× New Arrival ×

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Incheon Airport 1:30 pm

The bustling sounds of passengers leaving the terminal were nothing but background noise as a group of bodyguards stand by the VIP entrance, waiting on their VIP guests.

Four guards in total stand in a line formation, all clad in expensive black suits, drawing attention from bystanders passing by, most wondering who the VIP guest is.

One of the guards taps his ear piece, nodding to himself before leaning over to the guard on his left and whispering into his ear.

The other guard nods, relaying the secret message to the others, the four now standing upright, with one taking out a sign that said, Min Corp.

The VIP entrance opens, and out comes a petite woman. Her ebony hair is let down and swaying side to side as she walks, the clack of her expensive red bottom heels echoes around her, giving her a demanding presence.

The woman looks to be in her early thirties, but in reality, she's in her mid-fifties, her porcelain skin being smooth and untouched, not a single wrinkle present on her face.

Next to her is a tall male whose face was hidden behind a black mask and black sunglasses. He has on a baseball cap, which neatly tucked away his blonde hair, leaving a few strands to peek out from his cap.

He was also clad in black, his outfit being a black turtle neck layered under a black leather jacket, with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. The expensive Versace bag he carries highlights his wealth, making a few bystanders gawk in wonder.

They meet up with the guards, the woman looking at them with indifference while the male next to her was too busy typing on his phone, a few bars of a Korean rap song echo out from his air pods.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Min. We have been awaiting yours and the young master's return." They say, bowing to them.

Mrs. Min smiles at them, it was cold and empty. "Of course you have." She says, looking over to the taller male next to her, then back to the guards. "After all, I'm here to clean up my ex-husband's mess." She says with distaste as she and the taller male move forward, with the four guards following along to escort them to a large SUV out front.


"Prisoner 009836 is waiting for the both of you." A prison guard informs Mrs. Min as he slides his key card through the reader, automatically opening the metal door into the visitor's room.

Mrs. Min and the taller male both enter the large room, both finding Mr. Min sitting at a metal table, his hands cuffed in front of him, with two armed guards standing behind him.

"Hello, darling. You look amazing. That orange jumpsuit suits you." Mrs. Min's icy tone stabs at Mr. Min, but the old man remains stoic, not letting her words sink into him.

"You both have ten minutes." The guard announces.

"Oh, we'll only be here for five." Mrs. Min says, looking at her ex-husband with a fake smile. "You may leave."

The guards nod, all leaving the room knowing Mr. Min is cuffed to the table and won't do anything to them.

As soon as they are gone, Mrs. Min's smile drops as she leans over the table and slaps her ex-husband across the face.

The male next to her, who still hasn't taken off his hat or revealed his face, chuckles deeply at the assault.

"You killed our son." She seethes, sharp feline eyes burning her hatred onto him. "You killed Yoongi!!" Her voice raises an octave, fists curled and clenched.

Mr. Min scoffs, ignoring the stinging pain on his cheek. "Your son killed himself."

Another slap echoes inside the room, it is louder than the first.

"Mom, slapping this prick around won't do much. He's still a dick and Yoongi is still dead." The male finally speaks, his tone low and rugged, instantly sending a cold chill down Mr. Min's spine at the familiarity.

"You've grown quite big since the last time I saw you." Mr. Min says to the mysterious male.

Mrs. Min sneers at him. "Of course, because the last time you saw your other son, was when he and Yoongi were only eight."

Mr. Min glares at his ex-wife. "We'll, after the divorce, you took him away without a word. Not once have you let me have contact with him."

"And for a good reason too." Mrs. Min says, referring to the situation at hand. "Min Corp has fallen due to your incompetence. Our son is dead because of your greed." She looks to her other son with soft eyes then back to her husband with a cold glare. "I had to protect my only remaining son."

"I know no amount of apologies will bring Yoongi back." Mr. Min says, his gaze softening as he thinks about his dead son. "Min Corp is gone, but all its stocks and shares belong to you." He looks to his other son. "All of Yoongi's belongings are now yours  His house, his cars, his money. All of it is yours."

The male scoffs out a short laugh.

"I don't want my brother's shit." He says.

"But honey, your brother left millions in the bank, a nice house, and nice cars." Mrs. Min insists.

"Even a CYBER-SX Model." Mr. Min adds, hoping to catch his son's interest.

"So? Donate all that shit to charity." The male mutters, voice slightly muffled from his mask. "I work for my shit. I don't need no handouts from someone else."

Astounded is what Mr. Min is to the male's words. "You humbled him." He says, looking at his ex-wife.

"Someone had to raise one of their sons right." She says with pride.

That, Mr. Min, can agree with. His ex-wife did raise their other son to be very humble, something he wished he had done with Yoongi.

"Two minutes." The guard announces from the door.

"We're done here anyways." Mrs. Min calls out as she gets up from her seat, as does her son. "If you have anything else to say to your father, do it now." Mrs. Min gently pats her son on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Once she is gone, Mr. Min looks at his other son, feeling anxious under his presence.

"You can continue what Yoongi and I started. Bring back Min Corp to its glory."

The male snorts, slowly shaking his head.

"I'm not going down the same path you led Yoongi. Never will I make that mistake."

He slowly leans onto the table, placing his palms on the surface. Wordlessly he takes off his sunglasses, then his mask, revealing an identical mirrored image of Yoongi.

"I want you to take a good look at me because this face will be the only thing that will haunt you with guilt for the rest of your miserable fucking life."

Mr. Min gulps, his hands trembling with fear as he stares into the eyes of Yoongi's identical twin brother.

Min Agust.

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