The Great Ball

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Tonight, there was going to be a ball. Women would wear their hall gowns and men in their royal suits. The orchestra was ready to play and the food sat neatly on a table for people to snack on. The ballroom looked like a room from the Renaissance. It was beautifully built with porcelain floors and light pink walls. It was something straight out of a dream.

I hid off in the corner, quietly sipping my champagne and observing the fun everyone was having. Igor and Olga were dancing the night away, Tatiana was speaking with King Christian of Denmark and Queen Alexandrine about something, Dmitri was bickering with Carol, and Anastasia was off flirting with some of the other princes. I spotted Eudoxia in the room. She was standing next to Boris and speaking with King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain with King Leopold and and Queen Astrid of Belgium. I wanted to speak to her, but I did not have the courage to greet her. She seemed to distracted to even look at me. If it was not inappropriate to say, Eudoxia was the most beautiful woman in the room.

"Vladimir! Vladimir!" I heard someone shout. I looked up and saw Anastasia laughing while running over to me. She then grabbed my hand and tried to pull me. "Why are you being such a loner over here? Come dance with me!"

"No, it is alright."

"Please!" She begged.

"No," I laughed and pulled my arm back. "Dear Anastasia, you are very drunk."

"Yes, I know. You see the man over by David." Anastasia pointed. He was the man who had been at Prince Edward's side for the entire holiday. The two were inseparable.

"Yes, what about him?"

Anastasia chuckled. "He is so god damn sexy. I just want him to take me to his room and-"

"Alright, that is not something I need to know. Come on, dear Nastya. Let's get you upstairs." But it was too late. She hurled over and vomited all over the floor. I was just lucky she did not get it on my shoes. And we were also lucky to be in the back corner of the ballroom. It would be easy for a maid to clean up without causing too much of a disturbance.

"I am sorry, Vladimir." Anastasia quietly whispered. I deeply sighed before wrapping her arm around me and sneaking past everyone to get us to the hallway. It was difficult since so many people were in the way and refusing to budge. But I managed to get through without any questions asked. Once her and I made into the hallway, I picked Anastasia up bridal-style and began to make my way to the stairs.

"Prince Paley!" Someone shouted. My heart dropped. I turned around and saw Eudoxia approaching me with a concerned face. "My God, is she alright? Poor things cannot hold her liquor."

I chuckled. "Yes, I suppose not. I am going to help her to bed."

"Good. I just told a maid about her...mess." Eudoxia nodded. "Anastasia Nikolaevna should know better than to get drunk around King Carol, silly woman. Alright...make sure to come back down after putting her to bed. You owe me a dance, good sir." She winked at me before prancing away. I blushed intensely before carrying on with taking Anastasia upstairs.

We made our way to her bedroom. I plopped her on to the bed. Anastasia was half-asleep and still had a little vomit on her chin. She laid down while I sat at the end of the bed and took her shoes off.

"You are going to hate yourself tomorrow morning, I hope you know that. Do not worry though. Your brother-in-law is here to take care of you and bully you at the same time." I laughed. Anastasia's eyes were narrowly opened as she stared at me. She remained silent for a moment before exhaling.

"I miss them more than anything." Anastasia whispered. "Maria and Alexei. I would give up all of my money if it meant I could see them again for just a day."

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