In The Rain

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Dinner was especially bitter one evening. Igor and Nina were laughing and smiling at each other with such flirtatious and loving looks. Obsessing over their flirtations was becoming my entire personality at this point, but I couldn't help it. Their relationship was going so well. What is it wrong of me to be envious?

"'And then I said: "No David, the dog did it!"' Dickie laughed. The entire room roared into laughter. I faked a smile and looked down at my food.
"Olenka, are you alright? You seem to be in low spirits tonight." Tatiana whispered to me."
"Yes, I'm fine. I am just a bit tired."
"Do you wish to retire early? I can go with you if you'd like."
I shook my head at her. "No, I don't want to ruin your evening. I don't know if I'm going to retire. I might just take a walk."
"At 18:00?"
"It's not too dark yet, dear Tatushka. I shall be alright." I grinned and stood up. Papa brought his attention to me immediately. "Papa, could I take a walk to the gazebo at Alexander Park? I'm feeling quite faint this evening."
Papa exchanged looks with Mama, seeming to be reluctant of letting me go.
"Well...alright. But I wish for you to be back soon. We do have guests after all."
"Absolutely, I promise that."

The night was very hot. The sky was cloudy and it was impossible to see the sky. The gazebo was white and circled around with a fence all around. It was a beautiful space to go on a hot day.
"Finally, there you are." I said to myself with a smile. I stepped on to the gazebo. I deeply inhaled and exhaled. My head tilted back on its own. At last, I could escape life for just a few minutes.
"Olga?" I heard someone say. I brought my head up and looked over. Igor, of course, followed me out here.
"What are you doing here, Igor?"
"It's about to rain. You should come back."
"It's not going to rain." I scoffed. Probably a trick to get me back. Suddenly, a loud roar of thunder struck and started pouring rain. Hard.
"I suppose you were right after all. I wish to apologize." I shrugged. Igor softly chuckled and started to walk off the gazebo. But something came over me. We were alone and it was finally my opportunity.

"Do you really like Nina?" I shouted. Igor turned around and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yes, I like her very much. I'm hoping to propose to her in August."
I gulped. "Cousin Igor...there's something I haven't told you."
Igor walked a few steps closer to me, but not too close. Just enough for me to brush his arm if I wanted to.
"Olishka, what is it?"
Here's goes nothing.
"That night when you got on the train to go to America...I was there."
Igor furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head ferociously at me. He even went as far as to cross his arms.
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"I was there. I was going in to tell you...I was going in to tell you that I loved you back."
His eyes widened and his chest rose and fell. The shock on his face was there, even if he wanted to try and hide it. I'm sure it was the last thing he had been expecting.

Igor exhaled. "I still don't understand."
"I got to the station, but they told us that your train had left three-minutes ago."
"You mean, if I had been there for three more minutes, then you would have been there to confess your love?"
I nodded. "Yes, my dear. Yes. And I am so sorry that I didn't tell you the moment you got back. I was going to but then you mentioned Nina and you seemed to happy."
"You're right, you should have told me! Then maybe-" He stopped himself from getting too upset. We just gazed at each other. Now, I felt guilty. As if I had just committed an immoral act.
"I'm quite tired and it's raining out. I shall have an early night. Goodnight, cousin Igor." I softly said and walked the gazebo. It was warm but harsh rain. The thunder roared once more. Suddenly, something grabbed my arm.

"Olga." Igor softly said. Without another moment, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled us together. His lips smashed against mine. It was the most intense moment of my life.
"Mm, Igor."
"Hm?" He mumbled.
"Are you sure we should do this here?" I asked and pulled away.
"Yes, it is completely fine." Igor nodded and went back to kissing me.
"But what about Nina-"
"Olga, shut up." Igor groaned and kissed me again. We embraced for what seemed like an eternity. It was a kiss that I thought only happened in books or plays. But it was happening, and it was happening to me.

When we went back inside, we were greeted by Nina Georgievna. She smiled at us and approached us.
"Hello, you two. Oh Igor, you are soaked!" Nina laughed. Igor let out a shy chuckle.
"What can I say? This one never wants to go inside."
"Dear, go get changed, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold." Nina leaned up and kissed Igor's cheek. He smiled at her and looked back at me. He softly smiled at me and then walked away. Nina took my arm and gave a deep sigh.
"Cousin Olga, I think I am in love."
"You do?" I gulped.
"Yes, has Igor said anything to you? Do you believe he might propose?"
"I...I'm not sure. Maybe. Any man would be lucky to have you, Nina."
"I hope you are right. If I marry Igor, I don't have to go back to England and I can stay here in Russia with my father. Xenia and I will be much happier away from our mother." Nina nodded. "Go get changed too. Everyone has gone into the Maple Room for cigarettes and cards."
I smiled. "Yes, of course. You have such a kind heart."
I walked away from her and upstairs with an overwhelming sense of shame.

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