× Briefing #2 ×

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"You are drawing unwanted attention to yourself." Yoongi scolds the android on the screen. "Your orders are to retrieve PKJM095, not destroy other CYBER-SX models." 

Taehyung blankly stares at his master. "It had come in contact with PKJ095 and was infected with the virus. I had to eliminate it before the virus spread."

Yoongi furrows his brows, wondering how did a CYBER-SX model who worked at a night club come in contact with Jimin. 

Swiftly he pulls up another screen, going onto the cctv database and searching up the footage from the night Taehyung was attacked. He sees Jimin standing outside a club, along with the tall man known as Namjoon and two others with their own CYBER-SX model. 

He sees Jimin give her his ID card, but he doesn't physically touch her. 

"It's his coding that's spreading it." he says, noticing the models eyes flash purple when scanning Jimin's card.  

"Correct. Jimin doesn't need physical touches to spread the virus. If scanned, the virus will enter the androids system." Taehyung responds. "There is another who is infected, but it has proven difficult for me to detain."

"Yes, the CYBER-SX model that defeated you. Did you get its name?" 

Taehyung nods. "KSJ092. It belongs to two owners. Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok. Both of which are friends of Kim Namjoon, the man who currently has PKJM095."

Yoongi nods, slowly coming up with alternatives now that there are more witnesses involved. "The objective stands firm. Retrieve PKJM095, and eliminate KSJ092. Make sure you leave no witnesses and don't fail me again."

"Yes master." Taehyung nods one last time before the screen blanks out. 

Taehyung blinks, finding himself standing in front of the university. He's strayed away from Jimin for a few days to recover from the attack, and also to come up with a plan to capture Jimin. 

Using force was not a good idea, so Taehyung decided to fall on a different approach, one that he is sure will get Jimin to comply with him willingly. 

And Namjoon is going to be his bait. 

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