Alexei's 16th Birthday

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August 12, 1920–Alexei's 16th birthday. Just for the night, we would spending the night at the Winter Palace. We never went there really, nor did any of us like it. However, Papa thought it would be nice to use the palace for the occasion. Papa invited multiple royals families across Europe: the British Royal family, the Danish, the Romanian, the Swedish, the Greek, and the Bulgarian family. Of course, the Russian Counts and Countesses would also come along. And even though Papa and Mama wanted to invite Uncle Ernie and Aunt Irene, they were a bit hesitant because several royals and imperial officers were still unhappy with Germans. So unfortunately, they weren't going to come.

"Thank you, Natasha." I said to my lady-in-waiting who was helping me adjust my hair. For the occasion, I was to wear my court dress.

"Of course, Olga Nikolaevna. I will ask. Do you plan on telling your family-"

I shushed her. "Quiet, you! And the answer is no. I won't tell them until tomorrow. Tonight will be about Alexei. I remember my 16th birthday."

Natasha chuckled. "Me too. We heard all about it in Russia. Alright, I think you are set, ma'am."

Igor and I got in the car and the chauffeur started driving. It was amazing driving through the streets of Petrograd. Of course on the rich side of the society, there are shining lights everywhere and people were waving to us from the outside. But the streets were busier than usual. I guess because it was the Tsarevich's birthday after all, and everyone was trying to look at the royal families of Europe.

We walked into the palace and through halls. The servants were quick to take our coats and guide us into the ballroom. The Winter Palace really hadn't changed from the time I was a child.

"Will Maria and Vladimir be coming tonight?" Igor asked me.

"Oh, I'm afraid she cannot. It turns out Vladimir has been taken seriously ill. They think it might be Typhoid Fever, maybe even as serious as Diphtheria."

"My goodness, that is horrifying. We should send a letter and take sometime to pray tonight for Vladimir's speedy recovery."

I grinned up at him. "Since when did you become so sweet? Yes, I think that's a beautiful idea. Maria is sending Alexei some French cologne and even buying him a post card from France. She feels very guilty about not coming tonight."

"Oh, she shouldn't. If you were ill like that, I wouldn't leave your side for one-second."

"I know you would not. And that is exactly why I married you. Also...I do have something to tell you tomorrow. I think you will be thrilled. But it has to be tomorrow!"

"Fine, fine! We can wait until tomorrow."

The doors were opened for Igor and I. We walked into the ballroom, and it was more beautiful than I remembered. The chandeliers, the gold walls, and the freshly polished floor. In the Winter Palace, there were the thrones for Papa and Mama. However, they were not sitting. Instead, they were socializing with Uncle George and Aunt Mary, but Uncle George was really Papa's cousin.

"Prince Igor Konstantinovich and Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna!" The man by the door announced. No one truly paid that much attention. Igor and I just walked on by until we got to Papa and Mama.

"Oh, Olenka! You are here!" Mama smiled. "Hello, Igor." The three of us stepped a little bit away from Papa, Uncle George, and Aunt Mary.

"Hello, Auntie." Igor bent down and kissed Mama's hand.

"So, I like to gossip a bit, which ladies has Alexei been socializing with this evening?" I asked and looked over trying to find him. Across the room, I saw him speaking to Princess Ileana of Romania and Prince Nicholas of Romania. We had met them once in 1914. They were sweet and fun children.

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