The Secret Bretrothal

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The Georgievna sisters suddenly the next morning. With all of our guests gone, I knew it was time that the truth came out. After dinner, Vladimir and I summoned our parents to the Maple Room. I decided to not to tell them over the letter so that we could actually tell them while we sat together. I prayed to God that there would be no yelling or fighting, especially fighting. I already knew they weren't going to be completely content with my choice. But somethings are just worth it.

Papa and Mama sat down at the table across from Vladimir and I. They didn't seem too nervous and in fact, were grinning.
"Well, this must be important. Do you two wish to buy something?" Papa chuckled, not realizing what was happening. My heart started to pound as I looked over at Vladimir who seemed decently confident. He picked up my hand from under the table and moved it on the table so my parents could see that we were holding hands.
Papa furrowed his eyebrows. "What is the meaning of this?"
Vladimir sighed. "Maria and I have decided to get married."
"What in the world are you talking about? Absolutely not! I forbid it!" Papa gasped.
Mama scoffed. "How can you two decide to be engaged when Vladimir didn't even ask for your father and I's permission? Have you two both lost your heads?" Mama looked directly at me.
I gulped and just stared down at my lap. I didn't know how to talk about this or what to say.

"Mashka, say something! Say anything!" Papa threw his arms up in the air. I moved my eyes to give direct eye contact with him.
"Vladimir and I will quickly marry this October. Then, we'll move to a new estate in France and start a life there." I quietly said. Papa and Mama didn't say another word to what I told them. Papa just looked at Vladimir.
"Go to bed, Prince Paley. This between me, my wife, and Maria."
"Of course, your imperial majesty. Goodnight Lilas." Vladimir bowed towards Papa and then bent down to kiss my cheek. I stayed silent and just waited until I heard the doors to the Maple Room shut. Once Vladimir was gone, some of the tension went away.

"Please, tell me he's threatening you or something. You do not want to marry a practically penniless prince." Mama tried to take my hand, but I quickly moved it away. I scoffed and shook my head at both of my parents.
"How disappointing of both of you! Vladimir and I are in love and we wish to be married!"
"Wait! This is why you turned down Dickie! You are in love with Vladimir."
"Dickie is a good man, I'm not saying he isn't. But, I have loved Vladimir for a long time. Even before we became engaged in February-"
"In February? You two have been hiding this for five months! Oh Nicky, it's time for him to go!" Mama shouted and turned to Papa. I gasped and looked at Papa. He had huffed and set his crossed arms on the table. The look one his face was purely disappointment.

"Maria, you will not marry Vladimir Paley. We will send him back to France tomorrow morning." Papa nodded.
"No!" I cried out. "Do not send him away! Won't you both at least listen to me?"
Mama stood up and held her hand out at me to show she was silencing me.
"We have heard enough, Maria Nikolaevna. You will try again with Dickie and you will never seen Vladimir ever again."
"If you send Vladimir away...I will go with him and you two will never, and I mean never, see me again! He loves me and I love him. Isn't that what's important?"
"But you're not meant to marry someone like him! You're meant to marry an heir to a throne or a wealthy Grand Duke here in Russia! Not a liberal prince who can hardly provide for you."
"Mama, you know I do not care about that sort of stuff." I don't know why, but I started to cry. I started to cry really hard actually. Papa and Mana didn't exactly know what to say about my sobbing.

"Dear Mashka, do not cry-" Papa gently said in a soft tone.
I shook my head at him. "I do not ask for much in this world. But I love him. And let's face it...if this was Olga or Tatiana, you both would say yes."
Mama groaned. "No, my child. Not this conversation again! We love you all equally."
"No, you do not! You both have always loved my siblings more than me. Olga and Tatiana were always so perfect and Anastasia and Alexei the babies and wild ones. But I was always the middle child. Don't you see, Vladimir makes me feel good about myself and doesn't make me feel unwanted or unloved-"
"Maria, you're my daughter and I don't want to make you feel unwanted or unloved. But you will be in a very unhappy marriage if you marry Prince Paley. We're only doing what's best for you."
"You say that, Mama. However, I have difficulty believing it. You hardly know Vladimir and simply dislike him based on his father's actions. I will marry Vladimir Paley."
"No, you will not."
"Yes, I will."
"No." Mama became stern in her tone.
"Yes." I gritted through my teeth.
"No, you will not!" Mama shouted.
"Yes, I will!" I bellowed at her and quickly walked away from them. I exited the Maple Room and I walked through the halls. Once I got up to my room, I pulled out my suitcase from the wardrobe.

"What in the world are you doing?" Anastasia sassed. She was sitting on her bed and petting Jimmy, her dog.
"I'm leaving tomorrow morning."
Anastasia was taken a back. "What do you mean you're leaving tomorrow morning?"
"I'm leaving for France tomorrow morning with Vladimir. We're going to elope."
"Are you mad?" Anastasia gasped and set Jimmy down. "Maria, you can't just leave! What will Papa and Mama say-"
"Oh, never mind what Papa and Mama will say! I'm tired of being 'perfect and angelic Maria'. It's about damn time I do something that makes me happy."
"But Mashka-"
Without another word, I dropped my suitcase and wrapped my arms around Anastasia.
"I love you, Nastya. You're my greatest companion, no matter how much we fight. But there's a piece of advice I wish to give you, just in case for when you get older." I grinned. Anastasia furrowed her eyebrows.
"And what would that be?"
"That if you wake up and realize you don't like the way things are going in your life: don't be afraid to have the courage to pack your things up, move as far away as you want, and start all over again. Promise me that if you ever come to that, you will have the courage to start all over again."
Anastasia seemed confused but nodded at me. "Alright, I promise."
"Thank you. Trust me, I'm running away with Vladimir exactly for this reason."

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