Coffee with Cream, Please

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June 1921

So much can change in almost one-year. Tatiana gave birth to a baby girl on October 13, 1920. Even though they had originally agreed on the name Elisabeth for the daughter, Tatiana changed her mind last minute and wanted to name her daughter Irina. So, Princess Irina Dmitrievna Romanova was born. For some reason, their daughter seemed to bring Dmitri and Tatiana together. Their marriage wasn't as unhappy anymore.

As for Olga, she announced a pregnancy in August 1920. Time went by fast, it even seemed she hadn't been pregnant for nine-months. Olga received several gifts and Tatiana was overjoyed. On April 23, 1921–my nephew was born. Prince Oleg Igorovich Romanov came into the world as the spinning image of his father. Igor insisted that he would love to have his son named after his late brother, and Olga loved the idea. But there was the worry that Oleg would have the bleeding disorder, just like Alexei. Luckily, the boy's navel healed fine and didn't have any complications since. So, they now had their child.

Maria and Vladimir came on a brief holiday with us in May to Livadia in the Crimea. It was only a two-week holiday, but I had a fun time playing in the sand with Alexei and taking several photos. Unfortunately, Maria has not yet been able to get pregnant. I think seeing Irina and Oleg made her sad. I had brought up the idea to Maria of her possibly being infertile, but she wouldn't hear it. Besides that though, Maria is still very happy in her marriage with Vladimir and teaching art classes at a prep school.

Then as for me, I'm still the same. Papa and Mama are trying to fit me with some of my relatives. There's Prince Albert of York, Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark, and Prince Henry of Gloucester. All nice men with high morals, but they are not exactly what I am looking for. I'm not even sure what I want. I dedicate all of my time to the ROOIW anymore. And as much I hate admitting it, I even think about Makari Kuznetsov every now and then.

"Higher, higher, higher!" I shouted to the women who were on the louder trying to pin a banner. It was peaceful and all we would do is stand. But there was a school in Petrograd that was secretly teaching the boys about Literature, Mathematics, and Science. But they were teaching the ladies there how to cook, clean, and the best ways to take care of a baby. This school, of course, was for teenagers from the upper-class. When I heard about this, I knew it would be a perfect opportunity. Now, I knew I'd have to stay in the back a little. There was a large crowd of women, and some horrified on lookers.

"Everyone hold your signs up! This is a protest, not a parade! So...what do we want?" I screamed off the top of my lungs.

"Equal education!" The women screamed back.

"When do we want it?!"


"I can't bloody hear you! When do we want it?"

"Now!" The screams were even louder. The ROOIW were screaming chants now and raising their signs. I smiled to myself, proud of what I had set up. Today's goal was getting the headmaster to sit down with us and speak about how ridiculous the standards were. I stepped away from the crowd a little and smiled to myself. I pulled out a cigarette from my purse and put it between my lips.

"Here, let light that for you." A man said, though I hadn't seen his face.

"Oh, thank you." I nodded. I looked up at him. No. It couldn't be. He left and moved away. What was he doing back in Petrograd?

"Hello, Anastasia." Makari smiled at me. My cigarette fell out of my mouth and on to the ground. Makari just looked down at it and then back up at me. Nothing changed about him. His hair was still the wavy-blond and his eyes were still crystal-blue. He was still tan from the hot sun, but that was it. His suit was gray, but clearly very worn. Makari still wore his wire-glasses too.

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