo? Right here in Petrograd?"

"Well, it will be just a little outside of the city. But yes, Igor does want to open a zoo." I weakly smiled.

"And what will happen to the animals in the Autumn and Winter? Surely you will not keep them here in Russia! It gets bloody cold!" Felix laughed. I did chuckle at his comment, only because he was right.

"Yes, you are correct. King Constantine of Greece has allowed Igor to have his animals moved to the southern part of Greece where it warm all year round."

"Ah, I see. And you do not think it is silly?"

Irina huffed. "Felix, please-"

"Relax, darling. I am just asking Olga Nikolaevna a question. Don't you think it is a bit silly that Igor wants to open a zoo?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at Felix. "No, I do not think it is silly. I married a dreamer, not a businessman."

"I just think the zoo will give the Romanovs a bad reputation, that is all. If we make the prices cheap and do things like this for Russian people, then they are going to start for more things like this."

"As they should! The Romanovs are in power which means it is our job to take care of our people! I am sorry, cousin Irina. But I think I should be heading home now. I do not want to leave my son alone for too long." I stood and aggressively shoved my chair back into the table. Without another word to them, I turned myself around and walked off. I made it to the hallway and fetched my coat. Irina ran after me just as I was about to walk out of the Yusupov Palace.

"Olenka, dear cousin." Irina grabbed the sleeve of my coat. "You should not mind Felix. He does not know half of the things he says. Quite foolish, really."

"Believe me, I do not. Igor has already faced some backlash for his idea, even from my Papa. But Irina, I will forever take Igor's side. He wants to open a zoo, so I will support him. No matter what some pathetic low-life, like your husband, says about it. Goodbye. I will write to you." I leaned in and kissed Irina's cheek before walking away from her. I then got into the car and waited to arrive home to my son and my husband.

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