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Dickie asked for me to meet him in the Maple Room. It was private between just him and I. I could only wonder what it was about. And unfortunately, I think I already knew what it was.

"Dickie?" I called out. I saw him standing next to Papa's bookshelf. Dickie was holding on the books in his hands and reading.
"Hello Marie, I'm happy you came here. Your father has a lovely collection of books. All in Russian, English, French, and even Danish."
"My Babushka is Danish so she has passed on some of her books to Papa."
Dickie nodded. "I see. I love the paintings and photos you and your family have around the palace. It's just such a shame that your Aunt Ella couldn't come."
"Yes, it's very disappointing but she's doing this charity work right now that she must commit her time to. I think your mother is going to visit her for a day in Moscow."
"She said something about that. But anyway, there was a reason I asked you to come here."
"Well, I do not wish to take up your time. Go ahead and ask your question, Dickie."

Dickie put his book back and stepped closer. His eyes were flirtatious. He slowly took my hand and gave a weak smile.
"Marie, I'm going to be honest with you. I have been absolutely crackers about you since we first met back in 1910. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
I shook my head. "Dickie, I wish you wouldn't-"
"I'm in love with you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I wish to wake up next to you every morning and go to sleep next to you for the rest of my life. Marie, I really think we were meant for each other." Dickie bent down on to one knee.
"Grand Duchess Marie Nikolaevna Romanova, will you marry me?"
I deeply inhaled and I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't. I wanted to be as kind and gentle as possible. The last thing I wanted to do was be rude.
"Dickie, stand up, please." I softly said. Dickie's smile quickly faded into a frown and he stood up. I was still holding his hand. "I think you're absolutely handsome and fun. You're charming and any woman would be so lucky to have you. But I'm afraid I do not return the same feelings for you. We're too different and I don't want to change my religion from Russian Orthodoxy."

Dickie scoffed and dropped my hand. He stared down at his feet for a moment but then looked up into my eyes. There was a sense of anger.
"Are you rejecting me because that bastard, Prince Paley?"
"Do not speak of him as if he did something wrong! This is between you and me."
"You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase it: are you rejecting me because you're in love with Prince Paley?"
I groaned. "No offense, but I do not believe that is any of your business."
"Don't you understand, Marie? I can offer you so much more. I have money and handsomeness. I can guarantee you a happy life in England. You see, we'd be perfect for each other! Our families wish for us to be together even."
"I know they do. Listen, I just cannot return the same feelings for you and I do not know why."
"I know why though! It's because of that bastard prince who can barely hold a fork the right way. His revolutionary ideals and his poor upbringing has made him into-"
"I mean this in the rudest way possible: I suggest you shut your mouth before I have to shut it for you. Prince Paley is a dutiful man who is entitled to his own beliefs and I will not tolerate such dreadful things being said about him." I clenched my fists. Dickie simply gave a chuckle and then crossed his arms.
"You know what, you should marry him. But when the marriage is unhappy and he cannot buy anything for you, what will you do?" He smirked. I couldn't help but chuckle as the tears formed into my eyes. Dickie was only trying to get at me, and I knew that. But unfortunately, it was working.
"Silly Dickie. Marriage doesn't require money or luxury goods. Marriage requires love and friendship. Something that we obviously cannot provide for each other."

After leaving the Maple Room in sadness, I came across Mama, Papa, Aunt Victoria, and Uncle Louis standing in the hallway outside of the room. Dickie rolled his eyes and walked passed them. The four adults just stared at me.
"My goodness, what happened?" Mama asked.
"I'm sorry to disappoint all of you. I have rejected Dickie Mountbatten's proposal."
"But Maria-"
"Please Mama, I don't want to hear any of it. There's nothing any of you can do to change my mind. I'm going to my bedroom now."
Without another word, I walked passed them and down the hallways. I made it all the way upstairs and then instead of turning to go to my bedroom, I turned to go to Vladimir's sitting room. I knocked on the door. He answered, of course, with concern in his eyes.

"Sweet Lilas, you seem so discontent. What happened?" Vladimir asked. Even though I was sad, I couldn't help but just smile in his company.
"I just need to be with you right now. Is that alright?"
"Of course." He whispered. I stepped into him and let our arms wrap around each other. Our hugs and embraces always made me feel warm.
"I want to move to France." I said. Vladimir used his two fingers and lifted up my chin.
"You do?"
"Yes, I want to move to the Paley Estate in the countryside of France where we'll...raise lots of children and have a garden. You'll become a famous author and I can...become a famous French painter and sell all of my paintings of landscapes." I giggled. Vladimir chuckled too and gently kissed my tip of my nose.
"Lilas, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words."
"Also, my English relatives leave tomorrow to spend the rest of their trip in Moscow so they can visit my Aunt Ella. Which means in the next few days, we need to tell my parents about the betrothal. It's time." I nodded. Vladimir didn't say another word and just leaned in. He kissed me passionately. It was times these that made me wish we were already twenty-years into the future with at least ten children and not having to worry about our parents' approval.

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