The Letter

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Breakfast had been especially good this morning. We were having biscuits with jam and sausages and eggs. It was a very English breakfast this morning, but I didn't mind it. I was more concerned over how I had yet to get a letter back from Alice Paul. Perhaps I sent it to then the wrong address? I mean, it's been almost three-weeks since I sent the letter out.
"Say Anastasia, you seem upset this morning. Is everything alright?" Igor asked. I snapped out of my trance and nodded at him.
"Yes, of course. I'm just a bit tired, that's all."
Mama furrowed her eyesbrows at me. "Shvybzik, are you coming down with Spanish Flu as well?"
I started to laugh. "I promise that I just probably stayed up a little too late last night, Mama. Just the 'Little Pair Charity' Maria and I have set is making me think.

Anya Vybruova walked into the room with a handful of letters. I knew it probably wasn't for me so I only focused on eating.
"I have a large amount of letters, your majesty. Say, you're looking very handsome this morning." Anya smirked. Papa cleared this throat and continued to just sip his coffee.
"Anya, we'll take the letters now." Mama nodded. Anya stopped smiling and started to pass out the letters.
"One for his majesty, one for her majesty, one for Olga Nikolaevna, one for Tatiana Nikolaevna, one for Prince Paley, one for Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich, and one for Anastasia Nikolaevna."
I looked up with excitement and a large smiled came across from my face. I swiftly took the letter from Anya Vybruova. The stamp was, by my dreams now coming true, an American flag. So I ripped the envelope open and started to read the paper inside.

"Dear her imperial highness,

Oh, I do so apologize for the amount of time it has taken for me to reply. I am so caught up with business here in America. I am going to be quite honest with you, I had no idea people from the Russian Empire were keeping up with the women's rights movement overseas. Your imperial highness, I would start by starting a pro-women group. I would suggest it be one of your family members, a few ladies-in-waiting, and maybe even some female peasants. The most important thing is that feminism is promoted for every women and not just the rich or poor. I am so absolutely tickled that a princess is writing to me of all people! If you would like, your imperial highness, I would like to stay in contact with you and help you promote women's rights in Russia. And do not worry, I will keep my lips sealed about your identity here in America.

Your new friend,
Ms. Alice Paul

I tried not to squeal in excitement after reading the letter. I had a large and cheeky grin on my face. I looked over at Olga and Tatiana. But Olga's lip quivered and Tatiana was on the verge of tears. Dmitri and Vladimir's faces were neutral. Papa and Mama's faces were full of annoyance about something.
"Olishka, whatever is the matter?" I asked. Olga inhaled but her lip continued to quiver.
"My Mitya is getting married. He met a women seven-months ago and now they are engaged. I'm sorry, excuse me." Olga stood up and marched out the door. I knew she was crying now. Igor's face was full of disappointment as he continued to just eat. Tatiana stood up, but she let the tears run down her face.
"I must be excused too. Today is the saddest day."
Papa tilted his head to the side in confusion. "What is the matter?"
"Officer Malama is dead. He was killed toward the end of the war and his family has just sent word to me."
"Oh, I am so sorry. I know how much you both cared for each other."
Tatiana gave a wan smile. "I cared about him deeply and I kept him in my prayers. I think Olishka and I are going to need quite sometime today. I am so sorry." Tatiana followed Olga out the room. Dmitri and Igor both now looked disappointed. My goodness, what is going on between the four of them?

"What do your letters say, Sunny?" Papa asked Mama.
"It's from Ella. She asks us to come visit her in Moscow soon or to let her come visit here."
"It has been quite awhile since we've seen Ella. How long has it been, 1916?"
"Yes. But to be fair, she is dedicating most of her time to the convent. What do your letters say, Nicky?"
"It's from Mikhail. He tells me that he misses our family and our friends. He also tells me that he wishes to come visit."
"Oh, I would like for Misha to come visit. Just as long as he doesn't bring his witch of a wife."
Maria intervened. "How will you say that when you don't even know her?" She blurted out. Papa and Mama both have stern looks at her. Maria gently lowered her head and took a bite of her biscuit. I saw her try and give a smirk at Vladimir, but he casually ignored her and continued to eat his food. Was I wrong? I thought Vladimir and Maria had crushes on each other? Oh, when did life become so confusing?

"What do your letters say, Dmitri and Vladimir?" I asked them. Dmitri looked up and shook his head.
"Just a letter from my sister, Maria Pavlovna The Younger." He smiled. I couldn't help but chuckle. I looked over at Vladimir. He almost couldn't speak for a moment. He just shrugged.
"Nothing really. Just a letter from my father asking me to come visit him before I return to France in February."
"Ah, that's actually pretty sweet. At least he's thinking about you."
Dmitri scoffed. "Of course he's thinking about Vladimir. Vladimir is the blessed son he always wanted." Vladimir sighed at his brother.
"Dmitri, I-"
But Dmitri just stood up and left the table without another word. Maria, not taking a hint that Vladimir wasn't interested anymore, tried to speak to him.
"It's ok, Vladimir. Do not worry about it."
But Vladimir didn't even look in her direction, which visibly made Maria very sad. But I couldn't say anything about it. I more importantly didn't know what to say. Everyone's lives were full of romance and drama now. And mine? I'm unfortunately still a seventeen-year-old girl whose life hasn't even picked up yet.

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