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For one of the first events, we were going to go play tennis with some of the imperial officers. I know that later this week, we were going to invite some other family members for dinner and some games. Then one night, we were all going to go see an opera at the Petrograd Opera House. Papa even mentioned spending a day at Catherine Park or something like that. I know the children might like to get in the water at the lake, so perhaps that could be arranged.

"Oh, this will be great fun! I haven't played tennis in so long!" I exclaimed. We walked in a group to the tennis courts.

"I am not going to brag, but people do say I'm one of the best at tennis. I was in the Olympics of 1912." Dmitri smiled proudly.

"That was for racing on horseback, not tennis. I wouldn't speak too proudly, Dmitri. You might be surprised." Igor chuckled.

"Are you challenging me?"

"I suppose I am."

"Alright, game on."

Olga giggled. "What about Anastasia? Where is she?"

"She'll come in a moment. She said she forgot something in her room." Mama said.

"Shouldn't we wait for her then?" Maria asked.

"No, she'll be fine. Anastasia is an adult. She knows what she's doing."

I sighed. "It is still hard for me to think about. It's hard for me to believe that Anastasia is twenty-two. Goodness, it's hard for me to believe that I am twenty-six."

"Believe me, the time will just keep going by faster and faster. Before you know it, you will wake up and be fifty." Papa nodded.

Dmitri scoffed. "My God, do not remind me. I can't take it."

We finally got to the tennis courts. Several imperial officers were already there. They greeted each of us by shaking our hands or kissing them. After just a few minutes of conversation, we were ready to play tennis. Igor and Dmitri went to one net, Olga and Maria went to another, and then Papa and one of the imperial officers went to the third. The rest of us sat down on the benches for a moment started chatting. Mama had brought her knitting things with her because her arthritis was acting up today. I enjoyed catching up with some of the officers. I asked them how their wives and children have been, and they have asked me how my work and family have been as well.

"Sorry I am late, everyone!" We heard someone shout. We looked over...and I suddenly felt faint. Anastasia was walking over to us where a button down shirt...and trousers?

"Oh, my God." Mama muttered.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Dmitri groaned as Anastasia walked by.

"Trousers. I hope they don't intimidate you." Anastasia gave a cheeky smile. I had heard something about women sometimes wearing pants to play sports, but I had not thought Anastasia would take part in it. My God, I just hope Papa and Mama did not faint.

Vladimir started laughing and clapped his hands. "Now, that...that is modern feminism! Nicely done, cousin Anastasia!" Vladimir walked over to her and just gave her a handshake. I was so flabbergasted, shocked, and even embarrassed at Anastasia's behavior. That wasn't what Vladimir called "feminism", that was just being immodest. And what would other people say? They might think she is a trollop!

"Anastasia! Go back and change!" I shouted at her.

"Oh, let me have fun. I want to wear them." Anastasia rolled her eyes. "And if anyone has a problem with it, then they can take it up with Papa. And if that is not enough, then they can take it up with God."

A few of the imperial officers started laughing when she said that, and so did Vladimir. Papa and one of the imperial officers came back. Papa raised his eyebrows and his eyes went wide.

"Where are Earth did you get those trousers? They are so...big." Papa shook his head.

"Nicky! That is not what this is about! Nastya should change."

"Oh, please! Do not make me change. I am not distracting anyone and it is just us, not the other relatives."

"Well...I suppose you are just at home." Papa muttered. Mama groaned and laid her cheek in her hand. Anastasia could just smirk as she picked up one of the tennis rackets from one of the imperial officers.

"So, who wants to play me first?"

Vladimir chuckled. "I shall. I will say though, I am not the best."

"Eh, that's alright. I am not the best neither. Let's go be terrible together." Anastasia held out her arm. Vladimir chuckled and just linked arms with her as they walked over to the third tennis court. I was not really sure of the new found friendship between the two. I wouldn't want him to be a bad influence on her.

"Nicky, are you really not going to stop her?" Mama grunted.

"Oh, just let it go, Sunny. Nastya has been through a lot."

"We all have been through a lot."

"Trust me. Anastasia has been through a lot of hurt, alright? She's still trying to find herself."

Mama sighed and went back to knitting. The rest of the day was fun. Several hours of playing tennis went by. We laughed a lot and were sweating like crazy. By the end, we all went back to Alexander Palace and decided to take baths before going to dinner. The day had truly been some of the most fun I have had. Baby Irina and Little Dmitri were happy to see me and Dmitri again though.

"Mama. I missed you." Baby Irina said the soft and high-pitched voice she had. I giggled and picked her up.

"Aw, it's alright. Are you ready for dinner? Are you hungry?" I asked her. Baby Irina just nodded. Her hair was a little darker and she had deep brown-eyes like Dmitri. Little Dmitri looked just like his father too. Which, I was completely fine with. They were beautiful children and were healthy, and that's what matters.

"Come on, let's go down. Your papa and Little Dmitri are down there." I carried her out the door and down the hall. The little one was so fascinated with all of the lights around her and the walls. She was so curious by everything. I sometimes wondered went on in that little brain of hers. As we walked down the stairs and saw Dmitri in view, Baby Irina gasped and wanted out of my arms.

"Daddy!" Baby Irina cried out. She practically jumped out of my arms and went down the stairs. Once she got to the bottom, she ran all the way to Dmitri.

"Oh, my little girl." Dmitri groaned as he picked her up.

"Dima, where is Little Dmitri?" I asked.

"Oh, Maria took him. She's so fascinated with him. Mashka is fascinated with Lyokha as well."

"Of course, she is. Maria does not have any of her own. I pity her."

"Eh, not every couple is meant to have children. That's the case for Vladimir and Maria."

"Let's not say that yet. They have only been trying for  four-years. Remember, it took King Henry II of France and Catherine de Medici eleven-years to have their first child. And then after that, Catherine just kept popping out kids. So there is hope."

Dmitri shrugged. "Well, I suppose you are right. Come on, everyone's already in the dining room. And we have a long day tomorrow. Several Romanovs will be arriving bright and early."

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