Just A Dream

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Father Grigori agreed to come to dinner with us the following night. He was going to bring his assistant, Rebecca with him as she was one his closest friends. I think she's my Ireland or something, but I'm not quite sure. All I knew is that she has caused more drama between the Romanov family.

Father Grigori came into our lives in 1905 when I was just four-years-old. He was to help heal Alexei from his bleeding disorder. Truth be told, I am not quite sure how much help he has truly been. Olga agrees and said that as much as she loves Rasputin, she doesn't exactly believe he's helping Alexei. But we would never tell that to our parents or our other siblings. They cannot handle the truth like us.

"Mama, I hate this dress." I groaned as we walked toward the main hall so we could greet our guests.
"Do not say that, Anastasia. That's such a strong word."
"Fine. Mama, if I don't take this dress off than I'm going to tear it off and burn it."
Tatiana shook her head. "Stop complaining. After the war we just had, so many girls would be thankful to have a dress at all. We are very lucky."
Mama grinned at Tatiana. "Thank you, Tatya."
"Oh yes, Saint Tatiana to the rescue." I stuck my tongue out at her. She just replied by rolling her eyes. I groaned and crossed my arms.
"I personally like the dress." Maria said in a soft tone. "They remind me of the ones we wore in our photos all those years ago. You know, the white dresses from 1914?"
Papa, Olga, and Tatiana laughed.
"Well, these dresses are a bit less expensive. But yes, you are right. They're similar." Papa gave a slight smile. We heard the large crack from when the doors opened. Rasputin walked in with a cold look on his face with Rebecca at his side. She has brown-hair and large brown-eyes. She was very pretty, but didn't have an assistant look to her. From the way she looked Rasputin, you'd think she was in love with him.

"Your imperial majesty," Rebecca curtsied. "It's such a pleasure to be here with all of you tonight. I'm very grateful."
Papa smiled and shook her head. "Of course. Any friend of Father Grigori's is a friend of ours. Please come. We have soup and salad in the dining room." Papa turned and that's when we all began to walk to the dining room as well.
"Anastasia Nikolaevna, you seem very upset this evening." Rasputin whispered to me.
"I'm alright. Just Saint Tatiana being Ms. Perfect again." I grumbled.
"Tatiana seems so kind to me." Rebecca shrugged.
Rasputin leaned close to her. "Tatiana Nikolaevna is very kind. Anastasia and Tatiana Nikolaevna have had a small rivalry since they were children. It's something you must get used to after awhile."
I exhaled and looked at him. "Father Grigori, am I in the wrong? Have I been the issue this whole time?"
"No child! It's completely normal for sisters to be irritated with each other. Frustration is an emotion God put within each one of us." Rasputin laughed. "Just try to cheer up. Now, how about some food?"

We sat at the table and slowly ate our soup and salad. Rasputin spoke about the Great War and Germany's great defeat. He told Papa about his healings that he had just recently done and wished to do one on his stresses. Mama told Rasputin about how we've been dedicating more time in religion.
"That's a beautiful thing and God is surely pleased. But to the girls, have you thought about potential marital suitors again?" Rasputin asked. Quiet chuckles came from all around the table. Papa cleared his throat.
"Father Grigori, I think it's a little too early for that."
He shrugged. "I don't think so. God's intention for every woman is to marry. Don't you agree, your majesty?"
Mama came into the conversation. "We do agree by all means. But we just got out of a war that has caused much damage to Russia. We should wait awhile before any weddings should come about."
"I agree. I'm waiting awhile to marry, that's all I know." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Any why is that?" Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows.
I looked at her and scoffed. "Because I would like to travel first and do what I want with my life."
Maria giggled. "Anastasia has this notion that one day she will become an actress and move to Paris."
"And who says I can't?" I glared at Mashka. She looked back at me and lowered her head.
"I did not mean to sound offensive. But you are a grand duchess after all." Maria muttered.
Mama groaned. "No, Nastya will not become an actress. It's simply something to admire, but nothing more. Here darling, have another piece of bread." Mama placed a slice of bread on my plate. They had told me I wouldn't become an actress for the longest time. But I couldn't help but think about being on a stage and making people laugh. That was a dream for me and how I would bring joys to people's lives.

After the dinner, we sat in the larger sitting room just across the hall. Olga, Tatiana, and Rebecca were all speaking about music and playing songs on the piano together. Maria sat talking with Papa, Mama, and Rasputin. I sat in front of the fireplace by myself and watched as the orange-fire danced. Suddenly, Alexei plopped down next to me.
"Why aren't you speaking with our parents or Olga?" I asked him.
"Because I don't want to speak to them. I want to speak to you." Alexei weakly smiled. "So...are you excited for our cousins to visit?"
"They're officially coming?"
Alexei nodded. "Yes, approximately a week from today. It'll give time for all of them to settle back home and Vladimir to finished recovering in the hospital."
"Ah, I see. I'm very excited to see Dmitri and Igor again. It has been too long. We saw Dmitri...last Summer?"
"No, Summer 1917. Then we last saw Igor in Autumn 1916."
"Wow, I can see you have quite literally been counting down the time until you get to see them again."
"Well yes! I miss them so! I just hope Vladimir is fun and full of love like the other two." Alexei exclaimed. I giggled. I shrugged at him and tilted my head to the side.
"I'm sure he's fun. Why wouldn't he be?" I asked. Alexei leaned over and put his head on my shoulder. I didn't dare move after he did that. His auburn hair was shining bright in front of the fireplace. His light-blue eyes had an orange-reflection off of them. Alyosha was my baby brother and I would always love him. He was my best friend, no matter what.

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