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It was July 17, 1930. It was a day we expected everyone in our family to be sad. It has been some year's since that awful night, but it would stay with us forever. Papa and Mama were awfully quiet that morning, and nearly everyone knew why. But Sir Greystone obviously did not and kept trying to joke around.

"'And then I said to him: "No sir, it was the dog!" It was a very amusing childhood memory for me."' Sir Greystone chuckled as he attempted to speak to Mama. Mama just frowned, not even attempting to smile. Sir Greystone seemed a bit defeated for a moment. Suddenly, she stood up and walked out of the room without another word.

"Do not worry, Sir Greystone, it has nothing to do with you." Olga deeply exhaled.

"I hope I did not offend her. That was not the intention."

Papa shook his head. "Of course not. I need to check on Sunny. Please, excuse me." Papa got up from the table and followed me.

"Is everything alright?" Sir Greystone asked in a concerned tone.

David leaned over to him. "Guy, just drop it. I shall discuss it with you later."

"Tsarevich Alexei died nine-years-ago today. He died from Diphtheria. Now you know." Anastasia blurted out. Her and Sir Greystone made eye contact for a moment before she stood up. "Vladimir, follow me. I need a cigarette and a shot."

"Anastasia, it is 08:00." Vladimir checked it watch.

"I know, but my brother died today. I need a shot of vodka to not mentally break down."

I sighed. "Please Nastya, sit down and finish breakfast. The four of us can take a walk in the garden after breakfast and discuss little Alyosha, alright?" I weakly smiled. However, my younger sister was rather unimpressed.

"The vodka honestly sounds much better. Come along, Vlad." And without another word, Vladimir followed Anastasia out of the dining hall. Sir Greystone seemed rather embarrassed.

"Sir Greystone, it is fine. It is a sad day for our family, that is all. You did not know, however, and that is not your fault." I grinned. I felt like weeping right then, but it was important to stay strong in front of the other families and my own children. Poor Alyosha would be on my mind for the rest of the day.

After breakfast, it was decided that Olenka, Igor, Dima, and I would take a walk in the garden together. Olga and I stood in the middle with our arms linked while the men walked on the outside. There were kinds words to be exchanged about little Alexei.

"I miss his sweet eyes and smile. Our brother's little laugh was everything." I weakly smiled.

Olga giggled. "Well, his laugh was not so little anymore. Alexei's voice was becoming deeper that Summer. I remember when Papa told Alexei how deep his voice was becoming, and how excited he was! It was adorable, honestly."

"I loved your brother very much. He was always so playful. It is such a shame that God took him so young." Dmitri said.

Igor tried to stay optimistic. "Yes, but at least he is in heaven. And in heaven, little Alexei does not have to worry about bleeding or bruising. He can run free with no worries."

"Oh, but that does not stop me from missing Baby territory." Olga quietly started weeping. Igor did not hesitate to wrap his arm around her and kiss her head. "I hope God allows us to meet each other in the next world. I would do anything to hold Baby again."

"Me as well."

We were walking by different sorts of colored poppies on the ground. They were a beautiful flower and fully bloomed. Olga grinned at them and looked down. We stopped for a moment so she could admire them.

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